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    Do Nerite Snails Go Walkies?

    They go loopy for Andrea McClean, then switch to BBC for Doctors...... thanks, i imagine all snails will be the same, i might risk it in the hope he won't stray to far from the tank?????? :/ :crazy: :crazy: :sick:
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    Do Nerite Snails Go Walkies?

    I'm setting up a planted iwagumi nano, with my tank being rimless i need to know if a nerite snail would take a wander and end up sitting on the sofa watching loose women while i slave away at work?? the only reason i have for get a nerite is algae purposes, are there other snails that do algae...
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    Cool Ideas For A 2.5G?

    wow, that site would be awesome............ if i was German :unsure: haha sorry for the sarcasm, thanks for the post i've been looking for a list of mini-fishies
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    13 Litre Nano

    hi, i've recently purchased a opti-white 12"x8"x8" nano tank, with a aqua one clearview 100 filter and arcadia arc pod light (9w). I have bought some JBL Proflora starter set and JBL Manado substrate. I would like to get your advice on 'carpeting' plants and other smaller grasses, mosses and...
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    My New Nano - 8 Litres!

    nice setup, can you tell me what that external filter is and where it could be purchased purrrleassse??
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    The World's My Oyster!

    hey, having sold all my fish and my 200+ litre tank when i went to uni i'm now back and looking for a much smaller single tank setup. i'm thinking a 60litre or smaller, to breed a few fry or a few tight shoalers, i'd like your thoughts on: a) the easiest egg layers, (or do all eggs tend to...
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    Black Moor And Other Fish

    Hi, My housemates have just bought a 50 litre tank for their little black moor, what tropical looking fish can i add to the tank while he's stll small? i was thinking a few danios, but would they outcompete the black moor for food?
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    Ruby Sharks

    i know ruby sharks cannot be housed with their same species, but can say 3 silver sharks go into the same tank as a ruby?
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    i've been thinking about getting an angel but i've heard about their aggression, is it possible to keep an angel (or do i need a few??) in with my ruby shark, dwarf gourami, dwarf puffer, and guppies (the guppies can be passed on to my mate if not)
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    Well I Think All My Fish Are Going To Die

    IMO i'd suggest frequent water changes (25% or more) to remove ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and keep the temp down, and under-feeding your fish to keep waste down (produces ammonia)
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    Undergravel Filter Carbon?

    i had the same problem, i got those carbon filter pads and tied one of them round the main airlift outlet with elastic bands, quick and simple! in my opinion i wouldnt put the activated carbon pieces into the airlift tube as you run the risk of them being sucked up and jamming the powerhead...
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    Undergravel Filter Carbon?

    i had the same problem, i got those carbon filter pads and tied one of them round the main airlift outlet with elastic bands, quick and simple! in my opinion i wouldnt put the activated carbon pieces into the airlift tube as you run the risk of them being sucked up and jamming the powerhead...
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    Phew! What A Night!

    well what a strange day yesterday was, first of all i went to my local maidenhead aquatics (love that place) bought a ruby shark and a group of six neon tetras, a 7th was thrown in free as it was too much hassle on a friday afternoon to take one out, i was then given a free plant, and eventually...
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    5 Good Films I Have Seen.

    dunno if u class these as mainstream but heres my top six in no particular order: the usual suspects pulp fiction the shawshank redemption fight club reservoir dogs fear and loathing in las vegas and a few that havent quite made it: green mile snatch the rest of tarantino's work stand by me...
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    Do You Play?

    woooo - been waiting to gloat, i've played on the same stage as the clash, the sex pistols and artic monkeys have played on (the boardwalk- sheffield) guitar
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    Guitar Strings Rust?

    awesome, let me know how it goes, i've never played with coated strings before, how do they sound?
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    Guitar Strings Rust?

    wow! i've never ever experienced proper rust that quickly, i don't want to patronise you, but are you sure it is rust and not just the natural de-colouration and grime over time? i'm guessing it must be something to do with your humidity, i'd advise either buying a dehumidifier for the room...
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    Lost Fish!

    i thought the same with a guppy, turned out he was hiding right out of sight, they seem to be rather shy fish at first (well mine do), i'm sure he'll turn up soon! as for the dropsy, i'm no expert atall (newbie!) but my guppy has been getting fat since i bought him and he seems alright
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    Who's The Bad Boy Picking On My Plants?

    my crabs love to play "lumberjack" and hack down any plants in their way, parts of the tank have now become deforested!
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    Amano Shrimp

    my yamato (amano) shrimp are fine with everything in my tank, even my crabs!
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    mmmmm meat, how good is meat..................... :drool: * *apologies to all veggies!
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    Tropical Fish Treats

    i've been experimenting! put in tiny bits of bacon for my red claw crabs, it was gone before the crabs even smelt it! my barbs and dwarf gourami love it, also tried prawns and the same thing happened
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    Whats Your All Time Fav Rock Song?.

    career opportunities - the clash subtereanen homesick blues - Bob Dylan
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    Fiddler Crab

    yeh my crabsare the same, none of my fish are scared of them, 90% of the time my crabs are not interested in stalking fish, on that 10% of the time it looks like they're stalking fish, the fish are out of the way before the crabs can get within 2 inches!
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    Aggressive Dwarf Gourami

    wow, cheers for the huge post! my dwarf was deffo chasing cories, i have 6 pentazona barbs in the tank but my dwarf is not interested in them! the gourami has calmed down a bit since a huge feast of bloodworm and more regular feeding
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    Ph Problem

    my tank is fantastic! (not one to blow my own trumpet or anything!) theres been no problems from day one -so far atleast! i know i've made a few mistakes, i.e. putting panda corys and shrimp into a barely established tank, but everyone is doing fine, no deaths as yet, even with 2 crabs in there...
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    Ph Problem

    any change on the cloudy water, from what i have read/been told its a bacterial bloom, the stuff in the pH stuff your mate put in may encourage algae/bacterial growth, i've been told the little packets of pH right (or whatever its called) encourages growth, whereas bottles of aquaone/aquaplus...
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    Guitar Strings Rust?

    lemon oil is commonly used and usually sold in most musical shops, good for wiping down the fretboard, and keeping the strings clean, another thought just come into my head is coated strings, i've never used them but that would stop the rust for sure, no idea how much more expensive they are...
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    Guitar Strings Rust?

    i know guitarists that think they prove they are more of a man by using 10's, (ernie ball 9's even come in a pink pouch!), but i've always stuck by 9's on my electric. the difference is the slight thickness in the strings, i use 9's because it is easier to pull off bends and vibrato, heavier...
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    Guitar Strings Rust?

    yeh, i change strings when they sound dead, its recommended to change them every 2 months, but i know various sheffield musicians that change them before every gig! i use ernie ball super slinkys (9's) for my 1981 ibanez double cutaway artist, and ernie ball slinkys (10's) for my richwood greaser
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    Aggressive Dwarf Gourami

    hi, i've only got the one dwarf male in a 4ft tank, recently he's beginning to get aggressive with my panda corys, could u recommend some more robust playmates for him or do i have to introduce two females? (i'd prefer not to get females)
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    Ph Problem

    i'm a newbie too, but i believe that cloudy water in your case is due to a bacterial bloom common with setting up new tanks, set the filter running and it should eventually clear. the other thing it could be is dust, dirt and tiny fragments of your gravel/sand substrate, this should also clear...
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    Help Me Sock My 35 Gallon Tank

    pentazona barbs are ace - soo peaceful, look like tiger barbs and only grow up to 5-6cm panda cory cats are great too my darf gourami is pretty peaceful
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    yeh go for one, i've heard they fight to the death if there is not enough room for the loser to runaway and hide! no idea about the salt levels quality to watch these little devils, they will try to stalk fish but are always too slow so far! they love hide under bogwood and climb it, fed mine...
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    well i've read alot of stuff on the internet - all conflicting of course, but i have 2 red claws in my 4ft tank, from what i belive the crabs are very aggressive (esp 2 males) therefore i have heard a stocking level of 1 crab per ft of tank. my LFS said they can grow up to 20cm but i don't...
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    My Tank Is Boring!

    i have a 210 litre tank, currently understocked with 1 dwarf gourami, 1 siamese fighter, 6 pentazona barbs, 3 panda corys, 4 yamato shrimp and 2 red claw crabs all of the above are half to two thirds their adult size just wondering if anyone had ideas for how to make a big visual impact...
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    Advice On Shrimps

    i'm even newer to fish than you, but i have a few shrimp, mine are Yamato (or amano) shrimp around £2.50 each from my LFS, i also have corys and neither seem to bother with each other, not sure about ur plec. As for numbers i've heard the more the merrier! they love to clean algae but mine tend...
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    My First Betta

    hey, bought two red claw crabs today, and the fish shop man caught a betta at the same time - free of charge! anyway, as i don't know anything about betta behaviour, he's barely just floating in the top leaf of one of my broad leaved plants near the surface, i'm hoping he's just stressed and...
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    Its Still Cloudy!

    carbon in filters rock! my tank was cloudy due to substrate, put in carbon filter pads (couldnt find any filter pads to fit mine so elastic banded them round the pump outlets!) cleared within 10 hrs!
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    I Have A Tank!

    i've been given a tank, i've always wanted one! i could research how to start, but first i thought i'd ask to see if anyone would like to help get me started. basically, a large tank, under gravel filter, heater, etc, where do i start with a tropical freshwater aquarium? i'm basically thinking...