just imagine what you could do with this....

It says...


that's two with six noughts

i thought that was 2 million


paul_v_biker said:
could be, you could house alot of expensive fish in a 8ft and think of all the damage the water could do. Maybe £2m is a bit excessive but there is alot of damgae to be done when a tank bursts.

Yeeeeeesss makes sense - i was thinking only of the cost of the glass - ignore me, I have the IQ of a boiled egg. :D
Yeeeeeesss makes sense - i was thinking only of the cost of the glass - ignore me, I have the IQ of a boiled egg.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
cybergoldfish said:
A pair of endlers - let time do the rest :rolleyes:
dang it I was just about to say one fat preganate guppy and maybe in a month you wont have room for any more fish.

Personally I'd have tones of plants school or corries and otos and a whole school of red hook silver dallors. That would be nice!
I'd have 6 clown loach with 6 discus and 8 african butterfly fish, with bogwood and plants. beautiful!
oh ya id fill it w/ nemos (clown fish) or some beautiful angel fish w/ few neon tetras

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