Lighting Choice


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
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OK, I've got a new 75 USgal (4') tank to start setting up. It's going to be heavily planted, lights are going over a glass "versa-top".

I've got my lighting narrowed down to a couple of choices, links are posted below, if you know anything about these lights please tell me.

The Coralife:

The JBJ Formosa Deluxe:

I don't think the link goes straight to the JBJ, it's similar to the Coralife, but has three fans and is $209.

I planned on investing a little bit in lights, but if there is an easy DIY option where I can save a few bucks and still get all my watts I'd like to know. Regarding the compact flourescents I'm seeing the greatest cost in the electronic ballast. Thanks.
Hi..when I was looking at lights, I thought the Coralife was a good deal. SH
I'd go with the fans as 4 65 watt PCs will produce massive heat, i have only one on my 20 gallon and it is really warm.
I would suggest the coralife. That's what I have on my heavily planted 75 gallon. That's a good price too, about $24 less than I paid at
Is the coralife one the one that comes with the reflector and the 4 bulbs? It has fans built into the ballast box thingy right? That's the one I was looking at today. I'm deciding if I really need to do that. Its a tough choice.

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