Search results

  1. S

    Which One?

    yer mate, it says above, sorry its my first poll, didnt really know where to type lol
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    Planted Tank

    do they make them to size mate, cuz i would love a background like that
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    Which One?

    help would be appreciated
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    Snail Eggs

    cheerz guys, am looking in to it now, if im 100% honest i dont know how long they have been there, but im going to see how it goes, my water is calcium-ly suitable as far as i know, i wont be keeping all of them, they will probably end up being given to the shop i bought the original snails for...
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    i was thinking of a breeding pair of fish, and about 5-8 basic plants, vallis, and another one
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    anybody on here rate juwel set-ups, ive seen a fairly sized one with juwel equipment for £90, was wondering if their filters etc are good quality, its one of the big internal filters.
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    Snail Eggs

    hello, my golden apple snails have managed to drop their load right next to my light for my tank, would you be able to tell me whats going on because theyre the first lot of eggs ive had, theyre bone dry. cheerz :fun:
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    G A Snail

    thanks, much appreciated help
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    G A Snail

    my golden apple snail has small crack like marks on his shell, they run the length of his shell, but are not all the way through, they dont look like the kind of marks caused by damage though. could this just be the way its shell is?
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    Identification Help Please

    id say that rock fell on a tarantula walking by
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    Checker Barbs

    k nice one, so really they want a diet with dapnia, occasionaly bloodworms and flake?
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    Checker Barbs

    sorry, to correct, there arses are a bit swollen, not red or nothin tho
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    My New Tank

    hey up, i already have a tank, but im shortly going to be getting a new one, i want to have one type of broad leaved plant, red or green, and one grass type plant, that do not need much maintenance, can anyone recommend any and if possible, show me them. thanks p.s what intermediate fish would...
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    Before And After

    hey i have the same taste in fish as you lol i have harlequin rasboras a betta silvertips and even a golden apple snail how weird first tank is great by the way
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    Show Me Your Car!

    my beast, vaux corsa b, lowered full exhaust system, induction kit, alloys, gsi bumper with seat ibiza splitter, fully colour coded interior, gsi spoiler, etc etc etc probly not to anyones taste on here, but its my little beasty
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    Spotted Raphael

    i know this is a bit late, but i have two spotted raph's i know them as talking catifsh tho, so i hope we mean the same thing. ive had two in the same tank for 6 months, i would recommend them in pairs, as mine are never apart, they chill under a big clump of bogwood all day together.
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    One Of My Two Spotted Talking Catfish

    when i bought these fish they were diddy, now there absolute beasts, i havent seen them for atleast 2 months, so wen he popped out for a nibble, i had to get a snappy, here he is, i love im. my fish do not mess with him, ive seen him wack my snail out of his cave with his tail.
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    Checker Barbs

    i feed them flake mainly, with bloodworms n daphnia etc occasionally, the fish in themselves seem fine, they are fast as usual, dorsal fins are erect, as they should be, i cant say ive touched the bulges tho, but they are not inflamed, they are the stomach side of the anal fin, but i dont feed...
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    Checker Barbs

    noticed my checker barbs were looking somewhat lumpy, on there underside, i have 4 and two of them were like this. the other two are chasing them and nipping around there anal fin area, i at first presumed that they were pregnant, but from the descriptions ive heard they seem to be male, they...
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    Hey Up

    hi im new tonight, im 18 and have been keeping tropical fish for about 2 years, i have a dual hexagon tank (in need of a new one really) which is home to 4 checker barbs 2 talking catfish - great fish 2 angelfish 2 odessa barbs 2 glowlight tetra definately 1 khuli loach (but you never see them...