Snail Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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hello, my golden apple snails have managed to drop their load right next to my light for my tank, would you be able to tell me whats going on because theyre the first lot of eggs ive had, theyre bone dry.
cheerz :fun:


Do you want babies? If not, get rid of them. They'll be like parasites and you can't get rid of them. :(
Well I'm gonna disagree. Apple snails are not like parasites or pests for that matter. Most people would find that little package most desirable. Some snails are pests, like limpet snails, but not apple snails. They are gorgeous :nod:

As I've never had apple snail eggs I cant really help, but bone dry doesnt sound good. Someone who knows will reply soon!
How long have the eggs been there? Is this your first clutch of eggs? My snails eggs often look dried out just before they hatch but that is after 2-4 weeks of them being there. If it is your first clutch they are sometimes not viable anyway. It may just be that they were laid to close to the light and they have got too warm. They need to be kept moist but not wet.
I wouldnt describe them as parasites, however they can be a problem if not looked after properly.

Firstly, you may end up with 100+ baby snails. Decide what you are gonna do with them all. They take a while to grow too.

Second, whilst growing, they will need calcium for their shells. Do you have hard water? This will help, however you may still need to add a calcium suppliment as there might not be enough in your water. If there's a calcium deficiency, their shells wont form properly, they'll get pitted and not look as good.

third, they will require food. Algae wafers, vegetables etc. However with so many small snails in the tank it will take time for them to reach the food, in which time most of the fish will have eaten the food (that's if you dont use a separate tank to raise them). Apple snails will eat plants if not fed enough, so be aware of that.

Fouth, apple snails can be quite messy, so with loads of babies expect more waste on the bottom. keep an eye on your ammonia levels.

lastly, the eggs need to be kept moist, but not damp. They shouldnt dry out on the inside, doesnt matter so much about the outside. They can get moisture if the hood is wet inside from condensation etc.

check there might be some info on there

Good luck!
cheerz guys, am looking in to it now, if im 100% honest i dont know how long they have been there, but im going to see how it goes, my water is calcium-ly suitable as far as i know, i wont be keeping all of them, they will probably end up being given to the shop i bought the original snails for, to go on to different houses. it would be nice to think that my snails are gonna make someone else a nice little pet
Hi All,

Gonna have to agree with Lynz781, I think they are great. Mine have currently got three batches going approx 200 eggs in each group. They should hopefuly be ready within the next two weeks to hatch, although this is the first time they have laid so I will have to see what the live birth rate is.

If anyone wants any when they are born than give me a PM so I know and providing all goes well I will get some out to you. I am already sending a couple to Lynz781, so a few more wont hurt. I have several colours in the tank Golden Apple, Blue, Ivory, chocolate striped Purple Striped, Dark Pink and Dark Purple.

Going to be interesting to see what colours they are.


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