Skl project, jst fill in a few q's please :)

What is your favourite tropical fish? betta

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? now $10, if i ever breed bettas, then $50-75

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? not sure, maybe @200 for the 20 long once i assemble the needed parts

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? getting a 20 long tomorrow

How many aquariums do you currently own? 2-10 gal, 1-5 gal, 3-2.5 gal, 3-1 gal

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please ) 30 min per tank (the small ones need 100% WC

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? 1-2 hours just watching, usually i divide my time between the fishies and the tv/computer/cats

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine? freshwater tropical!
What is your favourite tropical fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
How many aquariums do you currently own?
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please smile.gif )
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?

Queen Triggerfish.
I'd pay up to $20
I'd pay up to $400
My last aquarium purchase was 70 gallons, which is as big as I can go at the moment.
I own 4 aquariums and 3 complete setups.
I spend about 20 minutes a week on regular maintenance.
I spend about 2 hours a week watching the aquarium; not including the time I just look at it briefely while doing something else.
Planted freshwater tropical.
What is your favourite tropical fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
£50 unstocked, I'm a cheapskate :lol: That would be 2nd hand, though.
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
30 gallon, not room for much more.
How many aquariums do you currently own?
2. one 4.5 g and one 18g.
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )
Hour, couple of hours.
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
Not much, I'm too busy at school.
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Tropical Marine.... :drool:
Thanks everyone. All this stuff is soo valuable. To people who havent filled it in yet pleeease :) lol.
What is your favourite tropical fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
65 gallon (the 450$ one :) )
How many aquariums do you currently own?
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )
Maintenance takes about 1 hour per week for each tank
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
i'd say 7 hours
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
A Coldwater pond
What is your favourite tropical fish? - Panda Cory
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? - £10
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? - £250
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? - 50 Gallon
How many aquariums do you currently own? - 1
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required - time per tank please - 1 hour
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? - 7 hours
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine? - Freshwater Tropical
What is your favourite tropical fish?Currently killies but always changing

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?Depends on the fish, but probably would go around $100

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?I am a bargain hunter and buy most of my tanks second hand...I paid $200 for a 125 gallon with 4 inches of live sand, wrought iron stand, and several other pieces of equipment

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?In the market for several 20 gallons right at the moment

How many aquariums do you currently own?I have 40 tanks up and running at the moment (not counting bettas), and around 15 or so empty tanks waiting to be set up

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )My tanks range in size from 10 to 125 gallons, actually spend more time maintaining the smaller ones. About an hour and a half weekday evenings, 3 hours on weekends...maybe 14 hours a week, 20-30 minutes per tank average

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?At least an hour everyday...need my "chilling time"

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?Since most of my tanks are freshwater tropical, I guess that would be my answer...but I would sure miss my salt tanks!
What is your favourite tropical fish? corydoras
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? ehc...maybe £10 - £20 if it was a really special one
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? depends on the size of the tank...?
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?currently none cos i live with my parents. but if i had my own place id get something around 50 gallons.
How many aquariums do you currently own? 1
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please ) bout 2 hours
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? none, iv jsur started a new job so im always asleep! used to be a couple of hours though.
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine? freshwater tropical.
What is your favourite tropical fish?
A= Sunset Gouramis
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
A= £40.00
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
A= £300.00
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
A= 4ft
How many aquariums do you currently own?
A= 5
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )
A= 1Hour
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
A= A Couple of Hours
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
A= Freshwater Tropical
What is your favourite tropical fish?
Any type of puffer.
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
65 galllon u.s
How many aquariums do you currently own?
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)
5 hours
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
60 hours
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Fresh water tropical.

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