Two Problems, 2 Hours Of Ownership


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Just wondering what happened and how to fix it.

One of my new peppered corys appears to have one of its eyes clouded - not entirely just the iris. What is this and how to fix it?

Also one of my new black widows has got a tattered tail. I dont think it was like that in the shop, and i dont think my fish could have done it already (blue spot gourami, 5 zebra/leopard danios (the most likely of all my fish), and 6 assorted corys)

Could it have been transport? Or my danios? Argh - tell me it will grow back
some gouramis can be a bit aggresive towards other fish

what is the tank size, how long has it been running for, what are the water perameters etc etc?
Blue spot Gouramies can be aggressive and Zebra Danios can be nippy. I'd say that it was probably the Danios.
As st24rsap said, what size tank, water readings etc. needed.
Well the gourami is actually quite timid and leaves all the fish alone. Could they have actually done this already??


Its a 70litre mirabello tank. Its been going for a good 2 years - 3 years. I did a 40% RO water change 3 days ago. My grandad has my testing stuff atm but it shouldnt be bad.

As for the injuries/illness will it grow back/fix itself

Ive got the standard filter on there, plus a slightly more powerful internal as an extra. Will be ordering a Tetratec ex700 soon too
Did you have a good look at the fish while they were at the lfs? If the damage was already there, then you should contact your lfs.
It's worth getting the test kit and checking the water just to be on the safe side. Cloudy eye can be caused by stress, poor water quality etc.
As long as the fish is treated, there is no reason the tail shouldn't grow back. The sooner you can treat it, the less chance of it getting finrot.
Did you have a good look at the fish while they were at the lfs? If the damage was already there, then you should contact your lfs.
It's worth getting the test kit and checking the water just to be on the safe side. Cloudy eye can be caused by stress, poor water quality etc.
As long as the fish is treated, there is no reason the tail shouldn't grow back. The sooner you can treat it, the less chance of it getting finrot.
So the corys eye should go back to normal as long as the water is good quality (stress is expected during transport) - i shall do some tests to make sure all is fine

How do u recommend treating the black widow's fin?
You should be able to treat both the cloudy eye and the fin with treatment from your lfs. Keeping your water clean will help stop any infection spreading.
You should be able to treat both the cloudy eye and the fin with treatment from your lfs. Keeping your water clean will help stop any infection spreading.

What kind of treatment? Anti bacterial kinda thing? OR fungal?

I would guess just a general anti bacterial treatment would suffice?

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