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  1. P

    Centre Piece Fish For 125l

    Hello, I would avoid pearl gouramis as these can grow to at least five inches, and would you really want a five inch fish in a 125 litre tank? If you do get them I would put them into the 180 litre tank. Males aren't normally agressive, the problem is caused by keeping them with only one...
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    Platy Help

    First of all may I assume you started to stock the tank with fish after one week? If so this is the problem. Before you can add fish to an aquarium, the filter needs to build up a population of friendly nitrosomonas bacteria which break down ammonia into less harmful substances known as nitrite...
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    Scrape On Sivlerdollar

    I would just add the melafix to the water, removing the fish is totally unecessary and will only stress the fish. :)
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    Help Sexing Bolivian Rams And Other Fish Pics

    Rams are very hard to sex, even once they mature, and the only surefire way of telling is if they start to show spawning behaviour. However I agree with the above, I also think they are both males.
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    Cycle Problem

    Good point. :)
  6. P

    Stock Help

    Here I'm afraid I have to give some conflicting advice, 150cm is way too much for a 60 litre tank, try the calculator on, it gives a more realistic result. Out of the cichlids I would go with a pair of rams.
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    Floating But Not Dead

    Could you provide a little more info? Is the fish stuck in an air-pocket or is it a physical problem with the fish? Also it would be very helpful if you could give us the results from a set of water tests, fish jump out of the water for a reason, and it is sometimes water quality related.
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    Spider web like material in tank?

    Hi, It sounds like a slime mould, which are simple, fungi-like amoeboid organisms. These aren't harmful and they often originate from bogwood or live plants, however it may be best to remove it.
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    Cycle Problem

    Hello, It takes time for the ammonia to start decreasing, usually the nitrite level starts to rise after around 8 days before peaking, then the ammonia should start to drop. After a further week or two the nitrate level will start to increase and the nitrite will begin to fall. Just sit back...
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    How Many Angels In A Rio 180?

    Angels can grow to 15cm/6" and they may need a slightly larger tank once they are fully grown, however three or four specimens would be suitable.
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    Halfbeak Problem

    Hi, I've had a few problems with halfbeaks fin nipping, and slow moving fish such as gouramis are quite prone to this. I would be inclined to seperate the fish if things start to get worse.
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    Aragonite Not Working?

    Hi, Aragonite will cause the pH to rise to a high level, however it depends on the hardness of your water, this is measured in GH/KH degrees. If you have a hardness of less than 4 degrees it will be quite difficult to raise the pH and maintain it at a certain level, however if it is quite high...
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