New Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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So we found a new person to do our taxes this year. She works out of her home. We had to wait while she finished the person ahead of us. She happened to have a small 10 gallon tank to look at while we waited. I did not mind. In this 10 g tank she had about 30 guppies, 3 albino cories, 2 small plecos and this monster pleco. She saw me looking and asked if I had a large tank at home. It turned out she was looking to get rid of him but nobody ever came back to claim him. She got me a bag and some guppies came along for the ride. ( I can never get good shots of them). Free fish and a refund to boot. What more can someone ask?

It is black and grey:

1.)What kind is it?
2.) How can you tell the sex of them?


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He has a sore on his nose from being in such a small tank. How should I treat that?


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This is one of his tank mates. Goliath is black and Wrecks is brown. Can you help me ID him too.


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he's certainly beautiful :wub: but I'm not sure exactly what he is, perhaps some catfish fanatics will wander in shortly :nod:

I would think that his new bigger tank, great water quality and good food will heal his nose quickly,it doesn't look too bad

Congrats on a good day! :thumbs: :D
The 2nd plec looks like a common to me, he's very nice.

I think that good clean water will be enough to clear up that wound on the other one. I am not sure what he is, def a male. He looks like another common, but he looks a bit different somehow. Does he ever have his dorsal up? Maybe that's what's different.

Yep they look to be Commons Plecs, they reach sizes upto 18 inches so be sure to provide a big tank.

Good Luck
Here is a picture of him with his dorsal up.

He is in a 55 gal now and will go in the 120 gal when we pick it up.


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