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  1. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    Time for an update. I added 2 bolivian rams not sure on the sexes. I also switched the gravel to some nicer looking sand. Male Krib Female Krib Cory Dwarf Gourami Ram 1 Ram 2 Anyone able to sex the rams?
  2. jbeechey

    Brown Leaves?

    Hey having a few problems with plants in my tank. Wonder if anyone can give me some advice. I have a 90L community set up with a few live plants. Some kind of vallis, a java fern, ammazon sword and an anubis. The Java fern is attached to a piece of bogwood and the vallis are planted in the...
  3. jbeechey

    Mini Underwater Garden

    Nice plants, they look very healthy. Congrats!
  4. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    OK the dates might be inaccurate, I took a load of pictures throughout the time I have had the tank and only uploaded them recently. The tank was already cycled so the inaccuracy is harmless. Will try and get the new pictures with the sand tonight.
  5. jbeechey

    My New Kribs

    Just a couple of pics of my new Kribs, been in the tank for about a week now. They seemed to have settled in fine, the male loves the cave. They haven't really shown much interest in each other yet, other than the male chasing her round a little bit. Female Male in the cave Another of the...
  6. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    Well not quite sure how I took the last picture today (21st) even though this thread was started 2 days ago (19th) .... 15.11.2009 is over 3 months ago and as already stated I had access to mature filter medium. How did you get those dates? Do yourself a favour and read the thread 1st?
  7. jbeechey


    Keep us updated! I am hoping my pair will get to this stage soon :)
  8. jbeechey

    Mts Free But Cover Postage Costs

    1st class post is fine for me. Cheers.
  9. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    Thanks for the heads up about the shark. My tank is understocked (I think) for the moment although I am considering a bigger species of tetra or 2 more dwarf cichlids of some kind. I changed the gravel to sand last night, its slightly bigger grain than play sand, will get some pics up tonight...
  10. jbeechey

    Mts Free But Cover Postage Costs

    I am interested in about 10. Pm me final price and paypal when you get the chance.
  11. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    Cheers Sorry tom, the mature media came with the tank. Coconut cave is from Sainsburys :P
  12. jbeechey

    Mts ( Snails)

    Sorry if I am being stupid but are mountain trumpet snails the same as malaysian trumpet snails? Can't find anything on mountain snails.
  13. jbeechey

    Overcrowding Help!

    Aq advisor ( will be able to give you a broad outline on stocking but don't trust it completely. I'm sure someone will be able to give you a more definitive answer soon.
  14. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    Hello all, Thought it was about time I posted my tank. This site has been a great source of info for me and I am sure I still have a long way to go. The tank was set-up 3 months ago using mature filter media. Specs: Tank- 90litre clear-seal. 36" x 12" x 15". Lighting- 1xT8 20w Tube...
  15. jbeechey

    Any Fish Keepers In South Of England?

    Surrey some of the time and Plymouth the rest of the time. Depends if I'm at uni or not.
  16. jbeechey

    Aggressive Black Red Tail Shark Annoying The Community !

    As with most animals it can largely depend on the temperament of the fish. I have a RTS and he is the most placid fish in my tank. He just minds his own business and digs around the whole of the tank. I am aware of their territorial tendencies though and am prepared to re home him if needs be.
  17. jbeechey

    Hi From Cape Town, South Africa

    Nice looking tank :) Good luck with the betta I have heard mixed things about them in community tanks.
  18. jbeechey

    Bogwood With 3 Java Ferns And Java Moss Attached

    Any chance it could be posted? Will pay postage ofc!
  19. jbeechey


    Hello decided to sign up today after few weeks of reading topics here which helped with the set up of my 1st tank! Which I am fairly please with. At the moment it is stocked with: 5 Zebra Danios 10 Neon Tetras 1 Red Tailed Shark 1 Chinese Algae Eater 2 Blue/3 spot gouramies (which I am...
  20. jbeechey

    is new to all this :O

    is new to all this :O
  21. jbeechey

    Very Nice Blue/3 Spot Gouramis Need A New Home!

    I have 2 blue/3 spot gouramis who are in need of a new home as they are too large for my tank, they are bulling some of the smaller fish which I believe is because the gouramies do not have enough room to establish territories. Livestock: 2 blue/3 spot gouramis - fairly sure one is female and...