Aggressive Black Red Tail Shark Annoying The Community !


New Member
Oct 28, 2009
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Hello all,

I have had a tank set up for about 3 months now and after making ALL the n00bie mistakes, the water levels are fine and tested regularly with an API kit.
I started by hugely overstocking the tank and through natural (ahem) selction now have the following:

1 x 3 spot gourami
2 x honey gourami
4 x Guppies
2 x dalmatian mollies
1 silver shark
1 black red tail shark
1 Mickey mouse
6 neon tetras

I have a 64l tank with a fluval filter and as I said, the water levels are just dandy.

The black red tail shark had a mate until a couple of weeks ago until he went white and went to the great aquarium in the sky. Since his demise the remaining red tail has become like the Mike Tyson of the fish world, chasing practically all the time. I have just changed the layout of the rocks and plants and he seems to have calmed down. Will it be wise to get him another mate (I know it is not recommended to have 2 but they were just fine together) or should I find him a new home?

I am aware that I am probably still overstocked etc etc. (I know, I know I don't need beating up!!)

Any thoughts please wise forum?

Much appreciated.
Yes you are over stocked. No, you should not get another shark as a pal for the one you already have. Rather, both sharks should be rehomed. Too aggressive for your community tank and too big for the size of your tank.
red tailed black sharks are very territorial fish, and as you obviously know, that tank is more than just a little small for those fish. take out the red tailed shark and the silver shark (which will grow the same size as your tank!)
and that will be a good start. red tailed sharks are not very sociable fish and therefore do not normally get on well with each other so the death of one was almost certain sooner or later, it will harass your other fish, probably resulting in more deaths, be it by injury or just exhaustion.
either take the advice or don't but if you don't you are in my opinion committing the offense commonly known as animal cruelty.
take the red tailed shark and silver sharka and the 3 spot gourami i think will get too big for your tank too.

red tailed black sharks are very territorial fish, and as you obviously know, that tank is more than just a little small for those fish. take out the red tailed shark and the silver shark (which will grow the same size as your tank!)
and that will be a good start. red tailed sharks are not very sociable fish and therefore do not normally get on well with each other so the death of one was almost certain sooner or later, it will harass your other fish, probably resulting in more deaths, be it by injury or just exhaustion.
either take the advice or don't but if you don't you are in my opinion committing the offense commonly known as animal cruelty.
take the red tailed shark and silver sharka and the 3 spot gourami i think will get too big for your tank too.

have to agree with dave here, if you know your over stocked then why want to add more.... :crazy: even with the 3 larger fish removed you still have 15 fish in a relatively small tank, picture them at full adult size swimming about and not the size they are now. the sharks need to go, beautifull fish but not in this tank :good:
Agree with what has already been said.

Both sharks need to be rehomed for different reasons. The silver shark (bala shark) grow to 12-14" and require a minimum of 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank, the red tailed shark although only reaching around 5-6" need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons.

RTBS are very territiorial as mentioned and they claim large areas of the tank as their own 'territory' and will attack and harrass any fish that come anywhere near their territory. To minimise this aggression they need to be kept in tanks of 55+ gallon, this enable the shark to claim a decent amount of territory without overtaking the whole tank. This is a common mistake with this fish and you are seeing what happens when they are kept in tanks that are inadequate.

Sell/give away everything but your guppies, tetras and mickey mouse and your tank will be just about levelled out!

Research is everything!

I wrote a big lecture, then thought 'stuff it I'll let them off'

I really fail to see how your water levels are 'just dandy' though with all of that in the tank! What are you using to test the water? Test strips or liquid tests?
You have the same stocking level as me - 18 fish, and I consider myself fully stocked with a 180 litre tank.
I also had a RTB shark, ignoring all the advice on this forum.
I had to rehome him after 3 weeks - he started chasing my male Barb relentlessly, and would have killed it
from stress if allowed to continue.
As with most animals it can largely depend on the temperament of the fish. I have a RTS and he is the most placid fish in my tank. He just minds his own business and digs around the whole of the tank. I am aware of their territorial tendencies though and am prepared to re home him if needs be.
never knew you can keep mickey mouse in a fish tank! :lol:

so for the americans you have 17 gallons, take out everything except the guppies, 1 honey gorami, and add a molly to the current 2, then add six of any cory you like and your set! youll even have space for a few baby mollies or guppies (owever if the tank ist planted they wont last long)

please take the advice here, its better for you and the fish.

i knew it was a platy!

its a joke cuz he didnt put platy at the end!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
As with most animals it can largely depend on the temperament of the fish. I have a RTS and he is the most placid fish in my tank. He just minds his own business and digs around the whole of the tank. I am aware of their territorial tendencies though and am prepared to re home him if needs be.

Is yours a red tailed black shark or a red finned black rainbow shark? Easiest way to tell, is its fins and tail red? Or just the tail?


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