New Fish Being Attacked


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Just put 2 male guppies from quarantine tank into main tank. The one male guppy I had already who has been the only guppy in there for ages now wont leave the 2 new ones alone.

He s being really agressive and doesn't give them a seconds peace- he follows them everywhere.

Is there anything i can do apart from rehoming one or the other?
Just put 2 male guppies from quarantine tank into main tank. The one male guppy I had already who has been the only guppy in there for ages now wont leave the 2 new ones alone.

He s being really agressive and doesn't give them a seconds peace- he follows them everywhere.

Is there anything i can do apart from rehoming one or the other?

You dont say what sex they all are ?
Do you have plants, rocks, decorations, etc. in the tank? It sounds like the first male is being territorial. Sometimes redecorating the tank will throw the fish "off balance" for a bit and then they ignore the new fish. This doesn't always work. I had a male guppy that took to a male platy once. There was nothing I could do to keep the guppy away from the platy so I eventually rehomed the guppy.
They are all male. Theres plenty of rocks and plants and I moved the rocks and the wood a bit. The bully guppy is in the breeding net for the mo to give the others some peace.

I have 3 pregnant female guppys still in the quarantine tank. Is he likely to pester them if I put him in there?
You usually need at least 5 males, if you're going to keep them together. This helps spread out the aggression more, so you don't have the dominant one picking on two all the time. So if space permits, I'd get more. :)

If you put him in with the females....most likely, yes, he will. If he's being a bully to the males, he'll probably be very stressful for the females, with following them around, maybe nipping them... Which isn't going to be good for them giving birth. And he'd most likely eat most of the fry if any were born. So I'd keep him out of there. :nod:
Ok, im thinking of now putting the 3 preganant guppies from quarantine tank into main tank and putting the bully male gup from main tank into quarantine on his own for a while, in the hope that when he returns to main tank he wont be territorial any more.

Anyone know if this will work? If maybe, how long best to leave him in q. tank?

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