Whats Peoples Views?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
hi, ive got a 21 gallon tank, and in it at the moment is 1 female common Bristlenose, 1 male Marbled Bristlenose, 1 talking catfish,2 young angelfish and i think a random cherry barb and a tetra that have lived for aaaaaages.

just wandering what people think as regards to stocking the tank?
is it full? or can i afford to get some more fish, if so, does anyone have any ideas? i like the idea of cory's but im open to people's views.
Yupp that is one overstocked tank. I can only hope you're talking un UK gallons! A pair of angels alone needs about 30 gallons.
hi in the end those fish will grow large enough to need a tank of there own for now if its overfiltered you may get away with it for a while
scot :)
ah right, yer its uk gallons. its the juwel 96, ive got the filter it came with and a fluval 3 running at the mo.
definately overstocked im afraid......wont last too long with those angels in it. you'll have to find a bigger tank for them soon
ok thanks for the advice, its suprising how little you can actually fit in a tank really, cant get much in a 21 gallon tank that costs £150 without buying the "pretty fish" haha. well ive got a job interview on tuesday so if all goes well a couple of 4ft'rs may be on the cards.

thanks for all the opinions.


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