Search results

  1. M

    Info on Rams

    It depends on how much info you want. This Link shows the basics you need to know about keeping them. But if you're after more in-depth info the i would suggest a search on Google. HTH MadAsToast
  2. M

    Ram - Sexing Advice

    Hi there, Cheers for the advice, the LFS is pretty good (except for sexing of young Rams!!) The rams are about 1.5" and are in excellent health. In my opinion i would recommend the LFS, not particularly large, but they always have a good selection of Tropical fish, and bit of Coldwater, but no...
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    Ram - Sexing Advice

    Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to help, i bought a pair of Rams from my LFS, i asked for a male and female, he said they were a little too young to sex, but would try. I've read up alot on Rams, and the sexing difference is The female Ram is smaller, and has a reddish belly and a...
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    It's because the chatroom is a Java Applet, i had all sorts of issues trying to access the chat room. Eventually i just downloaded an IRC program and logged into the room that way. If you want to do it this way, the application i use is Trillian (ask me if you want help getting this or...
  5. M

    My 14 Gallon

    The LFS is AquaJardine, it's basically 2 minutes of J12 on the M5. All you do is come off J12, head towards Stonehouse (Away from Gloucester) Which is left coming South, Right coming North, It's in the garden centre on the right just 200 yards from the roundabout.
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    My 14 Gallon

    Thanks ;) You're only 40 minutes away from here (Gloucester), my LFS had a tank full of them. He says he cant get enough of them - sell like wild fire £12.00 a pair or £6.99 each he doesn't ship fish, If you want me to help in any way lemme know. I can reserve them or something but not much...
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    My 14 Gallon

    And Finally, added some Glowlights as company for the pair of Rams, they all seem to get along fine. If you're interested they're on Webcam which updates every 2 minutes whenever i'm online.
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    My 14 Gallon

    The inhabitants.
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  15. M

    My 14 Gallon

    Not overly established but getting there, lemme know what you think.
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  17. M

    Adrinal's FW Tanks

    You've got some fantastic looking fish Adrinal. Really good photos too.
  18. M

    VIDEO: female betta

    It's a lovely looking fish. I dont know much about either species, but it does look alot like this one.
  19. M

    choosing fish

    Hello Ted, I use Fish Index and Planet Catfish Most have pictures, and theres alot of really useful information there. Good luck with stocking your tank.
  20. M

    brand new need help

    Badman, I'm from the UK also, you'll find a few problems getting your hands on pure unperfumed ammonia in the UK (mainly as it's a main ingredient in making explosives - so i'm reliably informed). It is kinder to the fish to do fishless cycling, but in the UK nigh on impossible, they do use...
  21. M

    picture of female guppie

    here's one i posted last night, 3rd photo down. she's rather pregnant. HTH MadAsToast
  22. M

    Stocking Question

    Cheers for the advice, i thought about getting more rasbora, think i'll go with that. Thanks alot
  23. M

    Stocking Question

    Thanks for the Guppy/Betta info, it makes sense now!! Anyone help at all with the stocking level ? Thanks in advance
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    A few of my Community

    Cheers ;) i wanted it to be as natural as possible.
  25. M

    What R U looking at!

    Indeed, really beautiful fish, and good photography
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    A few of my Community

    One of the pregnant Guppies. I actually have fry in the tank, but too fast and small to photograph!
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  28. M

    A few of my Community

    Golden Nugget Pleco, and Clown loach waking up for food.
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  30. M

    A few of my Community

    My Aquarium - nicely established now.
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  32. M

    Stocking Question

    Greetings all, I've not been around for a while, unfortunately it's been a "strange" last month really. I've been merrily filling my aquarium, and would like to know if i have reached "maximum capacity" or whether i can add anything extra) I have the following in my 240 litre tank. (4ft x...
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    Golden Nugget Plec

    I dont mind at all, thanks alot, i'm not that good with Paint Shop. Cheers ;)
  34. M

    Golden Nugget Plec

    And another of the Plec
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