Beginner to reptiles n have empty 36 x 18 x 12 viv


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey everybody,

I have many aquariums but i would really like a lizard as i have an empty 36 x 18 x 12 inch aquarium that i want to convert into a vivarium.

Now whilst i understand that normally a viv this size would allow for a fair few options the only way i have managed to get the idea past my parents is that they lizard i get will be herbivorous, hence no insects.

I would prefer it so that i do not have to upgrade the viv size in adulthood so i would like suggestions for a herbivorous lizard that can live in a 36 x 18 x 12 inch viv when adult.

Dman99 :)
I'd guess about 30? I'm no good at that. Hmm... No insects... I can't think of any, I'd say a tortoise but I'd imagine the tank would be too small...?
lol 30 was a very good guess, and whilst a 30 could hold a tortoise for potentially 5 years thats not what im looking for. thanks for the effort though its well appreciated. i know leopard geckos could fit in a viv that size but its the live foods gettin past my parents. i could always try a snake as they eat pinkies/ fluffs etc but hmmm! its hard when ur still a student!

keep the suggestions going, i know about uromastyx but i would need a larger viv n that would defeat the object of findin a use for that empty tank in the corner lol
yeah, il hav to get on about the crickets and see if i can do some persuading, if not i might have to wait!

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