what is wrong? :(


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Great Neck, NY.
Well, i was finally done with my fishless cycle, and i got 4 cardinals and 3 peppered corydoras for my 10 gal tank.

After i equlized the temperature of the plastic bag with fish and my tank, i gradually put them in the tank, and they seemed fine.

I only lost one cardinal yesterday. (That one already seemed not good when i was bringing the fish home.)

And, today, i lost all 3 of the cardinals. :-(

My corys are really active and doing just fine. (Except they are seldomly goes to the surface for oxygen. I guess i need to get an airpump or small filter.)

I checked my water and it also seemed fine. (Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate ~40)

Is that level of nitrate too high? or what else caused the death? (Buti think my tap water already has some nitrate in there. What should i do?)

Ahh.. i'll bring the dead fish to my lfs later and get new ones, but i feel sorry for the dead ones. :(

I wonder how the fish at the lfs are? Maybe they were a new batch. Many fish die as they are unable to take the stress of the transportation to the lfs. I think 40ppm is still acceptable, but best to do a water change, about 30%, maybe even more.

BTW, if your cories do not go up for air, it isnt a bad sign. Mine dont either.

umm do u not have a filter or any airation in the tank at all??? :/ if u dont that might be the reason u lost your fish. Fish need oxygen in the water, so u should get some kind of airation. If you dont have a filter you should get one ASAP, not only do fish need oxygen, they also need clean and moving water. Maybe the corys that didnt die yet are just more hardy than the cardinals so they've lasted longer.
Anyways...good luck :D
No.. i have filter. I have Aqua Clear 30 which is established right now.

It works fine. Well, i used to have my new heater but accidentally, i broke it and need to get a new one.

I don't think it was the problem of oxygen.
What is the temperature in the tank? Maybe its too cold?

Cardinals are not really a good choice for a new tank. They're kinda delicate. Also they like softer water with lower pH. Do you know what the hardness and pH of your water is?
I don't know about hardness because i don't have a hardness test kit.

My pH used to be acidic, like 6.2. but when i did big water change after the fishless cycle, it went up to like 7 again.
Did the change from 6.2 to 7 occur when the fish were in the tank? That much of a pH swing could cause a problem. 6.2 or 7 is fine for cardinals, but if it swings, it's no good. But like I said, cardinals are delicate and probably not a good choice for a new tank.
No. The change was BEFORE when i added the fish.

Hm.. i'll add new ones again tomorrow or day after and hope they live well.

It was wierd because my corys were really fine, and only cardinals died.

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