Search results

  1. M

    Pic of My 55

    A silver dollar we rescued. He was abandoned in a 10 gal with a tiger barb. No heat or filter. His fin was sticking out of the top of the water (evaporated) when we found him. We found out he had been there for 3 month unattended.
  2. Teddy.jpg


  3. M

    Pic of My 55

    Again my Giant (My favorite at this time) I've shown him before but the pics got lost
  4. Liberty.jpg


  5. M

    Pic of My 55

    Giant Gourami (Liberty) & male & female golden
  6. gouramis.jpg


  7. M

    Pic of My 55

    My Flame Gourami (Scarlet) & My blue Gourami (Spot)
  8. fish_5.jpg


  9. M

    Pic of My 55

    :*) More
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  13. M

    Pic of My 55

    I had to do quite a bit of work on my computer today so I had a link open here to browse in my spare time. I love looking at the pics but never could get any good ones myself. I read some of the how tos and wanted to share my efforts with you. I have lots of work to do to get this tank where...
  14. Tank.jpg


  15. M

    New Pleco

    Here is a picture of him with his dorsal up. He is in a 55 gal now and will go in the 120 gal when we pick it up.
  16. Wrecks_flared.jpg


  17. M

    New Pleco

    This is one of his tank mates. Goliath is black and Wrecks is brown. Can you help me ID him too.
  18. Wrecks_2.jpg


  19. M

    New Pleco

    He has a sore on his nose from being in such a small tank. How should I treat that?
  20. Goliath.jpg


  21. M

    New Pleco

    So we found a new person to do our taxes this year. She works out of her home. We had to wait while she finished the person ahead of us. She happened to have a small 10 gallon tank to look at while we waited. I did not mind. In this 10 g tank she had about 30 guppies, 3 albino cories, 2...
  22. Goliath_1.jpg


  23. M

    Shell-dwelling mbuna?

    That is so cool! :kewlpics: I had to remove one shell and turn the other one over. My pleco kept going in it until he got too big and got stuck one day. Do you ever have that problem? )Or did I just buy a retarded pleco? :dunno: )
  24. M

    Mixing other fish in Betta tank?

    We are new to Betta raising. I've been reading about them on this site since last fall. My son has been begging for one so we broke down and got him one for his birthday a few weeks ago. He has him in a 2.5 gal rectangular tank with no filter or heater (I like to keep the house very warm...
  25. M

    hey hey im new here :)

    :hi: You wil love :wub: this forum
  26. M

    How much are fish in your area??

    PT Would love to find those prices! The store I found sell most of their fish for $2.75. She will order anything I request and will buy any babies we have. She keeps a very clean shop and cares well for her stock. For every 5 fish you buy she gives you a free one.
  27. M

    Ick and fry.....

    I have Wardley Ick Away. It says under "Caution: Do not use on Baby Fish" I have never had to use it, so far, so I do not know for a fact how it would effect them.
  28. M


    :hi: Enjoy yourself! As you already know it is easy to become addicted to this forum. Alot of great advice from great people.
  29. M

    New member

    :hi: Sounds like you will make a great addition to this already wonderful forum!
  30. M

    My Freshwater Tank

    I will second that!!! What a beautiful set up :D
  31. M

    Back Again

    Boy I go away for a day and everything falls apart. :S I was so looking forward to spending my re-coop time from surgery just reading here. My husband sets up my laptop so I can surf and not have to get up. I log on (not being able to do so) and find out what horrible thing has happened. I...