beginning fish


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I've been doing a lot of reading about hardy fish suitable for starting up a cycle in the tank.

However, despite my reading I would like to know what others have tried using when they first started their tank.

My tank is 3ft long and 21.5 UK gallons if that helps.

Any suggestions?
I used 6 bloodfin Tetras and they did the job plus they look really nice when they school and swim together....
What do you actually want to have in the tank when it's done? No point in putting a hardy cycler in your tank if you don't actually want the fish.

A very good point :)

I'm hoping to get a some Harlequin or Scissortail rasboras, a pair of dwarf guoramis, 4-6 Moons and some cory cats.

I love Harlequin rasboras so I'm obviously thinking of putting them in as my hardy fish, I'm just looking to see what others have used in case I see a fish I like just as much so I can consider it to start my cycle instead.
I'm not sure what a "moon" is. Can you enlighten me?

Rasboras should be an ok fish to start off with. They're not as hardy as livebearers or as cheap to replace as danios, but they get the job done. Start off with only a few and add those cories last, after the tank's fully cycled. :D
Moons are a type of livebearer, you guys probably know them better as Platies

thinking about it...would these guys be better to start with than the rasboras?
Harlequin rasboras do better in established tanks...I would get them but after you have had your tank up and running for a few weeks.

Apparently danios are very tolerant to cycling....I also heard this about platies but I lost 2 platies during cycling so I don't entirely agree with this.

Whatever the case....the fish that you start with....get only a few.....3 or 4 only....too many will overload the tank and the fish won't be able to cope once the cyclign starts. Then once the cycling is done you can add more fish slowly...i.e. a few every two weeks or so until your tank is stocked to a level you are happy with
I've heard a lot of good things about danios and cycling but I'm not too sure that i want them in my I'll probably be going with the platys ^_^

thanks for the input everyone!
Hi ladynaoko :)

I've used gouramis with good results, but temp's right; hold off on the corys. :nod:

And, when you start increasing your stock, just add them a couple at a time to let the bacteria catch up.

Good luck! :thumbs:
i have got 4 small silver tip tetras as my cycling fish. £3.20 for 4 fish really isnt too bad and if they survive it will be good beacuse they look nice

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