Help with testing water


New Member
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Worcester, England

I really need some help !!!!! I've been reading up and have got myself all confused about testing my aquarium water.

I haven't yet tested my aquarium water because I don't under stand how you do it, or what the results will mean. What am I testing for ? and can anyone explain what harm my fish will come to if levels of ammonia and nitrate are too high / low

I am well and truelly confused :blink:

ok, brief overview:

1, fish waste makes ammonia

2, bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite

3, other bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate

thats the nitrogen cycle, once its completed ammonia and nitrite should always read 0, nitrate will build up as there is now bacteria 2 remove it, thats why water changes are a good idea, how long has your tank been running and what fish are in it? So testing water is a good idea especially when cycling, you should get readings for ammonia then they should reach 0, followed by nitrite, (probably both together) once your readings for these 2 both reach 0 then you have cracked it and your tank has cycled, do you know how 2 waterchange and clean your filter? if not just ask and i'd be happy to help (by the way i might look like a newbie myself but i'm only new to this forum)

Hi Lindsay,

In addition to the beginner threads here, I also highly recommend you read this excellent FAQ on cycling.

It is very, very important that you understand what the nitrogen cycle is, how it works, and how it gets established in your new aquarium. Not understanding the nitrogen cycle is overwhelmingly the cause of most beginning fishkeepers' mistakes (and loss of fish life).

Also, search the web for other resources on cycling a new tank. We could explain it, but there are many, many helpful FAQ's on the web that already explain it in great detail. We'll be happy to help with any questions you might still have.

Does that help?

Thank you both for all your help :thumbs: , I have got my kit and will test first thing tomorrow !!

That link was a great help !! It's all very overwhelming when you start and don't know what you're looking for. My tank hasn't been running long and my fish seem happy .. now I just have to make sure they stay healthy ! thanks again guys !

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