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  1. M

    early tank

    Wow. Nice tank. :thumbs: I wish mine was like that! Nominating for ToTM. It deserves that. :cool:
  2. M

    Question about "Aquarium Adverture" in Long Island

    No one has been there? :(
  3. M

    New tetras

    wow. my 4 black neons eats crazily. If i just float some flakes on the surface and when the flakes are dropping down to the bottom, black neons just catch those in a blink and finishes all them off. It has only been a week since i introduced them to my tank.
  4. M

    My Peppered Corys' pics

    I have 3 of them, but i think they interact with each other. (in my tank.)
  5. M

    Question about "Aquarium Adverture" in Long Island

    I live in Great Neck, NY. According to Mapquest direction, the distance from my town to there is only like 8 miles. My house is near exit 32 on LIE, and that lfs is near exit 38.
  6. M

    Question about "Aquarium Adverture" in Long Island

    177 Glen Cove Rd, Carle Place, NY 11514 That's the address.
  7. M

    Question about "Aquarium Adverture" in Long Island

    Well, i read the article that talked about good lfs in Long Island, NY, and since the store "Aquarium Adventure" is close to my house, so i'm thinking about visiting there someday. Anyway, even though they have tons of kinds of fish, i heard they sell them in high price. Well, does anybody ...
  8. M

    My Peppered Corys' pics

    Feeding time!
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  11. M

    My Peppered Corys' pics

    I finally got some nice pix. :)
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  13. M

    Could this be...?

    I mean... are they ready to scatter egg? i don't know. :sly:
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    Could this be...?

    Another pic.
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  16. M

    Could this be...?

    My 4 cardinals sadly died, and as for them, i got 4 black neon tetras from the lfs. I'm looking at them, and like they are huge. Two of them are really bigger than the other ones. Are these Black neons pregnant? Already? What should i do?
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  18. M

    what is wrong? :(

    No. The change was BEFORE when i added the fish. Hm.. i'll add new ones again tomorrow or day after and hope they live well. It was wierd because my corys were really fine, and only cardinals died.
  19. M

    My fish.

    More Peppered Cory.
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  21. M

    My fish.

    Peppered Cory.
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  23. M

    My fish.

    More cardinal pic.
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  25. M

    My fish.

    I finally got 4 cardinals and 3 peppered corys in my tank. But, my all cardinals passed away and dunno why they died. :-( Anyway, here are some pictures of them.
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  27. M

    what is wrong? :(

    I don't know about hardness because i don't have a hardness test kit. My pH used to be acidic, like 6.2. but when i did big water change after the fishless cycle, it went up to like 7 again.
  28. M

    what is wrong? :(

    My Temp is like 82 right now. It's not that cold.
  29. M

    what is wrong? :(

    No.. i have filter. I have Aqua Clear 30 which is established right now. It works fine. Well, i used to have my new heater but accidentally, i broke it and need to get a new one. I don't think it was the problem of oxygen.
  30. M

    what is wrong? :(

    I C... hm. Thx anyway. ;)
  31. M

    what is wrong? :(

    Well, i was finally done with my fishless cycle, and i got 4 cardinals and 3 peppered corydoras for my 10 gal tank. After i equlized the temperature of the plastic bag with fish and my tank, i gradually put them in the tank, and they seemed fine. I only lost one cardinal yesterday. (That one...
  32. M

    Really good neon tetra picture.

    Unfortunately, this is not mine. :( I got this picture from somewhere else, but it's really cool. I hope u'll like this. p.s: this pic is wat i used for my avatar. :lol:
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  34. M

    OMG. When does this nitrite gonna go down?

    Good news. Finally this nitrite went down. :) wow.. it's like .5 ppm right now. I think i'll be FINALLY able to put some fish by next week. Thank god. :lol:
  35. M


    I have hygrophilia right now, and it's weed! I mean.. it just grows so well. :) Try them for background and u'll like it.
  36. M

    OMG. When does this nitrite gonna go down?

    # Update # I did 2 water changes yesterday and brought down the level of nitrite. Today, i checked nitrate and it suddenly spiked up to like 100! My nitrite is still same as yesterday. Hm.. is this a sign that it will go down soon? i hope so..
  37. M

    Best Schooling Fish?

    I don't think zebras gonna school with either neons or cardinals because zebras usually swim around in top part, and neons & cardinals swim in middle part. That's what i heard. :P
  38. M

    Mix? or just one kind? hm...

    Hm.. it's strange. In my LFS, cardinals are 99cents each and neons are over a dollar each. Cardinals are actually cheaper than neons! Yeah, i was also thinking about getting cardinals because they have better color. Since my tank is not that big, i can't put that much... but what can i say...