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  1. L

    training bettas to do tricks - pavlov style

    That's really cute, I love Betta's they are so much fun :wub: :rolleyes:
  2. L

    Help with testing water

    Ok I've just read the article about "New tank syndrome" which has helped a little :blink:
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    Help with testing water

    Hello I really need some help !!!!! I've been reading up and have got myself all confused about testing my aquarium water. I haven't yet tested my aquarium water because I don't under stand how you do it, or what the results will mean. What am I testing for ? and can anyone explain what harm...
  4. L

    training bettas to do tricks - pavlov style

    :D give him time and I'm sure you'll succeed but what if were to jump to high / far and land on the floor (that might not be so good). My Betta will come to the surface for food when I click my fingers. It also follows the nozzle of the hoover around when I vacuum the dust from around the...
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    my betta eats boogers

    :rofl: How on earth did you discover that he likes them ?
  6. L

    swordtail babies

    Hello ! My boyfriend had this dilema with his and he was advised to separate from parents and raise alone for about 2-3 weeks, before trying to reintroduce to the community. This worked well for him. Hope this helps Lindsay
  7. L

    Hello :)

    My Betta gets on really well with my Platties, unfortunatly my danio died yesterday (he was quite old). The only thing I've noticed is that he follows them around a bit (just nosey I think) :)
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    Hello :)

    Hello I'm new to all things fishy, I live in Worcester (UK) !! I have a Boyu tank containing 4 neons, 2 Plattys, 1 danio (I rescued him that's why he's on his own), 1 siamese fighting fish and 1 clown loach. I love fish but am probably going to need a lot of help off you experts !! Thanks Linds...
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    Hi i'm New

    I'm new too !! :thumbs: I've kept tropical fish for about a year but still consider myself to be a beginner Linds