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  1. M

    Golden Nugget Plec

    & the Plec ;)
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  3. M

    Golden Nugget Plec

    Just thought i'd show off my new arrivals, the tank is coming along excellently, and have just added more fish. Just thought i'd share one of my clowns & Golden Nugget Plecs with you.
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  5. M

    Fish Fraud!

    :kewlpics: Beautiful fish Ken, and once again amazing photos. Wish i could get photos half as good of mine.
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    Fozzy's 54L Tank

    Really lovely Guppies. Really striking markings and colours.
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    Just one of My Newest arrivals

    Thanks for the Nomination Freshmike. I think his colouring is fantastic (but i'm biaised). Cheers for the comments guys. :cool:
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    Yellow Panchax killifish & 1 pic of paradise fish

    I have ;) Good photos, i can never get mine to sit still for the camera either. They're really lovely.
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    My Betta

    Beautiful Betta there, really vivid colour.
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    Just one of My Newest arrivals

    And a slightly better picture of Sid, albeit with a scary look on his face ;)
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    Just one of My Newest arrivals

    Managed to get better pictures, finally worked out the camera!!! Meet Fred
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    Just one of My Newest arrivals

    I will post Nancy and the rest of them all once i can get my camera not to take photos really dark!
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome, you'll find theres alot of knowledge here - i've learned loads
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    Starting out

    I too like the idea of Fishless cycling, however George&Ade are based in Bristol (just down the road from me) in England, Pure Ammonia is virtually impossible to get in the UK (one reason being it's a main ingredient in home made explosives so i'm told). I'm sure it can be bought in the UK, but...
  18. M

    first pics of my tank

    :kewlpics: Nice tank you got ;) Looks very good.
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    My coldwater tank

    Lovely Tank Cheese. You've got some beautiful Fish. Wayne & Garth certainly are unique, & Elvis sure is hansome. Really good pictures. MadAsToast
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    My Tank - 3 weeks old now

    I have decided on a few definates, and some maybes: The definates are Black Mollies, Guppies & Harlequin Rasboro. Maybes: Zebra Plec (once i have the bogwood soaked & added) Other than that, i'm going to enjoy browsing, researching and selecting. Then i'll have to buy another when this is...
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    My Tank - 3 weeks old now

    Cheers for the comments. I was pleased with how it is establishing. I got the SAE's from Aquajardin in a little village called Stonehouse (Gloucestershire). They've always got some in stock when i go down there. six for £10. Mike777 it's 240 litres so about 53 Imperial gallons.
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    My Tank - 3 weeks old now

    And Another, even with only 6 SAE's it's still fascinating to watch ;) i'm going to add some bogwood (or similar) front right, when i find something i like.
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  24. M

    My Tank - 3 weeks old now

    Just thought i'd post how it's coming along, the SAE's have actually grown big enough so they can be seen. Comments are encouraged as i'm new and learning. thanks MadAsToast
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  26. M

    Cycling Question

    Excellent article www, by looking at this i should be fine, they are definately SAE's, and they'll be fine together :) Many thanks both MadAsToast
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    Cycling Question

    The fish seem happy in themselves, i added real plants so they'd have Algae to eat also that way whilst i was getting used to having fish and being a newbie they'd still have a food source without relying on my newbie techniques. The lfs said to use SAE's (he called them Siamese Flying Foxes -...
  28. M

    Cycling Question

    Hello All, A quick question that i'm sure has been asked before but i cannot find an answer. I am currently cycling my 240 Litre tank, with 6 SAE's, I do regular water tests and have watched the ammonia level drop to 0, i am now having the nitrite spike, it was up to 4.0 Sunday, i did a 25%...
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    A Fishie World

    My tanks cycling with 6 SAE's i've seen them watching me many times, they also love annoying the cats by swimming accross the front right at the bottom when the cats are sat watching them, rest of the time, they tend to stick to the middle and back!
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    Noobie - Back Again !

    I only lost 30 ish posts, 1000's alot to lose, ne'er mind soon get em back again ;)
  31. M

    Noobie - Back Again !

    Hi there, Glad you got the forums back up and running. Nice Job to all involved It's good to be back, even tho i haven't been here long - it felt like "home" MadAsToast