New Betta And Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Hi guys.
Im so excited just wanted to let everyone know i should be getting my first betta at the end of this week
Im just putting the final touches to his tank.
Its 17inch long - 10wide - 10inch heigh and base on the calculator I used this is what it holds
27.86 litres 7.36 gal(US) 6.13 gal(imp/UK)

Just finshed attaching the plastic report spines to the inside of the tank as im getting another betta in about 4-5weeks :hyper: so that just before i get him I can slide the plastic canvas straight in to divide the tank
Im planning on putting sand in the bottom and few silk plants. Also have a terracotta plant pot and a treasure chest with a hole in for a hidy place.

Iv decided to go with regualer water changes bout twice a week possibly 3 times and I have a 50w heater because the temp isnt very regular in my room

And heres my first gorgeous guy :drool:
My sister has named him MONTY

The second one im getting is a copper/gold Super Delta
These fish are addictive.I came on this forum to get help with my mixed tank and end up with two bettas and an extra tank!! Then again iv never had much will power when I comes to gorgeous animals!
Cant wait!
He is very pretty :wub: If you have a filter in a 6+ gallon,
you should only have to do water changes once a week.
Gives you more time to spend on your new addiction! :hey:
i dont have a filter as the tank isnt hugh and if i put one in aswell as a heater it wouldnt leave a lot of space
Sorry after I wrote the message i realised that iv formatted my computer so I no longer have the software on up load pictures and cant find the disc.Iv contacted the company for a new disc so pictures should be coming very soon
The picture of monty is the one from the website

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