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    Wanted: Trio Of Bumblebee Gobies

    Im after a trio of bumblebee gobies. will either buy them from someone of if anyone could let me know where i can get hold of some it would be much appriciated. i am in the kent area.
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    What Other Fish Are Compable With Siamese Fighter?

    ive always managed to be able to keep mine with a mixture of neon tetras, mollys, platys and guppies without any trouble. but like someone else said what has worked well for me may not suit your nephew.
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    Some People Really Shouldnt Keep Fish!

    and it doesnt just stop at fish unfortunately. you can flag the videos as animal cruelty and generally youtube will remove them
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    Problems Finding Dymax Iq3 Filter Media

    yep ive tried everywhere, ebay/amazon, ive looked all over the net but they only appear to exist on the dymax website which is based in singapore and sells nothing, only lists products. silly really selling a tank if you can obtain any of the equipment for it
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    Problems Finding Dymax Iq3 Filter Media

    im having some issues with my IQ3 over the last few days. im getting an oily residue on the top of the water, which leads me to think that the filter isn'd doing its job properly. i cant track down the filter media for this tank anywhere, and im not really sure how to make it from scratch (what...
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    Hey, I Bought A 3Ft Fish Tank Today And Ive Set It Up How Long Till I

    i'd say leave it a week, so it gets a chance to begin cycling. also ive found many a time that the water goes really cloudy in a new tank between 3 & 5 days...just gives chance for this to clear before you add your fish
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    A Few Notes About Pets At Home

    just to put my two cents worth in ( :rolleyes: ) i work for pets at home....and personally before i started working there i wouldnt have bought animals from there (based on the fact they are such a large chain store, and unfortunately dont have a great name) but since working there i have been...
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    Tetramin Sinking Tablets

    try out the hikari algae wafers.....they're fantastic! plecs love them, and the fish generally clear up whats left!
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    Otocinclus With Angelfish?

    otto's are pretty quick, ive havent yet seen problems with them and angel's, but again it all depends on the size and aggressiveness of the angel' of luck
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    Whats Peoples Views?

    definately overstocked im afraid......wont last too long with those angels in it. you'll have to find a bigger tank for them soon