Search results

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    Damaged Fins

    Hi all Im waiting for a breeder to get in a betta iv been after but have noticed a gorgeous Turq H/M on the breeders website. He was £12 but theres little note next to him to say that he has damaged his fins and hes now only £4 My questions would his fins grow back as goofd as the were before...
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    Betta Web Sites?

    hi there Bettaman website is KG Bettas listed in the above post.I have bought two bettas(Well my mam has as a christmas prezzie) :hyper: from there cuming tomorrow. Lots of nice fish and very very helpful! :thumbs:
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    Fishy Photos!

    Cute fish but have to say that I have a terrible soft spot in my heart for rats :wub: Just recently had to rehome my 5 gorgeous boys one of whom was 2 1/2 years nearly 3, and nearly died on me a few times.It broke my heart but it was for the best as work commitments meant they wernt getting the...
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    My New Boy

    Got them from a UK Breeder website called K.G Betta Known on here as Bettaman Couldnt resist the green red guy.Just look at those white lips! :drool:
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    My New Boy

    Hi guys just had to show someone Look who will be meeting me when I get in from work beginning of the week :drool: Hes my first betta :hyper: My little sister has named him Malty and this guy mite be coming with him Possibly thinking of Angel Or Fagon (Fay-gon) They are both Super-Delta...
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    Best Way Of Perking Up?

    Ooh lovely girly.Do you have a picture of the other one? What type of containers from wilkinsons did you get? I live in the uk and mite have a look thanks
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    thanks alot
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    Bumps ppl can anyone answer my question?
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    Hi guys Iv just bought a gorgeous SD male arriving beginning of the week but I have my eye on another thats a Giant Plakat Whats the size differnce between a normal plaket and a giant one? Do they require bigger tanks? Or is it just a name? thanks
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    Is It Ok To Mix These Two Chemicals?

    Hi guys Just setting up my betta tank(fish arriving beginning of next week) I used TetraAqua - Aquasafe to get rid of chlorine because its also acts against stress, adn protects against wounds and infections Iv also bought INTERPET- No5-Liquisil general tonic.You add it once a month as a...
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    New Betta And Tank

    Sorry after I wrote the message i realised that iv formatted my computer so I no longer have the software on up load pictures and cant find the disc.Iv contacted the company for a new disc so pictures should be coming very soon The picture of monty is the one from the website
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    New Betta And Tank

    i dont have a filter as the tank isnt hugh and if i put one in aswell as a heater it wouldnt leave a lot of space
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    New Betta And Tank

    Hi guys. Im so excited just wanted to let everyone know i should be getting my first betta at the end of this week :hyper: Im just putting the final touches to his tank. Its 17inch long - 10wide - 10inch heigh and base on the calculator I used this is what it holds 27.86 litres 7.36...
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    Any Breeder Reccommendations?

    Id recommend KG bettas and the best betta Both have been really helpful I was after a copper/gold crowntail and the best betta is getting me one in the next shipment. There is also a shipment dur on November 4th from the best betta
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    Best And Easiest Live Food To Feed Bettas

    Hi What is the best and easy/simplest live food to fed bettas? What type are easy and cheap for me to grow at home? thanks
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    Do Royal, Gold Nuggets Or Bristlenose Plecostomuses Suck On Discus?

    The bristlenose shuld be fine.I was asking about suitable plecs to put with discus and was advised that brsitlenoses are fine Apparently other plecs sometimes develop a liking to the slime that grows on discus but bristlenoses dont hope this helps
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    Plastic Cross Stitch Canvas As Dividers

    WOW that website was great book report protectors with the plastic spines shoudl I be able to get these from my local stationary shop? Anyone in the uk new if Stationary box sells these things? thanks
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    Plastic Cross Stitch Canvas As Dividers

    hi there Iv looked on the aquatics website and those dividers seem good. There will be no current in my tank because its small tank iv decided to go without a filter and do regualer water changes Does anyone know any good site I can look at on how to make dividers from the plastic canvas iv bought?
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    Plastic Cross Stitch Canvas As Dividers

    Hi guy well as the title says would it be ok to use plastic cross stitch canvas as a divider in a 6 gallon tank? thanks
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    Getting The Water Right

    thanks alot. Still looking around for a betta at the moment but have found someone how can get me a copper/gold crowntail. Just waiting to see how much he will cost
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    Getting The Water Right

    Thanks for your reply. I was thinking of getting a declorinator and my dad has some almond leafs im sure he would give me some.Iv already posted a separte post about almond leaves but was wondering since you suggested it .Should I just put one in for a few days after I get him? thansk
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    Getting The Water Right

    Hi there The tanks 17inches long-10inches high-10inches wide Holds between 6-7 gallons. Im planning on putting in a heater but no filter as water changes wont be a problem. Hope this helps
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    Getting The Water Right

    Hello How do I get the water right for my new betta? I do have a cylced tank set up can I take some water from this and new water to mix in the new tank? I am getting a tester kit to test the water What should the readings be before i put the new betta in? Should I be doing small water changes...
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    Setting Up A Tank

    Hi guys Sorry for all the questions Iv been asking just want to get everything perfect Few more questions and im finished for setting up the tank What is the ideal temperature for a betta tank? And what should the water parimeters be? thank you vicky wilson
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    Almond Leaves

    Hi all Iv seen the pinned topic on Almond leaves for betta's My dad got some of them free when he bought some discus. Im having some bettas delivered and wondered if it was worth putting half a leaf in the tank while they settle? What are ppl views? thanks
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    Oh ok thanks alot
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    Hi osteoporoosi dont want to start another arguement on this board but just a curius question.Why cant fish be kept in round bowls?
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    Thanks for the advice.I was thinking on plastic plants until i read somewhere exactly what you have said and im now looking for some nice silk ones on ebay
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    My axolotl Earl lived in it before i bought him abetter tank.Knew it would come in handy again someday. Even betta with a divider its actually big enough for two bettas but we will see how things go with my first This is him.Hes on hold till payday so i can get his tank sorted :drool: :drool:
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    It has a hinged lid on it with air holes its just the tank is shown as open
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    Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

    Hi guys Well i havnt decided on a tank for definate but have two in mind.I already have a tank at home that I believe will be suitable It holds about 6-7 gallons.Just trying to find a suitable heater for it im looking at a 50watt coz this tank is 17inch L- 10inch W - 10inch h. here it is.this is...
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