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  1. FishFanatic13

    My Tanks

    thanks and they are my 3 tanks my dad has 4 tanks so thats 7 altogether
  2. FishFanatic13

    My Tanks

    here is my 10L shrimp tank (no shrimp yet leting it mature) heres my 60L baby tank And heres my 100L community tank what do you think of them all
  3. FishFanatic13

    Moss Balls

    how do they multiply and this will sound stupid but do you need more than one for them too
  4. FishFanatic13

    Cherry Shrimp

    ok thanks and i have read that they can breed lots
  5. FishFanatic13

    What Fish Should I Get First?

    Yer i would agree with this order Yer i would agree with this order
  6. FishFanatic13


    ok then thanks
  7. FishFanatic13

    Cherry Shrimp

    ok thanks
  8. FishFanatic13

    Cherry Shrimp

    ok but its a rcs tank so no fish and the flake floats do they plants (java moss) and what about lettace or cucumber
  9. FishFanatic13

    Cherry Shrimp

    i have had this 10l tank running for a couple of weeks but i used old filter material to cycle it so now its cycled i am ready but because it newly set up there is no algea for the rcs to eat so my question is what should i feed them
  10. FishFanatic13


    does it matter if i have 2 male bn plecs or 2 female or will they fight because i have one and would like a second but i do not know the genders and i have read that two males will fight i would love a male and a female
  11. FishFanatic13


    hi just a quick question but do mollys eat there own babys and guppy and platy fry
  12. FishFanatic13

    Cory Or Loachs

    what is your fav bottom feeder
  13. FishFanatic13

    Recommend A Pleco Please!

    hi i could not have a large one and they recommended a bn plec (bristlenose plec) and they should get lively as they settle in
  14. FishFanatic13

    Guppys With Tetras

    yer they should be fine but i think guppies like harder water but tetras soft water
  15. FishFanatic13

    Which Fish Next?

    my dad was also told this and were the first lot of fish he had
  16. FishFanatic13

    Weighting Plants?

    i would guess that because they rot you have to go back and buy new ones so they get more money also they may be cheaper to buy
  17. FishFanatic13

    Can I Get The Otto Catfish This Coming Weekend?

    ok i will leave them for now and try and find the cause first thanks for all your help
  18. FishFanatic13

    Can I Get The Otto Catfish This Coming Weekend?

    so if i went back this weekend and they looked fatish how many should i get my tank has been running for a long time and have lots of BBA do they eat this also would they be compatible with 4 loachs a cory and a bn plec and some barbs and angels i put cucumber and lettace in there for my bn...
  19. FishFanatic13

    Seedlings In Tank

    oh ok dont worry and yes it would be cool
  20. FishFanatic13

    Seedlings In Tank

    thats great and if i was you i would leave them be and hope they grow do you have any idea what plant it is
  21. FishFanatic13

    Can I Get The Otto Catfish This Coming Weekend?

    sos for taking over your question but i never knew that because this weekend i went to my lfs and he had a tank full of otos which i liked but for some reason i didnt thank goodness i think i need to do reasearch but that is very intresting
  22. FishFanatic13

    Urgent Help Required!

    out of all three the heater is the most important in my opinion and then depening on what plants you have (if they do not need much light take away the light for the filter for a few days but the filter will not be cycled so you will prob still have to do daily water changes
  23. FishFanatic13

    Urgent Help Required!

    haven't you got a extention lead or a multi plug so you can have all them and how much light does the tank get without the light because maybe you could swap the light for the heater
  24. FishFanatic13

    Urgent Help Required!

    good luck sounds like shes ready to drop yes i would put here in there and leave her in there till she drops and when she has net her out so she does not eat them and yer i would put plants in there but have you got a light if not fake plants about acclimatising how warm is it because with out a...
  25. FishFanatic13

    Endler Fry!

    you are to far from me so dont worry
  26. FishFanatic13

    Betta And Guppies?

    yer i am 15 and i now have 3 tanks and yer dont keep them together
  27. FishFanatic13

    Is It Safe ?

    i used to have them to but they were out off the water i just wiped them of with a cloth
  28. FishFanatic13

    Endler Fry!

    yes where do you live
  29. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    ok then
  30. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    ok thanks i will see what my lfs has what about keyholes
  31. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    no worrys are bolivan rams the same as blue rams becuase i know my lfs has blue rams and could i get a pair
  32. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    i like some of the a lot but aren't some of them to big for a 60l
  33. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    ok thanks
  34. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    platys 7
  35. FishFanatic13

    Help! Hints And Tips Needed!

    oh ok well done
  36. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    ok i have seen him shuffle a bit thanks
  37. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    ok thank thats what i was hoping and seems happy but just does not swim much
  38. FishFanatic13

    Newbie With Mollys (One May Be Preggers)

    yer i would say she is pregnat well congrats if you get any fry
  39. FishFanatic13

    Help! Hints And Tips Needed!

    oh well done but if you want to keep the fry you will need to separte them from larger fish even her mum as they eat there own babys but well done