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  1. Snake42490

    55 Gallon African Cichlid Tank Options

    I would like to go with the Smaller, Less Aggressive Mbuna Aquarium and what does it mean by Do not mix any Labidochromis species. this is a list of the ones that i like and can get in. Pseudotropheus saulosi Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" (SRT) Labidochromis...
  2. Snake42490

    55 Gallon African Cichlid Tank Options

    well i have a 55 gallon tank that has been up for a year. i had some cichlids that died about a month ago so i switched to a community tank and it has been absolute hell... our ph is 8.5 and these community fish are not liking it at all.. so tomorrow im going to take all my community fish back...
  3. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    could you by any chance put some pics of your tank up so i could see what it looks like with black water extract? everything is so hard to get around here.. none of our pet stores carry this lol.... im used to that by now though!
  4. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    im working on rigging some stuff up now haha.. im going to take a tube from the ro unit and allow it to fill up a reservoir tank. so if i mix the tap water with the ro water will i not have to bother with some putting some additive into the water then? also have you heard anything about using...
  5. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    well i now have my neons up to 13 . a couple i think are in shock.. the only thing is.. they swim around.. but seem bored if that makes since... 9 of them will just stay in one spot and swim around a plant all day... any ideas on getting them more active? water conditions are all in check except...
  6. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    would each of those fish be ok in groups of 6 ? why would you not recommend doing that
  7. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    i talked to a few stores and some breeders around town that do some supplying. they said these tetras have been bred and raised in the 8.5 ph and recommened to keep it as is. so i dont know haha.. it makes since what hes saying. all the stores keep there ph at 8.4 mine is registered as 8.5 but...
  8. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    i wonder if i should start using my ro water. it has a ph of 6.0? should i start using that on the tetras.. our water sucks lol... 8.5 ppm city water and 6.0 reverse osmosis.. at least my ph is stable. i would gladly lower the ph and make it more acidic if thats what you would recommend. i had...
  9. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    ammonia = 0 ppm nitrite = 0 ppm nitrate = .25 ppm inbetween the 0 and .5 ph = 8 that was the reason i added the salt. guy at pet co said to add it as neons love salt plus it will help lower my ph. my tank was fishless for 3 weeks after they died from ich. i did a treatment put the temp up...
  10. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    i just tested my water again... everything is just where it needs to be.. hopefully they will pull out of it. im going to try to feed them some daphinia tonight and see if that helps a bit
  11. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    they said they had just gotten them in. the worst part they had just done a water change and there water was in the 60s. so the new fish got a cold awakening... i hope these guys come out of it... i did a water change to get some of the uneaten food out. and right when i pulled out they ate the...
  12. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    just did the water change.. hopefully that will help out a bit... i think im going to add some cycle so i dont rid the tank of beneficial bacteria... hhmm.. im feeding them wardley total color flakes. if i would get the daphinia would i get the freeze dried or try to get them live
  13. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    im just worried about the fact that there not eating. i know they can go a while but usually even fish at the store the first night i have them they will eat. this is the 3rd day i have had them
  14. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    the uv sterilizer is in the filter. the tank has the normal bubls it came with on. i doubt the problem is ich. i did a treatment water change then salt and higher temp. the fish in here now dont have ich as of right now. i let the tank run a week to let some beneficial bacteria build up if any...
  15. Snake42490

    Help! Stressed Neons!

    Well I have 5 Neons and for whatever reason these guys are not doing so well. Wont group There scattered everywhere throughout my 55 Gallon. One keeps hiding at the top. Wont move if i go over by the glass to look at them. This is there third day of not eating anything. My cichlids died from ich...
  16. Snake42490

    One Of My Fish Has Disappeared

    i have had this happen before to. one of them i never found. is there the possibility that another fish ate it?
  17. Snake42490

    Hello Everyone!

    well i am indeed a newbie here! i have had my aquarium going for 5 years now.. just had ich and switched from african cichlids to a community tank.
  18. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    that was the fish that was staying at the top.
  19. IfdG_1812.jpg


  20. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    so should i not bother with the water change and just give them some time? when i got them home i washed the bag off let it float in my tank for twenty minutes then added half a cup of water and let them sit in that for 5 min then added a cup and let them sit for 10 min then scooped them up...
  21. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    i wonder if maybe that was to much for them. should i try to keep it at 78 ?
  22. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    my two thermometers say its 79. water is checking out and everything is in balance. when i got them from the pet store the water was extremely cold.. i would say around 65 i had to shift the bag out of my hands it was so cold..
  23. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    hmm i think im going to do a little water change. see if i can lower the temp another degree... shouldnt neons be pretty active instead of hiding?
  24. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    i think i had extremely bad timing on him. i put him up to a light while in the cup. hes not breathing. he didnt even make it to the salt... this is really weird..
  25. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    wow... i dont know if you have ever heard of this. i took a cup and put him in the cup while i was finishing mixing up the salt. i think it had a heart attack. this is my normal aquarium cup so i know there was nothing in it... im not sure if the little guy is still alive....
  26. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    i will do that right now and get back to you. so should i not feed any of the fish then for a couple days?
  27. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    well i just got the fish. this is there second day of being in. they had a rough go from the start they didnt look the best when i got them but all but this one guy seems to be coming out of it besides the fact all the other ones are hiding a lot. but they are staying together at least. im...
  28. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    all the fish in the tank have bright colors. all the reds are showing. fins are staying out. normal breathing. the one loner fish looks bloated. all the other fish have smaller stomachs and his looks like he ate a ton. but when i fed them last night i saw them eat but it was only a very small...
  29. Snake42490

    One White Spot?

    i have had it start off like that before but ive also thought it was a spot when it was just a dislodged scale that finally came off. hows the fish acting? any signs off stress rapid breathing or anything/?
  30. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    im a little worried about the one loner fish. he has been at the top right of the aquarium and hasnt moved. i open the lid and he just stays there. any ideas? the other fish are at least staying by eachother at the bottom of the tank. he hasnt grouped up with them yet? any ideas?
  31. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    the tank has been up for a year and a half. i just moved it from upstairs to downstairs and saved all the water. water has been tested and everything comes out good. about three weeks ago my heater went out and woke up to cold water with ich covered cichlids. i think the heaters went out during...
  32. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    im working the temp down slowly. its now at 79. all the fish are still living but still hiding. there is one that just likes to hang at the top. they all seem healthy. the colors are very bright.. i did a two series water change for two days. first i did a 25 added water without salt. then next...
  33. Snake42490

    Neon Tetra / Tetra Tank

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium that i am slowly adding fish into. i currentally have 6 neons in the tank. i would like to add glowlight tetras gold tetras lemon tetras and black neons. anyone have any ideas how many of each i should add without going over my limit? if there was any room i might...
  34. Snake42490

    Neon Tetras Hiding / Not Eating

    hey guys i am a new member here which i will be posting on the newbie side soon haha anyway. 3 weeks ago i moved my aquarium to my new room. move went well. but after a week my african cichlids died of ich. heater went out plus they were still stressed from move. after that i let my tank run for...