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  1. J

    Bullying Male

    Right, Ive taken him out for now and put him in quarantine tank till I can find homes for 2 new ones. Do you think theres any point trying to put him back in after a few days? was hoping he'd think he was in a new place and would be more friendly???
  2. J

    Bullying Male

    He seems to be nipping everywhere. He follows them constantly. They had a stressful 2 weeks in hospital tank already. Dont think they will last long if he keeps attacking them.
  3. J

    Bullying Male

    Does anybody know if this would work... Only male guppy in tank for ages, now has new guppy friends, only he's not being very friendly. He's attacking the 2 new males. Would putting the bully in another tank for a bit and replacing him in main tank settle his aggressiveness? If it is worth a...
  4. J

    New Fish Being Attacked

    Ok, im thinking of now putting the 3 preganant guppies from quarantine tank into main tank and putting the bully male gup from main tank into quarantine on his own for a while, in the hope that when he returns to main tank he wont be territorial any more. Anyone know if this will work? If...
  5. J

    New Fish Being Attacked

    They are all male. Theres plenty of rocks and plants and I moved the rocks and the wood a bit. The bully guppy is in the breeding net for the mo to give the others some peace. I have 3 pregnant female guppys still in the quarantine tank. Is he likely to pester them if I put him in there?
  6. J

    New Fish Being Attacked

    Just put 2 male guppies from quarantine tank into main tank. The one male guppy I had already who has been the only guppy in there for ages now wont leave the 2 new ones alone. He s being really agressive and doesn't give them a seconds peace- he follows them everywhere. Is there anything i...
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    Grey Patches

    Lost him yesterday. :( He did look a bit bleached out. But isnt ntd highly infectious? wouldnt the other cardinals have caught it by now?
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    Just For Fun

    Thank goodness shes had them. Cant believe how big those babies are! :)
  9. J

    Grey Patches

    Just had a look at the meds I have and the velvet control's ative ingredient is copper sulphate which is what that info you just posted sugested. Does that sound ok to you? or protozin also says on the bottle it treats costiasis? Once a fish has started hiding away Ive never managed to save...
  10. J

    Grey Patches

    No, the cardinals in main tank, no whitespot been in there. Whitespot was in hospital tank. What I was thinking was, the guppies that have just got rid of whitespot going into main tank if there is a bacterial infection in there, maybe theyll have low resistance still?. But all other fish in...
  11. J

    What Are Symptomes Of Velvet?

    Just had a look at the site blue ram posted. Its a brilliant site.
  12. J

    Grey Patches

    OK any advice & thoughts on this. Cardinal definitely not well, really hiding well now and colour very faded. So would like to transfer him to hospital tank (recently got rid of white spot) and put the guppies from hos tank into main tank (recently treated with interpret gen tonic cos of this...
  13. J

    Grey Patches

    THanks for the advice guys!
  14. J

    Grey Patches

    ok, thank you. I hope that works, poor fishies.:sick: One more question, I was about to put the guppies from my hospital tank in my main tank. Havent yet cos ich appeared. If treating main tank is it best to wait or should they be ok. Im very aware theyve had a lot of stres since i got them.
  15. J

    Grey Patches

    Yes he is hiding more than he is out. If i start with some bacterial med do I need to do anything first as I put interpret general tonic in on Saturday.
  16. J

    Grey Patches

    I have looked but I cant see any sliminess at all. I put some general tonic in as soon as i saw he was off colour but no change yet. Definitely not fluffy. Gills and breathing seem ok. No flicking. He is staying near back of tank behind plants and rock a lot of the time.
  17. J

    Grey Patches

    One of my 5 cardinals has developed faded patches on his red stripe. \they have just turned grey. He is staying away from the otherrs for a lot of the time. Hes been like that for about 5 days now. No other signs of disease. Eating & swimming ok. Amm 0, Nitrite 0, pH 7.4, Nitrate 5...
  18. J

    Clean Hospital Tank And Keep Bacteria

    Hi I'll soon be moving my fish from hospiatl tank into my main tank. Fish in there have had ich and velvet. General advice is to thoroughly clean out a hospital tank that has had disease. Wouldn't you have to put in new filter media too? But then you would lose your bacteria? Id like to...
  19. J

    Velvet- Still Not So Sure?

    Thanks for advice Wilder. I had them in the dark covered over all day today thinking I would trythat route. When i got in and went to feed them one of the guppies had jumped into the breeding net and my little nursery of 4 baby guppies is now down to 1. :(
  20. J

    Velvet- Still Not So Sure?

    Do you think I could put the others in main tank so they can dont have to suffer the poor water.
  21. J

    Velvet- Still Not So Sure?

    No not fluffy, it does just look like his colouration, on back and fins a little.
  22. J

    Velvet- Still Not So Sure?

    Ive had 8 guppies 11 days now in quarantine tank. Been treating for velvet for 4 days. Im still not sure that it is velvet because although there are yellow patches, the fish does not have spots as velvet is described. His tail is still clamped. Unfortunately tank does not appear to be...
  23. J

    Raising Fry In Separate Tank

    I have only 4 guppy fry. At the mo they are in breeding net with other guppies in quarantine tank. When big guppies go in main tank would the 4 guupy fry be ok in the q. tank (25 litre). Would they produce enough ammonia to feed the bacteria?
  24. J

    Can You Treat Tanks For Velvet With Fry In

    Just found fry in hospital tank. Am currently treating for velvet. Should I stop, or reduce dose or ??? Or would they be ok to put in main tank in a breeding net? Dont want to introduce velevt to main tank.
  25. J

    Oh Dear, Babies & Med

    Just found baby guppies in quarantine tank and am treating fish for velvet. Do you stop treatment or half it. Any advice welcome.
  26. J


    I dont know, im wary, remember the 'fish in shock' after protozin the other day?
  27. J


    No, can get some tomorrow,what do you recommend?
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    Stats Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0.2. 30% water change since test. Although i feel guilty about the nitrite I hope it is this and not a parasite thats causing it.
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    Ive seen it flicking once. Its tail is clamped yes.
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  31. J


    Anyone know where i can see a good pic of a fish with velvet. One of my new fish (blue tail guppy) came with some yellow colouration. I may be imagining it but Im sure he's more yellow than he was. Ive read up and it says velevt appears as tiny yellow spots,but i dont see little spots just...
  32. J

    Add More Med After Water Changes?

    Right Im with you now. Cheers.
  33. J

    Add More Med After Water Changes?

    Yes it says redose after 7 days if needed. SO add the initial dose again after each water change?
  34. J

    Add More Med After Water Changes?

    Interpret fungus and finrot. Been doing 20% daily changes. Did 30% today.
  35. J

    Add More Med After Water Changes?

    This is something I was wondering about too. I thought my hospital tank was cycled but not so. And im having to do water changes every day so I must be taking some of the med out.
  36. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    I put 1/2 t spoon in last night (was very iffy about adding anything else that could stress them more) How often would add salt?
  37. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Update: All 8 are back to normal. Im so rlieved, i thought id lost them. Wilder, thank you so much for all your help last night. It was awful so see them react like that. Now what to do about the white spot, also fungus or fin rot on tail of the infected fish. I have some interpret white...
  38. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    UPDATE: Turned air pump off to sort it out and the fish seem much happier with it off. The filter thats in agitates the surface a lot, very bubbly, so would I be ok leaving air pump off?
  39. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    The pump has been running I havent taken the knot out yet. Turned the lights out. One resting on bottom, one resting on plant, rest still at top. Does ths not look good or are they just resting?
  40. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Ahh just seen one like mine, didnt know you could take the little rings off. Thanks for that. Gppies still look very unhappy.