Search results

  1. ryanp15

    7 Week Old Fry Colours

    :D they look really cute! :good:
  2. ryanp15

    Betta Tank Sizes

    ok thanks :D now its helped me to see actually what people do keep their bettas in, instead of what people think they should be kept in. :)
  3. ryanp15

    Old Aquarium Water To Water Your Garden?

    its a good idea to save water for watering plants but I have no idea about the fertiliser thing :D
  4. ryanp15

    New Tank And Dont Know How To Work It?

    i suppose you should ask the pet shop you bought it at :S or search the internet!
  5. ryanp15

    Betta Tank Sizes

    what I'm really looking for is what size tanks do other betta keepers keep their bettas in? I've read that around 2 gallon should be about smallest but i want to find out actually what anyone reading this keeps theirs in :D thanks anyway
  6. ryanp15

    I Dont Know How To Divide Th Betta Tank :)

    thanks, yeah they look good :D
  7. ryanp15

    Betta Tank Sizes

    I was wondering how most people keep their bettas, as I'm not sure how much room to give my bettas :S are most single bettas kept in about 2-3 gallons? and... are they as happy as they would be in say a 10 gallon? :D
  8. ryanp15

    My Females

    I don't know about your question, sorry :P but I think the two you recently bought are beautiful, I really like the red edges :D hope you find out what you need to know :)
  9. ryanp15

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    thanks, i think I've got an idea of what I'm doing now :)
  10. ryanp15

    I Dont Know How To Divide Th Betta Tank :)

    thanks for the help, i'll have a look at them then :D
  11. ryanp15

    I Dont Know How To Divide Th Betta Tank :)

    I've got a male and female betta which I found out need to be divided, the petshop didn't tell me this! Currently they're in a 30 litre tank (is that about 8 gallons?). I need to divide the tank but I'm not sure how. Firstly, it needs to be something that doesn't need glueing becasue the water...
  12. bettas_0045.gif


  13. ryanp15

    A Bit Of Help Didviding The Tank Please :)

    I've got a male and female betta which I found out need to be divided, the petshop didn't tell me this! Currently they're in a 30 litre tank (is that about 8 gallons?). I need to divide the tank but I'm not sure how. Firstly, it needs to be something that doesn't need glueing becasue the water...
  14. bettas_0045.gif


  15. ryanp15

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    i think I've got an idea... the tank could be split into 3 with 2 males at either end and the female in the middle. This way each betta has enough space and none can attack others. Female bettas are ok alone aren't they? There is a picture of my setup, as it is currently, on another topic i...
  16. ryanp15

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    could it be divided into 2, with one male in one bit and 3 females in the other bit? are females generally ok in communnity tanks? because she wasn't really getting fin nipped :S or I could take her back to the pet shop and get another male :S any ideas?
  17. ryanp15

    Is My Platy Preggy?

    they could just be well fed are they both definately female? to tell the difference you look at the underneath fin, if it's quite long and thin then they are male, you may have to wait to see this fin as they keep it up most of the time. If its a more triangular normal shape then they are...
  18. ryanp15

    Betta Seperating Time

    2nd attempt! haha
  19. bettas_0045.gif


  20. ryanp15

    Betta Seperating Time

    heres a picture of the tank. the floating container is just a temporary measure. hope this helps :)
  21. ryanp15

    Meet Ghost!

    aww white fish look so pure and clean they remind me of a veiltail goldfish I had once :)
  22. ryanp15

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    hi thanks for all your help :D i knew that it's only 1 male per tank but i didn't know that you can't keep females with them yes I've seperated them, I did it as soon as the male showed aggression all I need to know now is how to divide the tank, I have a 30 litre tank. Should I divide this...
  23. ryanp15

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    I've set up a tank for my bettas, but the male and female aren't getting on :( is it best to divide them or buy more females? he chases her and flares up to her, i dont know if buying more males would solve the problem, he might do it to all of them :S any advice or own experiences greatly...
  24. ryanp15

    New Vt Male

    i like him :D
  25. ryanp15


    I havn't bred bettas but i have had lots of baby platies. I take them to my local pet shop where they take them, and pay me the price they normally pay for their stock. It's important to cull any unsatisfactory fry though, as nobody would want a deformed or ugly fish, and it can also make their...
  26. ryanp15

    Betta Seperating Time

    I've decided to move the 2 betta (1 male, 1 female) from my community tank now. They'll go into a 30 litre tank, but what should I put into the tank? I was thinking a few smooth rocks to make some hiding places. I'm not sure about plants because I like real ones, which could be hassle, if the...
  27. ryanp15

    Help With New Bettas

    ok thanks for the reply, i forgot to add that if I did move them I would buy more females so that they would be less stressed. the 30 litre has baby platies in at the moment but I could easily move them :D
  28. ryanp15

    Help With New Bettas

    I bought two bettas yesterday, a male and female. I added them to my 90 litre community tank, which includes platies, black neon tetras, danios, clown loaches, a sucking loach and serpae tetras. I thought that the serpae tetras would be fine as they are in a small shoal of 6, but they have been...