Honey Gourami Lookin Bad


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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It has a cloudy eye, looks like dropsy and is only using front fins (not tail) and gasping at surface. The other 2 died of dropsy quite a while ago :sad:

i have done the 2 part internal bacterial treatment and now i have to wait 7 days before doing water change...anything else that could be wrong?
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease rather than a desease in it's self, dropsy is where the scales stick out and once they do they don't make it as it organ failure.
They can heavy breath with bacterial infections, i would do a 30% water change and add some carbon for a few hours then add the med again,

Any fish going thin with a bent spine.
its gasping on the bottom now, only swimming to get to the surface- it looks more than dropsy as its scales have only just started sticking out and it hasn't bloated at all.
ur prediction was unfortunately correct :( but now i can get my external filter working and ive got a fresh batch of ro water being treated and prepared for a water change. everything should be k now
Sorry R.I.P, Did you mamange to get your filter working.
yea, its a bit strong lol, it isnt sucking the fish but the spraybar its obviously moving the water a lot more and the fish have to either get out of the way or be moved around by the new "rapids"

the water is looking a lot cleaner
the quality should be higher too as i primed the filter with ro water
Ok, can you turn the filter down abit, as long as the fish are not struggling to swim they should be ok.
i think its ok...
its more of a gentlre current pulling them backwards
im happy as long as none get pulled into the actual filter!

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