My 1St Aquarium - 90L


Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Plymouth, UK
Hello all,

Thought it was about time I posted my tank. This site has been a great source of info for me and I am sure I still have a long way to go. The tank was set-up 3 months ago using mature filter media.


Tank- 90litre clear-seal. 36" x 12" x 15".

Lighting- 1xT8 20w Tube.

Filtration-Fluvial 2 plus

Heating- 100w something.

Decor- Bogwood, pebbles, Vallis (someone may be able to identify further), Java fern on Bogwood and some Java Moss.

Substrate- gravel and finer gravel at one end.

Stock - 3 Dwarf Grourami (1m/2f)
2 Kribensis - Pelvicachromis pulcher (1m/1f)
10 Neon Tetra
1 Red Tailed Shark
4 Peppered Corys - Corydoras paleatus

Pics -

Day 1 -

Day 2 -

After 2 months -


Female Krib -

Male Krib hiding -

Male Dwarf Gourami -

Let me know what you think...

looks good mate im new aswell i wish a shark fitted in my tank :p
and out of interest where did you get the mature media i could do with some to boost my cycle

Sorry tom, the mature media came with the tank.

Coconut cave is from Sainsburys :p
Lookin good bro is still havnt posted my tank but when i get a new one i will :D u will see it anyway tho xD
looks good, but i'd stick a few more plants in there cos the RTBS may get to be a problem when he gets a bit bigger.
Looks nice! Great stock =)

Gotta say though - that tank really isn't big enough for a red tailed black shark. They're big fish when adult and can be very terriatorial.

He'll be fine for now as long as you plan to upgrade to a 180-200 litre tank in the near future. If you don't, he'll need a new home. He could cope in smaller tank (36 inches long minimum if he maxes at 6 inches) as long as it is massively understocked. Whatever tank he ends up in, he'll need at least 6 x his body length as the length of the tank, ideally longer. He could hit 8 inches or more so watch out.
Thanks for the heads up about the shark. My tank is understocked (I think) for the moment although I am considering a bigger species of tetra or 2 more dwarf cichlids of some kind.

I changed the gravel to sand last night, its slightly bigger grain than play sand, will get some pics up tonight.

Any recommendations on easy to grow plants?
Looks like a nice tank, but why the BS with the dates?

Pic - 1 freshly filled tank (can see buy the level bubbles) pic taken: 15/11/2009
pic - 2 taken: 17/11/2009 (thats 2 days later, not 14 days . . .)
pic - 3 taken: 21/01/2010 (not 90 days)

Smells fish (excuse the pun) to me. Uncycled tank maybe . . .

If so, do yourself a favor and do big daily water changes for a while.
if ya want easy grow plants go for Cripts, Java fearn, mosses, anubias.
Looks like a nice tank, but why the BS with the dates?

Pic - 1 freshly filled tank (can see buy the level bubbles) pic taken: 15/11/2009
pic - 2 taken: 17/11/2009 (thats 2 days later, not 14 days . . .)
pic - 3 taken: 21/01/2010 (not 90 days)

Smells fish (excuse the pun) to me. Uncycled tank maybe . . .

If so, do yourself a favor and do big daily water changes for a while.

Well not quite sure how I took the last picture today (21st) even though this thread was started 2 days ago (19th) ....

15.11.2009 is over 3 months ago and as already stated I had access to mature filter medium.

How did you get those dates?

Do yourself a favour and read the thread 1st?
Looks like a nice tank, but why the BS with the dates?

Pic - 1 freshly filled tank (can see buy the level bubbles) pic taken: 15/11/2009
pic - 2 taken: 17/11/2009 (thats 2 days later, not 14 days . . .)
pic - 3 taken: 21/01/2010 (not 90 days)

Smells fish (excuse the pun) to me. Uncycled tank maybe . . .

If so, do yourself a favor and do big daily water changes for a while.

Well not quite sure how I took the last picture today (21st) even though this thread was started 2 days ago (19th) ....

15.11.2009 is over 3 months ago and as already stated I had access to mature filter medium.

How did you get those dates?

Do yourself a favour and read the thread 1st?

Yes, the 3rd pic was taken 18th jan, not 21st.
But pic 2 was taken 2 days after pic 1.
Do your math!!! 15.11.2009 is just over 2 months. (not over 3 months)

(pssst... pictures have exif data attached)
OK the dates might be inaccurate, I took a load of pictures throughout the time I have had the tank and only uploaded them recently. The tank was already cycled so the inaccuracy is harmless.

Will try and get the new pictures with the sand tonight.

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