Search results

  1. S

    Mini-cycle: will biospira help?

    Thanks for your reply fishwatcher. Did you use one pack per 30 gallons or did you use less? I have several tanks (the largest in 75 gallons) so I am wondering if half-doses would work...
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    Mini-cycle: will biospira help?

    I'm heading off to vacation tomorrow but I had an unexpected problem this week with my tanks: my power went out for a day, and some of them are experiencing a mini-cycle (nitrite spikes). My local LFS carries bio-spira, and I am wondering if adding some might help halt the mini-cycle and...
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    One eyed fish??????

    I have a yoyo loach with one eye, who seems to be doing fine. My red tailed botia was probably responsible.
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    Going on vacation...

    Thanks bloozoo2 for the links... I did a search and read all the threads I could find on vacations before posting this one. My question is very specific though (and my vacation is very long!). Boxman: do you really think going down to one feeding every other day for an entire month would be ok?
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    Going on vacation...

    I am leaving town for a little less than a month, and I have a houseitter coming in who does not know much about fish. I am worried about her overfeeding the fish and I am worried about the lack of water changes (I usually do water changes every other week). I plan to ration out how much food...
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    Skunk Loaches?

    I'm curious if those with experience with skunks believe their nastiness comes out as they age. I have a few of these guys and they've never proved troublesome, but they are not full grown and are in a tank with several species that can take care of themselves--a pleco, some fairly large...
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    Ever had a fish so seriously ill

    I had an elephant nose that jumped from his tank the night I brought him home from the fish store. I found him on the floor, seemingly dead, and was about to take him to the trash when something possessed me to put him in a bowl of tank water. He revived and lives to tell the tale today--the...
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    Stocking question

    Is it safe to keep these three fish together? 1 synodntis erupterus 1 synodontis anegelicus 9 chain loaches I am concerned for the chain loaches, which are small (1-1.5 inches). Will the syodontis prey on them? Thanks.
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    ProClear Aquatics Wet Dry Filter/Sump

    I'm thinking of buying one of these off a guy on ebay for my new 75 gallon. Does anyone have any experience with it?
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    Iron stand question

    Ok thanks guys. I think I'll just let it go, since it's been working fine. Makes no sense ot me, but hey I'm no engineer. Thanks.
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    Iron stand question

    I recently picked up a 75 gallon oceanic tank and an iron stand at a garage sale. The owner had it set up as-is until recently, with no problems, but there is an aspect of the iron stand that bothers me: the plane on which the actual tank sits is open. The tank simply sits on the four bars of...
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    Substrate question

    I think you're right. I was too cheap to even think about flourite, but now that you mention it, it probably is the best alternative. Thanks!
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    Substrate question

    I have been keeping some tiger loaches in a planted tank with a substrate that consists primarily of sand, with some laterite on the bottom layer. The loaches love the sand and dig in it a lot, but the problem is they sometimes bring up the laterite, which is not so great for the water column...
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    Worst Fish

    I've never had trouble keeping tiger barbs, but tiger LOACHES; they are homicidal maniacs. I keep mine in a species only tank but there is one who rules the roost and has killed two of his own kind. When I experimented with removing him and keeping him in isolation, one of the others emerged...
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    Skinny Clown Loach

    Generally most discussions of skinny disease (also called "wasting disease") suggest that it is contagious. Some folks believe it is an internal parasite; other disagree with that... I think there is a lot of disagreement on it. You can google "the skinny on skinny disease" for some photos of...
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    Queen of siam gobies?

    My LFS has some fish in they call "queen of siam gobies" (and they appear to be freshwater-tolerant gobies as they have them in a freshwater tank and are a very good lfs). Has anybody had any experience with these? I see them in fishbase but absolutely nowhere else.
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    Corydoras Catfish

    I have one lone little freckle on my forearm. When I've got my hand in the tank pruning plants, every fish in the tank thinks that freckle is a snack...
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    I notice my ADFs are not too quick to notice food in the tank. Every other day, I feed my fish first (keeping them busy), then I target the ADFs by taking an eyedropper full of frozen (but thawed of course) bloodworm or brine shrimp and releasing it right in front of them. They usually get the...
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    New Polkadot Loach's

    I got five of these polkadot loaches (botia angelicus) and they were very shy for a long time... over a month. But in time they came out and in fact they are pretty outgoing now. I have them in a 29g with a rather large red-finned loach (botia modesta) who has never been willing to put up with...
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    Pool filter sand - Silica Sand

    I use silica pool sand in about half my tanks. The bottom dwellers love it!
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    Your Worst Fish Story.

    I had a beautiful, delicate little horsefaced loach who jumped out the bag as I was switching him over to the bowl in the sink and yep: he went right down the drain. Much running and shouting ensued ("Get me some water! No--TANK WATER!... Where are the pliers? ... How do you get this thing...
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    Florida Flag Fish

    I recently bought six (2 males, 4 females) and they are in a tank with some loaches, tiger barbs, and a lone gourami (though before that they were also in with some rainbowfish and some danios). I have seen no aggression. I got them to eat up my hair algae and because I also liked the looks of...
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    Battery operated gravel vac?

    I did a search but I guess I didn't hit the right terms. Thanks smithrc.
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    Battery operated gravel vac?

    Has anyone ever used a battery operated gravel vac? I am thinking it might be easier to collect uneaten food each day after feeding time with something like this... rather than dragging out the bucket and and whatnot. Any experiences with such products...
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    How do you disinfect nets?

    How do you disinfect nets after you've used them to, say, remove a dead fish? I have been sticking mine in boiling water but I wondered if there was any kind of disinfectant type product made especially for this kind of thing.... Thanks.
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    Has anyone ever ordered from I found them first on ebay, where they have a link to their webfront store, and they have some awfully good deals on power compacts.... Anyone ever use them? Thanks.
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    Deluxe kit or separate?

    Tetra actually makes a similar kit but with much higher grade products. My local meijer (a midwestern walmart, i guess) sells these for $99 (and sometimes they go on sale for $79!--which is how I got my two). All the stuff in these are tetra branded--including a whisper filter and a whisper...
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    need help with lights

    Sorry... I just saw your other thread and see that you need power compacts... Nix my suggestion. It was for regular flourescent bulbs! Sorry...
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    need help with lights

    My local Lowes (a midwestern version of home depot, i believe) carries "aquarium" grade plant lights (6700 or 6500K) made by GE. They are *much* cheaper than what you pay for a similar bulb in a fish store... I would ebay the 50/50s and pick up a set of these GEs at a hardware store. For your...
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    What would you buy with $100?

    I'd spend $23 of it on an aquaclear 300 power filter rated for up to 70 gallons (or 35 on a 500) and then I'd spend the rest on fish!
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    ADF's in with others?

    I have two dwarf frogs in with some platies and some loaches. They don't bother each other at all. In fact, every now and then, the two frogs get into a fight over some food and one of the loaches appears out of nowhere and breaks it up. I do know however that many keepers of ADFs believe...
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    Java Fern is sprouting brown stuff

    Please see pic for an example of the spiky/spiraly/brown growth I have on the underside of my java fern leaves. Is this algae or spores for propagation?
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    Weird brown junk in long gelatinous sacs

    I'm not sure if this is an emergency or not.. but in doing some routine tank maintenance, I found these weird things hanging off a couple of plants and from the surface of the water. They appear to be tank detritus (brown gunk) encased in in long gelatinous-like sacs (a couple of inches long...
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  36. S

    How do you figure out how much gravel to buy?

    There are some nifty substrate calculators on the web that help you figure this out for sand, gravel, flourite, etc. They let you add a lot of variables--depth, size of tank, gallons, and so on. Just google "substrate calculator" and see what you find.
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    Large Rocks

    I did a search through all forums on this but didn't really come up with anything, so here goes. My question is, where do people purchase large rocks (something for a 75G+)? I have looked in all my local stores that have garden centers (home depot, menards, lowes, even walmart, etc) and while...
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    Lighting Choice

    I have an aqualight and like it a lot. You have to buy the mounting legs separately though (unlike the JBL).
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    Whats on Your Desktop

    Maybe some day when I win the lottery... I'll own a tank this big.
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