One Of My Fish Has Disappeared


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
I have a habit of checking for all of my fish when ever I see my tank (to check to see if they are all alive :/ ), so this morning, before I left for school there were six. All there. So when I came home i'm counting and identifying my fish and I notice that I don't see one of the girls. I look at the tank from every angle. Under plants, in caves. Nowhere. And there isn't a lot of stuff in my tank so I can see where all my fish are even when they are "hiding". So I check the floor to see if she jumped out and still nothing. What could have happened? :unsure:
Check the filter but switch it off first.
The only other option then is too remove things from the tank to take a good look.
i have had this happen before to. one of them i never found. is there the possibility that another fish ate it?
The only fish in the tank are/were 6 cherry barbs. Before I bought them many websites said they were quite peaceful but mine, at least, are not. Just yesterday one of the cherry barbs in the tank lost half a tail so it is very much possible that my missing fish was eaten. I really liked her though. She was very peaceful compared to my boys who chase the girls around and one evil girl who chases everyone and I whom I believe is accountable for the halfed tail.

****Also I need help with the aggressive girl. She is causing a lot of problems in the tank and i've been told I should get rid of her. But I got her from Petco and I don't think they will take her back and I don't know if other lfs will take her. What should I do.
how big is ur tank? because it might be aggesive because if theres not enongh space. some people find when they move plants and ordaments around make a few hiding spaces the fish tend to be more peacful

not sure about the fish but i thick it could of been eaten. today i went to the fish shop and i was looking at the angel fish small one which died and was getting eaen. i also saw a silver shark died and a red tail sherk was eating it -_-
my tank is a ten gallon which housed just the six cherry barbs. The thing is, in the beginning when I only had 2 cherry barbs the big one still chased the other one. I got the other four to balance out agression but it didn't work.
Try Feng Shui (sp?) therapy? :shifty: No, seriously though, seperating out the most aggresive female may help out a lot. Rearranging the plants/ornaments is also a good idea as was stated above. If all else fails, chalk this group up to needing serious mental therapy :shifty: .
Hmm.. I think the Petsmart here will take back fish if they're still alive. Not sure though since we haven't had to do that.
Just call them up and ask them if they will take back live fish.
If not, check to see if there is any other LFS around you that would be willing to take her.

AS for the missing fish... I dunno. Would be kinda hard for something to hide in a 10gallon so it seems as though it was probably eaten. Or depending on how large your gravel is.. it could've buried itself under the gravel & died, or died and gotten under the gravel.
I always check and count my fish aswell. Had to do so thismorning and found only 8 neons, should been nine. After spending an hour looking through tank and in hiding spots, checking between leafs in plants etc.. I couldnt see it. Then as I was going to walk away I spotted it on the filter front where the current had sucked its body in :sad: Some times they just blend in.

Cant say what could of happened except maybe she had been eaten. I had a simular problem with my female mollie. She went on a violant rampage and killed a neon and a cory, not happy at that she just kept charging and attacking other fish!! I put her in a breeding net and re arranged the tank a bit. Also added a few more leafy plants and then released her back. She has been fine ever since, maybe do the odd chase but not seen nothing more. Though saying that My smallest cory has a ripped dorsal fin so im wondering if she had a go?? Im currently waiting for some java moss to be delivered aswell as this can create great hiding spots and cover. Was going to add 2 more females to even things out but decided against it for now.

I read up cherry barbs are peaceful but heard different stories so I havent bothered with any in my tank.

Hope all settles.

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