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  1. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Ive taken out 50% of the water (relaced with RO water) and removed literally all of te BGA, totally cleaned through the gravel (in a bucket of freshwater) so basically my tank now looks how i want it to look after the blackout and from then on. I'm going to be blacking out for 5 days so what i...
  2. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Bump Sorry just i got water sat here doin nout :shifty: ty
  3. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    I've got a 2nd tank filled up with treated tap water now. Instead of using 100% tap, should i mix, say 20% from my tank first to reduce shock? One of my fish has an ulcer you see and i want to keep an eye on it. I'll be taking some ceramic rings out of my tank currently being blacked out for...
  4. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Ok i will clean out as much of the algae as possible with the fish present. I do have a spare tank lying about and i think i would feel a bit more comfortable knowing i can view and feed the fish during this period so i may temporarily house them in this. If this method does not work is it...
  5. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    So my 500ml flourish excel came today. I have about 50% water ready too. im gonna take all fish out with 50% of the water and filter in a temporary home. Gonna take all as much of this algae crap as possible then put fish back in with 50% change. I doubt much of my plants will be left after i...
  6. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Woo the site is back up! :rolleyes: I got some testing done too: Ammonia - 0.1 Nitrite - 0.1 Nitrate - 5 Phosphate - 6 (was quite a lot) The lighting is mostly a light greenish light - about 550nm (fills the graph) followed by a goldish colour - about 600/625nm (half the graph) - on the...
  7. M

    At Wits End With Algae Thats pictures for now so u can see what we are dealin with Tank Size: 61 x 31 x 40cm Lighting is a interpet...
  8. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Ill get some photos up now so you can see what im dealing with.
  9. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Good link From that ive gathered i need to monitor and perhaps add CO2? Then next time i water change, remove as much as possible then black out for 3 days Then do another water change and keep an eye on CO2 I like the idea of snails (will they have a go at plants?) but will they eat this...
  10. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Hi all Im what one would consider a n00b at fishkeeping and im starting to want to start again its that bad. I have a mirabello 70 (70 litre) tank with the standard internal filter (heater, mechanical, biological) and another i bought for extra filtration (mechanical/biological) and this damn...
  11. M

    Universal External Filter

    Do you know if the tetratec one comes like this? Sounds good tbh Ordering next couple of days :D
  12. M

    Improving Stock Filter Flow Rate

    I have noticed my *main* filter has gotten crapper and crapper flow rate. Its pulls water through the heater, mech and biological elements - one of those all in one thingies. Its nowhere near as powerful as i feel suffice (the inlet to the filter compartment is kinda covered in fluffy, hairy...
  13. M

    Two Problems, 2 Hours Of Ownership

    What kind of treatment? Anti bacterial kinda thing? OR fungal? I would guess just a general anti bacterial treatment would suffice?
  14. M

    Universal External Filter

    how do you recommend fitting the spray bar? as you can see in this pic the internal filter (+heater) is built onto the back of the tank
  15. M

    Two Problems, 2 Hours Of Ownership

    So the corys eye should go back to normal as long as the water is good quality (stress is expected during transport) - i shall do some tests to make sure all is fine How do u recommend treating the black widow's fin?
  16. M

    Two Problems, 2 Hours Of Ownership

    Well the gourami is actually quite timid and leaves all the fish alone. Could they have actually done this already?? urgh Its a 70litre mirabello tank. Its been going for a good 2 years - 3 years. I did a 40% RO water change 3 days ago. My grandad has my testing stuff atm but it shouldnt be...
  17. M

    Two Problems, 2 Hours Of Ownership

    Just wondering what happened and how to fix it. One of my new peppered corys appears to have one of its eyes clouded - not entirely just the iris. What is this and how to fix it? Also one of my new black widows has got a tattered tail. I dont think it was like that in the shop, and i dont...
  18. M

    Universal External Filter

    btw Cheap Cheap!!!
  19. M

    Universal External Filter

    ok cheers mate tetratec it is (eheim look too expensive for what they are...)
  20. M

    Universal External Filter

    SO a tetratec ex600/700 would be a best bet How about a 2nd hand fluval 305 iv just been offered by one of the members here - or is it too powerful/better to go for brand new
  21. M

    Universal External Filter

    I'll probably get it thrown in tbh - hes a nice guy to bargain with.
  22. M

    Universal External Filter

    Really i mean...all i see them for is £54 at the cheapest new and online (so i would need postage onto it too) Fluval 105 : 330 l/h (filter flow rate) : for 100 ltr tank Hagen Fluval 105 External Filter £54.99 on Nobody said anything against fluval...
  23. M

    Universal External Filter

    He is putting a fluval 105 aside for me capable of up to 100l (so in reality it is just about right for a 70l tank) for a price of £60 (im gonna probably get the media thrown in too :good: ) Think i better master a small planted tank before moving up to a bigger one.
  24. M

    Universal External Filter

    Well ive just done a good old water change...scraped off and emptied my tank of horrible horrible hair algae. Looks nice now :good: Found a 2nd internal for now so i have the stock and an extra plus a big airstone...its getting a nice bit of movement atm :rolleyes: I'll call up tomorrow...
  25. M

    Universal External Filter

    Just been on phone to my fav stockist and he may have some 2nd hands in soon. He's got a fluval 105 in stock atm which doesnt seem too bad (ill get a deal off him :good: ) Also need to a visilux sun 36w light too :crazy: hard to find Whats the fluval like? I know its only up to 100l tanks...
  26. M

    Universal External Filter

    so a eheim 2026 is overkill :drool: alternative for a smaller tank?
  27. M

    Universal External Filter

    So looking at all of these considerations (knowing I want a filter that will suffice if say i do get a bigger tank...nothing on a massive scale, just bigger and not overwhelming) which brand and model would be best? Priming looks a good idea unless it does indeed cause problems. Some kind of...
  28. M

    Universal External Filter

    So Eheim and priming is pretty much pointless? What size will i want to go for? I guess all models do the same thing 70 litre tank atm but may upgrade at some point to perhaps a 100l - i dno One of the pro 2? Loving the asus comparison! :good:
  29. M

    Universal External Filter

    I currently have a Mirabello 70 litre tank and my internal filter is a pain/a load of crap. I did have a cheap external which: a) did not fit properly B) leaked c) was crap I'm after an external which will fit most/all tanks (in case i upgrade/get a different tank) An effective...
  30. M


    ill keep an eye on the numbers very closely - if i spot any more casulties ill probably take them back btw a neon tetra went missing while i was away last week and ive found the carcass today - i have no idea whether it died of natural causes then got stripped by the shrimps or...the worst...
  31. M


    ive got 4 danios in total but i now have a reasonably good pic of one of the prawns.
  32. M


    a pic of the prawn is going to prove hard as atm i have a lot of hard algae on the front and they hide under the bogwood / in decor (theres 2) i have noticed that the danios readily chase eachother round the tank (including the other fish!) - would they be able to nip off the whole tail up to...
  33. M


    Oneof my zebra danios is now missing his tail and i dont know why. i have two freshwater dwarf prawns that have pincers but i would have thought they were too small to do any damage. The shop assured me they were safe after keeping them with small tetras with no casulties. i have seen the shrimp...
  34. M

    What Is This Stuff

    wpg - well its a 36w strip and i have 70 litres of water :S whats diatoms?
  35. M

    What Is This Stuff

    aquarium pharmaceuticals electroright and ph adjuster i had blue green bacteria algae before (cyno something) and it just kept covering my gravel untill i added algaecide. this stuff is different as it leaves hard bits stuck on the glass, but it does group together and cover the plants / decor...
  36. M

    What Is This Stuff

    its 70 litre aquarium systems mirabello tropical tank with - 5 corys 2 frshwater dwarf prawns 1 fairly big 3 spot gourami 2 zebra danios 2 leopard danios 2 cherry barbs 1 neon tetra 1 white cloud mountain minnow no co2, it has visi lux sun lighting i have one large java moss growing on some...
  37. M

    What Is This Stuff

    I keep gettin outbursts of algae within a couple of days of cleaning it off. I perform water changes (RO) every 3 weeks and cut the lighting down to 9 hours. I just cant get rid of it.
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  39. M

    Honey Gourami Lookin Bad

    i think its ok... its more of a gentlre current pulling them backwards im happy as long as none get pulled into the actual filter!
  40. M

    Honey Gourami Lookin Bad

    yea, its a bit strong lol, it isnt sucking the fish but the spraybar its obviously moving the water a lot more and the fish have to either get out of the way or be moved around by the new "rapids" the water is looking a lot cleaner the quality should be higher too as i primed the filter with ro...