Help! Stressed Neons!


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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Well I have 5 Neons and for whatever reason these guys are not doing so well. Wont group There scattered everywhere throughout my 55 Gallon. One keeps hiding at the top. Wont move if i go over by the glass to look at them. This is there third day of not eating anything. My cichlids died from ich 3 weeks ago so i did a water change turned the temp up 92 and put a bunch of salt in. i let that run for a week and a half. then i did a water change to get salt out. then got the temperature down to 78. My water is checking out.. I dont know if these fish just havent come out of shock yet. I had one die yesterday he was very bloated and staying at the top constantly. Do you guys have any recommendations i should do for neons to give them a better home? it sucks watching them like this! as of right now they are the only fish in the tank. I think im going to do a water change I wonder if there is a little to much salt in there for them. even if there was i would doubt it would bother them but who knows! ive also heard to put peat into the filters? should i try that.. any ideas greatly recommended.. I feed them Wardley Total Color. we have been snowed in for the past 3 days. walmart petco and petsmart are all closed... so im stuck with that.

Tank 55 Gallon been running for a year and a half.

Fish 5 Neons

Filter Aquael Unimax Pro 250 with UV sterilizer changed filter media a week ago. didnt touch the sponge filter.

4 big plants and 4 rocks.

48 inch bubble wall for oxygenating water along with spary bar for output of filter for when water comes out to create bubbles.

Water is completely checking out as it always does...

temp 78
hi snake,
has your tank actually got a light on it? does your UV sterilizer actually work? could you slow the water flow down so it zaps the ich spores?
using too much salt is bad. ive never used it preferring to fork out for a good whitespot remedy
the uv sterilizer is in the filter. the tank has the normal bubls it came with on. i doubt the problem is ich. i did a treatment water change then salt and higher temp. the fish in here now dont have ich as of right now. i let the tank run a week to let some beneficial bacteria build up if any died off from the treating. then stabilized the temp etc. there is def some salt still in there. should be to much though
How long have you had the neons?? neons can take some settling into a tank though saying that ive always added mine with sucess so far (though only had them 2 weeks or just over) Only lost 2, 1 was killed by another fish, and one died last night, something wrong as have a not so good 2 blue rams aswell. Other than that there ok.

If there the only ones in the tank they may not group up. Mine very rarly group up unless feel threatened, same with my corys.

Try a part water change.

Im sure someone will come along with more info :)
im just worried about the fact that there not eating. i know they can go a while but usually even fish at the store the first night i have them they will eat.
this is the 3rd day i have had them
What food are you offering??

I have a ram not wanting to eat and with experiences in the past i find feeding Daphinia tempts them to eat, even if they only eat a bit of it.
just did the water change.. hopefully that will help out a bit... i think im going to add some cycle so i dont rid the tank of beneficial bacteria... hhmm..

im feeding them wardley total color flakes. if i would get the daphinia would i get the freeze dried or try to get them live
I would ring the lfs and ask when they got them in, as some lfs sell them straight away, they have a long journey to the lfs, then the lfs has to climatise them, sell them straight away, sadly most of them don't make it as there stressed to death.
they said they had just gotten them in. the worst part they had just done a water change and there water was in the 60s. so the new fish got a cold awakening... i hope these guys come out of it... i did a water change to get some of the uneaten food out. and right when i pulled out they ate the little chunks which is a plus. i think its the fish rather than the tank. i had gotten two cichlids and the one had babies. she didnt eat for probably 14 days then got ich. one of them fell out and she never got it so i got another tank and filled it up put the water to about 80 and stuck the little thing in there. she then dropped the rest of them so i did the same. she died that night along with the other fish from ich. so i drained the tank cycled it. and in the meantime the babies were getting huge! so i eventually got them in the tank had them for a year and a half. each were almost 5 inches. so thats the water these guys are going into.. hopefully time will tell
There your answer never buy fish there just gotton in most of them don't make it poor things.
The long journey, plonked in there tank then on the move again.
I've gone through this and will no longer buy fish that have just arrived my husband fault didn't go with him.
Most of them died in two weeks managed to save about 3 black neons out of 8.
i just tested my water again... everything is just where it needs to be.. hopefully they will pull out of it.

im going to try to feed them some daphinia tonight and see if that helps a bit
Good luck, hope they pull through for you bless them.

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