Checker Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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noticed my checker barbs were looking somewhat lumpy, on there underside, i have 4 and two of them were like this. the other two are chasing them and nipping around there anal fin area, i at first presumed that they were pregnant, but from the descriptions ive heard they seem to be male, they are quite large bulges. if they are pregnant, is there anything i can do to get them to drop their load


p.s i know if they are male they cannot be pregnant lol
Are the bulges on the tummy or near the anal fin, what do you feed your fish.
Can they maintain there balance in the water, and what colour is there poo when they go to the toilet.
Check the anus to make sure its not enlarged or red and inflamed.
The bulges are they hard to the touch or soft filled with liquid.
i feed them flake mainly, with bloodworms n daphnia etc occasionally, the fish in themselves seem fine, they are fast as usual, dorsal fins are erect, as they should be, i cant say ive touched the bulges tho, but they are not inflamed, they are the stomach side of the anal fin, but i dont feed them often enough for them to be overfed

this picutre was taken in a hexagon shaped tube so the stomach looks bulkier than it is.

sorry, to correct, there arses are a bit swollen, not red or nothin tho
They can get inflamed red bums with dropsy, they look bad.
To many dried foods and bloodworms high protein diet.
Just feed the daphnia and try some shelled peas for now.
Check what colour the poo is.
k nice one, so really they want a diet with dapnia, occasionaly bloodworms and flake?
A good variety of frozen foods and veg, pea are brilliant.
Its hard with lumps as they can be many things.

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