Fiddler Crab


New Member
Mar 16, 2006
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I ordered some new friends a couple of days ago, 4 red tailed sharks and a red clawed fiddler crab. I have a community tank that is currently composed of 7 neons, 7 serpai tetras (although it appears that I was sold an assortment of serpai's and black widow, so they're all going back), 2 albino cory's and a chinese hillstream loach.

Obviously I've heard that crabs aren't a good combination with fish, but I figured that fish aren't stupid, and none of mine are exactly slow. So I bought 1 crab and I'm going to see how it goes.

They all arrived today at 7.30am (gotta love early deliveries). Packaging was superb, with fish and crab packaged up in a polystyrene coolbox and labelled as live fish.

I was a little concerned that I have no-where obvious for the crab to get out of the water. Although I'd hoped that the plants (of which there are loads) around my filter would provide him with a way of climbing into the top of the filter.

All is well on that front though, cos I've just found him sitting on top of the filter rubbing sun tan cream in and laying his towel down (luckily no sand up there to get down his shorts).

He hasn't (to my knowledge) even approached the fish yet, and they're steering well clear of him. So all seems well. Yey :D

If I can get some good photo's, I might treat you all.
yeh my crabsare the same, none of my fish are scared of them, 90% of the time my crabs are not interested in stalking fish, on that 10% of the time it looks like they're stalking fish, the fish are out of the way before the crabs can get within 2 inches!
If it is a fiddler crab it's not going to be a happy crab for long, they need a good area to get out (to set it up properly at least half the tank sould be land) they are also brackish needing salt to live a long healthy life.

If it's a red clawed crab - as long as it can get out it should be ok (though again they live happier, healthier, longer lives in brackish water). remember they are opportunist hunters and you will probably lose the odd fish. Also it will need somewhere to hide for when it's shedding as they are very vulnerable then.

redtailed sharks are also territorial and aggressive and don't do well together - they will certainly attack the crab when it sheds.

I think some serious rethinking of your tank is in order.
hmm, well I actually bought the fiddler crab by mistake. I thought I was buying a red clawed (I should've paid more attention), so maybe I need to return him.

As for the Red Tailed Black Sharks, everything I've read suggests that although they can be semi-aggressive, they're likely to be fine. My tank is heavily planted so there are plenty of places to hide if they get a little overzealous.
my advice would be to return it, (or set up a specialised tank for it, and get it a few friends - I love fiddlers, they are so interesting).

The redtailed sharks are Cyprinids (I think) so if you ask their forum re. having 4 in your tank (what size tank is it?) you'll probably get more people answering you. But I think you'll find as they get more comfortable and bigger there will be trouble - I think it's advised only to have one in a tank and nothing of a similar shape (as they are known to be aggressive towards similar shaped fish).

Good luck, sorry to be such a bearer of bad news, if you do decide to set up a fiddlers tank and you're not sure how, do post and we'll help you - if you like crabs then I think you'll love fiddlers in their proper sort of enviroment - they can be very fun to watch.
If this is your 26 gallon tank, I am afraid you may have serious problems keeping more than one of such a highly territorial species as the redtailed shark. These would need a very large tank to keep out of each other's way. They may seem ok at first, while still young and until they have established territories, but tbh I would not risk it, I would be worried about waking up one day and find that sexual maturity had struck and the non-dominant fish were in shreds.
My wife and I bought 2 female Fiddlers awhile back, of course the guy at the LFS didnt bother to tell us the crabs need to be able to get out tof the water. Well after a bunch of reading, online searching we came up with this.....

It is a "Turtle island" used to give turtles a place to get out of the water. Just a bit of cutting to make the "island" fit properly between the side of the tank and the intake for the filter. It just floats in place all by itself, I do make sure there is a fake plant that is tucked between the filter intake and the "island", just to make a natural ladder for the crab. The remaining fiddler loves it and has grown considerably since we brought her home. Good luck!
If you build a land area using sand or fine gravel, they will create burrows.

Both the red-tailed shark and the fiddler crab are relatively non-aggressive, they're just territorial. The crabs are usually too slow to catch any fish anyways.
If you build a land area using sand or fine gravel, they will create burrows.

Both the red-tailed shark and the fiddler crab are relatively non-aggressive, they're just territorial. The crabs are usually too slow to catch any fish anyways.

Just remember small shrimp are another story entirely!

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