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    Upside Down Catfish

    lol better in groups then?
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    Upside Down Catfish

    please somebody!?
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    Upside Down Catfish

    Hey, i went to my LFS yesturday and they had a tank of upside down catfish each about an inch long. I really like the look of them and hoping to introduce one into one of my 50's. Just need to know, are they agressive? do well in a community? better in groups or own? adult size? thanks...
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    What was the fish

    My fascination with fish started when i moved to England. I am English and i lived here for 3 years but in 1999 at the age of 11 we moved to Jordan, Middle East . In 2002 we moved back to England and bought a house which happened to have a brilliant pond/ stream set-up, the previous owners had...
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    Skl project, jst fill in a few q's please :)

    Thanks everyone. All this stuff is soo valuable. To people who havent filled it in yet pleeease :) lol.
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    Thanks everyone, this poll is going really well so keep it up everyone who hasnt voted, vote now!
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    Skl project, jst fill in a few q's please :)

    ( I might aswell fill in the questionaire ;) it gives me an extra response! lol) 1. My favourite tropical fish is the elephantnose fish. 2. I would be willing to pay 30 most for one fish. 3. I would be willing to pay (on my student budget) 350 for a set-up. 4. I would be most likely to get a...
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    Skl project, jst fill in a few q's please :)

    Hey all, I am doing a school project in which i need to gain some data which i can store and interpret. There are 5/6 questions i need to ask and i decided against 6 different poles and i will stick to one discussion. Here goes, if everybody could answer all the questions honestly it would be...
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    cool, thanks everyone keep it goin
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    lol, everyone acknowledges the beauty that can be found in marine fish but as not everyone can get a setup most people tend to have favourites in tropical fish, and as this is for a project tropical is jst fine. thanks everyone keep it goin!
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    Beginner to reptiles n have empty 36 x 18 x 12 viv

    yeah, il hav to get on about the crickets and see if i can do some persuading, if not i might have to wait!
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    keep it going, its a good cause! (read my newest post!)
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    School project, please help!

    I'm doing a school project and decided to evolve it around tropical fish keeping. I obviously keep fish but for the project i need 2 ask many people many questions, thats why i wanted so many people to reply. I also have a problem though, i need stats as in a certain percentage say this and...
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    lol keep it coming people this is getting better!
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    Beginner to reptiles n have empty 36 x 18 x 12 viv

    lol 30 was a very good guess, and whilst a 30 could hold a tortoise for potentially 5 years thats not what im looking for. thanks for the effort though its well appreciated. i know leopard geckos could fit in a viv that size but its the live foods gettin past my parents. i could always try a...
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    oops, tropical then, sorry navarre i really dont know very much about individual marines species, the betta is leading!
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    go on fish buddy!
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    cool, ive jst bought a pair of brislenose plecs that have supposedly already bred so with a bit of luck :D
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    go on lilfishie..!
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    Keep it going, there are more votes now so its getin better. Whats the harm! Jst a bit of fun so keep it goin n thanx.
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    Didnt see the previous post, soz, but still u had to discuss in that one, here i just want a straight forward answer, which fish is it! I know u already voted so thanks! Itd be good if every fish there got a vote.
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    If you're guna spend the time clicking on the topic you might aswell vote! Please and if ur fave aint there! Let me know! What harm does 2 mins do? :)
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    Got a bit bored but would be cool if loadsa people took part... Hope i named ya fave fish if not then let me know..
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    Beginner to reptiles n have empty 36 x 18 x 12 viv

    Hey everybody, I have many aquariums but i would really like a lizard as i have an empty 36 x 18 x 12 inch aquarium that i want to convert into a vivarium. Now whilst i understand that normally a viv this size would allow for a fair few options the only way i have managed to get the idea past...
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    Which do you prefer?

    the Cardinal wins!
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    Which do you prefer?

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    Which do you prefer?

    lol im regretting that decision now...
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    Which do you prefer?

    come on people its no use jst reading the post, it take no time at all to answer! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse
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    Which do you prefer?

    lol its stictly cardinal or neon! now if id hav included oscar then we know where all the votes wud go! im jst curious to know which of these two fish is the most popular!
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    Which do you prefer?

    Two of the most popular fish in tropical fishkeeping? I guess you all must have a fave between the two and whilst this poll is pretty meaningless id be grateful if you all answered! So which is it, Cardinal or Neon. Mines the Cardinal!
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    Empty 36x 12x 18 aquarium.

    it would look good with black gravel! all suggestions are great its just so much fun picking out what to get!
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    Empty 36x 12x 18 aquarium.

    Thanks, the next time i go to my lfs will be saturday and theyve told me they can order me in pretty much anything. They have a lake malawi tank which looks cool i was just wondering what sorta schemes i could have, as in ideas for a fully stocked compatable fish tank? Or i could have...
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    Empty 36x 12x 18 aquarium.

    Hey, Whilst i have a few aquariums and have recently acquired a new 36x12x18 inch aquarium. It is fully cycled with everything as it should be and so i was wondering what do you all think i should stock it with? I dont mind having fish i already own in it but i was just wondering if y'all out...
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    just imagine what you could do with this....

    I'd have 6 clown loach with 6 discus and 8 african butterfly fish, with bogwood and plants. beautiful!
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    What to breed?

    Lol how do i pm u?
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    What to breed?

    Thanks, the plec idea sounds interesting but it would take a while for them to be at the selling onto the LFS stage and for a beginner to breeding probably quite hard! I guess live bearers are guaranteed to breed lol just the profit would be less than perhaps other fish! Thanks everyone!
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    Fry killers

    Unfortunately so! And how big is that tank with all those fish in?