One eyed fish??????


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2005
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I was studying a huge group of neon tetras in the store today. Masses of em really, and EVENTUALLY I spotted one or two that were a bit 'different'... and after much squinting and getting a bit dizzy, I realised they were one eyed fish!

One of them was very well and looked like all the others (which seemed a healthy shoal- could these eyeless ones indicate other wise?) bar his one eyed status. The other as well as being one eyed was a bit pitiful, slightly skinny looking, and small compared to the others- but if you looked close he seemed very like them.

I would not fancy the prospects of the latter- is there a runt in most shoals, or a bottom of pecking order fish??- but the first one eyed fish seemed fine...

I was just wondering....

What could have removed the missing eyes?!!

What chances does a one eyed fish have of survival, similar to a 'complete' fish provided everythings in order otherwise, or not?

Does anyone have a one eyed fish, how long have you had it, do you know how it lost the eye etc...
I used to have an ember tetra that only had 1 eye. She lost her eye after she got pop-eye to the state that well, it kind of fell out =/ She however, managed to keep up with all the other fish in the tank very well, and you seriously couldn't notice she was different.

I'd say, if the wound looks healed, chances of the fish being any less strong than your average fish in the batch, is very slim.
Some fish which are very inbred can be born with major birth defects like a missing eye although on the whole are still pretty rare, there is a desease though called pop eye which literally makes the fish's eyes pop out of their sockets and if left untreated, the eye can pop out altogether leaving the fish with no eye/s.
Most fish with a missing eye live quite happily, there are even a few people on this forum who own completely blind fish and do fine, although if the fish is looking very skinny and lethargic and not shoaling properly then i'd leave it as it most likely has a desease of some sort.
I have a dwarf cory with one eye. I don't know how it lost the eye but the Rams are a chief suspect.
It has only had one eye for a couple of weeks now and seems fine, it feeds and swims with the other corys.
I am moving them soon to a smaller tank away from the Rams though.
we have a few blind cories at work as we found out red tailed blue botia suck the eyes of them the hard way.

all the eyeless or 1 eyed cories went in the display tank and are doing fine.
I have a one eyed Crenecichla sveni pike Cichlid which lost its eye when a siamese tiger fish it had relentlessly harrassed fianlly lost its temper and opened a can of whoop ass on it. The pike sulked for a few days and had a bit of trouble adjusting to its new one eyed life, missing food on the strike etc, but is now back to its same mean old ways and continuing life as it did when it had two eyes.
ive got a danio with one eye, lost the other due to an eye fungus, its doing fine now.
I have a rummy nosed tetra with no eyes, the lfs gave him to me. Apparantly there were a lot of tetra in that shipment with no eyes. Other than being much darker than my other rummynose, he is happy, and healthy. He knows when food has been dropped in the tank, and he scours the bottom until he finds some. He is getting quite good at it. He explores the tank slowly, and adjusted quite well to its contents being moved around. I love him very much, he is probably one of my favourite fish.
I have a cory with just one eye too. I found him in a chain lfs, in a tank of cichlids. His fins were torn up too, and I only paid $1 for him.

He gets along fine with the other corys and because corys use their barbels to find food, he has no problems at all. I've had him over a year now and he's long been fully recovered except, of course, for the missing eye.
I did wonder if something might have nipped off their eyes... :sick:

So that DOES happen? Ugh!
There's a lovely fancy goldfish in my lfs, with no eyes whatsoever :( I asked the shop and apparently it was brought in by a lady because the other goldfish in her tank picked on him – and picked his eyes right out :X
But it ate fine and got on fine with the other smaller goldfish in the tank (in the shop). I was very tempted but as I have no goldfish tank, it would have been a dumb idea.....
I'm just hoping someone else will give it a good home.

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