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  1. F

    A few questions about Firemouths.

    Interesting concept. Thanks. F1
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    A few questions about Firemouths.

    "Dither Fish"?? What does that mean? F1
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    Some Pic of my car **56K Warning**

    COTM! F1
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    A Few New Pics

    iloveyou: The tank is 37 gal. I would have thought that the firemouth would do better. Have to wait and see. There is also one lone zebra danio in there. One of my original fish that I used to cycle both the 10 gal and 37 gal. He's a tough old guy and has never been bothered by the cons...
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    A Few New Pics

    Thanks again. F1
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    A Few New Pics

    Does java moss grow in low light conditions? F1
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    Cory pic!

    Those are gorgeous fish. Got me thinking about cories. I've never had any. Are there smaller cories that would do alright in my 10 gal. My cae is all the bottom feeder I need in my 37 gal. F1
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    Hi i got a better pic of my tank

    I like that white shell thing. Do you have any fish that go under it? F1
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    A Few New Pics

    Thanks Stryker. There are two stacks of pots in different configurations. I fixed them together with aquarium silicone. They provide hiding places, something to swim around and they raise the plants closer to the light because I only have a single 18 watt bulb in the hood. I'd like to...
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    A Few New Pics

    Thanks all. I'm rather pleased myself. F1
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    A Few New Pics

    New Male Convict New Male Convict Again Firemouth Male & Female Convicts just starting to get together Male & Female Convicts just starting to get together again
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    Mosquitos, etc.

    Is it ok to feed things like mosquitos, fruit flies, house flies, etc. to convicts and firemouths? F1
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    Aquarium Salt and Medications??

    Interestingly enough, I'm in a similar but opposite situation. I recently lost a ram to what I believe was ich and used aquarium salt first. I used half the recommended dosage. The only evidence I now have of ich is that I've seen, only once, an albino tiger barb rub up against something as I...
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    Thanks for the help but when I got home from work the ram had expired. Should I medicate the tank anyway? None of the other fish show symptoms. In addition to this, just in the last few days, most of the leaves have fallen of the broad-leafed (not sure what it is) plant. The bacopa seem...
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    Does this sound plausible? I introduced a blue ram to my 37 gal on Friday. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, pH above 7.6. He seemed stressed at first but got his color back by Sunday morning. I did my usual 25% water change Sunday afternoon. He now looks like he has ich and I have yet to see him eat...
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    Which blue ram?

    How do these fish differ? Papiliochromis ramirezi ** Microgeophagus ramirezi ** Apistogramma ramirez I bought a 'blue ram' today and I'm wondering which it is, if not another. F1
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    Firemouth Sexing

    Thanks. The pointed end of the dorsal fin is longer and more flowing now so maybe it is a male. Thanks again. F1
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    Firemouth Sexing

    This a pic of my firemouth about a month ago. I think he/she is very young. Can anyone tell the sex yet? F1
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    Yellow Lab

    Thanks again all! It seems I should concentrate on SA chchlids if not more firemouths. I was concerned about aggressive breeding behavior toward the tiger barbs from any breeding cichlids which is why I was going with single specimens. We'll see where the journey takes me! F1
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    Yellow Lab

    ps I am using peat granuals in a bag in my AC300 and that hasn't brought the pH down. It's off scale, greater than 7.6, on the test kit and it tested at 8.2 at my lfs. F1
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    Yellow Lab

    Thanks all! I am intrigued by the real driftwood idea. So now how do I procure said driftwood? F1
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    beginning fish

    I've used the same two zebra danios to cycle two different tanks. F1
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    Shell Dweller pair in 20G

    Can anyone quickly point me in the direction of some good information on shell dwellers. I've heard the name many times but know nothing about them. F1
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    Yellow Lab

    Thanks for the advice tdins_2. Most of my research says rams like it more acidic i.e. 6.5. However, I've also learned that within reason, stable pH is equally desireable. Have any opinions on keeping single specimens of different cichlid species together? Julies perhaps? Dwarfs in general? F1
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    Yellow Lab

    I'm thinking about adding one labidochromis caeruleus to my 37 gal which currently houses 1 firemouth, a total of 9 (varying species) tiger barbs, two zebra danios and a cae. Would you see this as completely unadvisable? pH is 8.2 with plenty of hiding places. The fake driftwood standing to...
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    my firemouth!!

    My firemouth doesn't have a lot of color on his belly either but is more red on the "throat". He seem very healthy and active and apparently gets along well with the tiger barbs. I just got mine about a month ago. I feed all fish in his tank (tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, albino tiger barbs...
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    Rams & pH

    My naturally high pH well water keeps leading me in the direction of cichlids and dwarf species in particular because I'm working with a 37 gal tank. Kribs are also an option. I just have to watch my stocking level. The firemouth seems comfortable with the pH. F1
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    Rams & pH

    Could I expect Rams to survive and thrive with a pH of 8.2? I have a 37 gal tall with tigers barbs (3), green tiger barbs (2), albino tiger barbs (3), zebra danios (2) and one firemouth. The pH is high at 8.2. The firemouth, danios and most of the tiger barbs seems to be doing very well...
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    New fish pics!

    I'm dazzled twice in one night! Just came from freshmike's latest pics. F1
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    Just a MASS O PICS

    I am simply in awe! F1
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    White Fuzzy

    A couple weeks ago I had a cherry barb in my 10 gal that had a small amount of white slightly fuzzy stuff around the anal fin (I think). It went away and shortly after the cherry barb did too. One of my new neons looks like he has the same condition around his dorsal fin and is less active...
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    Thanks. Probably not for me at this point in time. Very cool & prehistoric looking though. F1
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    I'm not sure exactly what species of compressiceps I have been seeing in the stores. The lower of the two images from the link below looks like the ones I have been seeing. F1
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    Does anyone have experience with Compressiceps? F1
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    Green Hair

    CAE did wonders for mine. F1
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    My New Firemouth

    Thanks. :) bettabananas: I bought the unglazed clay pots and saucers at a gardening supply place, soaked them for a few days, scrubbed them and soaked them again. I used aquarium silicone to fix them together. The original idea was that because I have insufficient light, I had to get the...
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    My New Firemouth

    I guess I call it the stack of pots on the right. F1
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    My New Firemouth

    I hope I got it now. The new star of the show. And again. Enjoying the company. One of his new buddies. Another of his new buddies Yet another buddy. A pic of the whole thing.
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    My New Firemouth

    Ok so that didn't work. I can't upload to the image directly from my pc? F1
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    My New Firemouth

    The new star of the show. Don't know if I did this right.