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  1. Jinkz

    Show Off Your Tank!

    No mate, they were just there when the pic was taken. Nothing to worry about, they're well settled and roam around the tank quite freely. There's nothing in there that even remotely disturbs them. :good:
  2. Jinkz

    Video 100Ltr Planted Community Tank

    My 100ltr planted community tank that sits in the computer room. Stock is mainly Cory's with an albino BN plec in there too, as well as a female Betta and 15 Neon Blue Lights.
  3. Jinkz

    Show Off Your Tank!

    Couple of pics of my 100ltr Community Tank and some of the inhabitants. Apologies for quality...Iphone isn't the best for taking pics but reality is that I'm useless with a camera anyway :rolleyes:
  4. Jinkz

    When Push Comes To Shove...

    Too this wee video this morning from my phone. Since introducing a pair of Neolamprologus Boulengeri to the tank a month or so ago, they've made one side of the tank their home but for some weird reason the male will wander over to the other side and "hover" around the Brevis pair's corner. Now...
  5. Jinkz

    Identity Of This Synodontis Please

    Thanks for the reply and the info Moochy. Think you're right and he is Synodontis Euptera. Had a good look online and his markings are basically the same as a juvenile Euptera. He has those giraffe type markings on most of his body, tail and fins with a few wee spots in amongst the other...
  6. Jinkz

    Looking For Lfs Advice Please

    Thanks for the input mate, much appreciated.
  7. Jinkz

    Looking For Lfs Advice Please

    35 views and no replies :unsure: No-one have any knowledge of those two shops??
  8. Jinkz

    Identity Of This Synodontis Please

    Hi all. Can someone help nail the identity of this Synodontis please? Been watching him for the best part of 3 weeks and ended up bringing him home with me along with 3 of his mates (albeit smaller) He's very peaceful, bothers no-one and stays out the way until sunrise, sundown times when he...
  9. Jinkz

    240 Rescape - New Rocks

    Nice rock mate, really like the look of it in the tank. Definitely looks the part. Is it really heavy aye? I've been pondering whether to put more rock in my tank but am a bit unsure because of the added weight. Got about 40kgs in there at the moment and while there's a load of wee caves, nooks...
  10. Jinkz

    Looking For Lfs Advice Please

    I'm going to be in Stratford early March for a trade show and have left myself a couple of hours free on Friday morning before the flight home from Heathrow. Had a wee look on Google earth for LFS in the area and from what I can see the best two would be either Hobby Fish, Towcester Rd, Old...
  11. Jinkz

    240 Rescape - New Rocks

    Nice rocks, what type are they? Not being overly critical mate but I'd definitely add more rock. Maybe try and build it up a little at one side and put another smaller build in the far corner close to the shellies.
  12. Jinkz

    Can Someone Identify This (Possibly) Cory For Me?

    That makes no sense at all. Regardless, I'm quite happy to believe a trusted source at my LFS who I know for a long time already. He tells me they were wild caught, I'm happy to go along with that.
  13. Jinkz

    Can Someone Identify This (Possibly) Cory For Me?

    You're spot on in your assessment James. Had a better look this morning and I'm 99.99% sure they're nigriventris, especially after looking at this link Would have loved to have posted better pics but they don't stay still for more than a...
  14. Jinkz

    Can Someone Identify This (Possibly) Cory For Me?

    Hi all, Need a wee bit of help. Seen 3 of these in the LFS today and against all the rules and my better judgement, instantly fell in love with them and bought them on a whim. They're now in my tank and having the time of their life. Patrolling non stop, front to back, left to right, top to...
  15. Jinkz

    Tanganyikan Tank

    Stunning fish. Bet they'll dig for a while then settle down and start spawning :good:
  16. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Update's been a while. Brevis fry didn't last unfortunately :sad: Was overseas, came back and they'd disappeared so can only assume adults ate them. I've removed approx 30 Brichardi fry as they were large enough to trade in at the local pet shop and scheduled the rest to go to them...
  17. Jinkz

    Geophagus Steindachneri

    Managed to snap my pair as they both seemed quite happy with me prancing around the front of their tank with my phone, snapping away. Love the colours on the male....personally I think he's stunning. Quality of pics not great, sorry about I said, was on my phone.
  18. Jinkz

    Sun Spot Brevis

    Regardless of your tank size (assuming it's not too small) your Brevis will populate a very small corner, depending of course on how many shells you have and where you put them. For example if you put your shells in one corner, your Brevis will rearrange them a little to suit their mood but...
  19. Jinkz

    Brichardi Cichlid

    You've just basically answered your own question mate :nod: The moment you get a pair, unless you have either plenty of free tank space or a good few more Brichardis, any male seen as a potential threat will be pushed off to one side. I had one male dominate one whole side of a 300ltr tank...
  20. Jinkz

    Need To Courier A Filter Within Uk

    Cheers peeps....was actually in parcel2go's site as I found it on the web. Just waiting for the parcel size from my dear old mum and will give them a call.
  21. Jinkz

    Need To Courier A Filter Within Uk

    I'm going to be in UK next week and due to the fact Tetra recently sent me a replacement EX1200 to my mother's house in SW Scotland, I'd like to have this shipped to the Hull area where I'm going to be on business, so I can take the thing back home with me. Can anyone recommend a good and...
  22. Jinkz

    Eheim, Fluval Or Tetratec External Filter

    I contacted Tetra about something else and mentioned to them the end plug kept coming out the spraybar and if it was a known issue to them....the woman was very nice and told me she'd get back to me. Two days later my mother text me to tell me they'd sent a completely new EX1200 to her house in...
  23. Jinkz

    External Filter Tests

    Would love to oblige Cazzie but I'm only after stripping and cleaning it recently so I won't be touching it again for a while :lol:
  24. Jinkz

    My Diy Python.

    Looks fantastic and I'd be very interested if you could PM me a link to the supplier for the "waterbed filling kit" as I live in Israel and have had no joy trying to find that type of connector here.
  25. Jinkz

    Eheim, Fluval Or Tetratec External Filter

    TT EX1200 is a superb filter. Like others have said, built well, runs well, good output and very quiet. Mine is in a cupboard under the tank and you have to put your hand on it to feel it working, it's that quiet. One thing I can find fault with though was the stupid plastic plug on the end of...
  26. Jinkz

    External Filter Tests

    Oh nice one, you saved me a job mate :good:
  27. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Cheers Elise, finally found an article with mention of when they reach sexual maturity and you're right it's about 4cm. :good:
  28. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    No-one??? :look:
  29. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Anyone have any idea when Neolamprologus Brichardi fry will reach sexual maturity? I have more than a few at the moment and want to make sure I get them to the LFS before they start pairing off and dropping more fry on me :nod:
  30. Jinkz

    Replacing Filter.

    Ehiem aquaball is a great filter. Bought one a month ago for my 100ltr community tank and been really pleased with it's performance and the fact it's so quiet I have to keep checking the water surface is still moving to see if it's working or not :lol:
  31. Jinkz

    Hikari Fish Food

    Nice bit of free advertising :rolleyes: 1 sample pack per household, per year....USA residents only. Hikari make good algae discs though :good:
  32. Jinkz

    Aquarium External Filter 2000 L/h + 9W Uv

    I'm always of the opinion you can't have too much turnover of water :good:
  33. Jinkz

    Water Changing Equipment For A Larger Tank

    Maybe it's just me but I found that connecting my garden hose onto my syphon and then syphoning straight out to the garden meant I lost a lot of suction and couldn't really suck up the muck from the sand / gravel. Anyone else found this? As for refilling, I'm still on buckets but never to a...
  34. Jinkz


    My lfs has literally dozens of them, male and female. They're bred locally but I'm guessing you're in UK so coming from Israel, even if the guy was willing to ship the price would be silly. Incidentally they go for around 70p a fish here.
  35. Jinkz

    Sponge Filters....anyone With Some Handy Advice?

    Don't have the money at the moment to go out and get another external and there are very few decent second hand ones over here, so that was the reasoning behind getting sponge filters. I had planned on putting one into my 100ltr planted to keep it matured then if the worst came to the worst I...
  36. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Was a wee bit bored tonight so got the camera out...unfortunately I've not got any better with it :lol: All fry really coming on now, being fed and looked after. Brevis fry have doubled in size in a week. :good:
  37. Jinkz

    Sponge Filters....anyone With Some Handy Advice?

    Seen these and thought that it wasn't a bad deal. Surely 3 of these would be more than enough as an emergency measure....any opinions?
  38. Jinkz

    Sponge Filters....anyone With Some Handy Advice?

    I thought about running another external but it's more hassle than it's worth. Would have to start cutting holes in the cabinet to allow for tubes, cables etc and I also don't have the space in the lid for more tubing going into our out of the tank. I don't mind buying 4 or 5 sponge filters if...
  39. Jinkz

    Sponge Filters....anyone With Some Handy Advice?

    Hi all. I'm pretty sure that there are literally dozens of you on here who at some time or other have used sponge filters with an airline and air pump or powerhead. Basically I run a Tetra EX1200 on my 300ltr tang tank but am more than a little paranoid that if anything happens to the filter I...