Search results

  1. M

    Read! Lol. . .i'm Sooooo Lucky? Why Though?

    :D :hyper: :hyper: mewha!!!! It's the enthusiast again Went to lfs to see if it was the water that killed my dads fish. . . but ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH were fine, pH was a bit over but nothing near to serious. . . . :lol: :thumbs: i think it's awesome they test your water for...
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    Name For Goldfish?

    Hey, had my goldfish for a while now and can't think of a name for it!!! I really wana be able to call it somethin apart from Fish! :D lol Please give suggestions. . . p.s. the oscar pond diary is awesome lol :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: :thumbs:
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    Hey, anyone here on flikr? :D I am and i was wondering if u could give me ur ID so i could see ur pics on there, dnt have to just wonderin lol. If ya dont want anyone to see ur pics just ask n i'll tell me email addy. :thumbs:
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    Fibreglass Pond Body

    how much does the liner cost? butyl costs a bomb n i cnt find much else thats good, what fish do you have? Well done with the ponds btw - i envy u deeply with a vengeance mewha
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    Pictures Of My Pond

    Lol, i'm a 16 year old mate lol, we have loads of bricks spare which is a good thing :hyper: and a few slabs also - good good lol :D How much did the liner cost you? I thought it was loads - did you use butyl? Well done btw dude! :blink: :drool: Hope to build one real soon and will post...
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    Fibreglass Pond Body

    garden centers like homebase? awesome thanks!
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    Goldfish + Adf In 30g?

    Hey, got a nice goldfish in my coldwater 30 gal tank and after reading about them i wana get one or two ADFs ( African Dwarf Frogs) - Fish seem a bit boring in comparison lol - unless anyone can suggest some fish or other coldwater creatures? Can anyone tell me if it's ok, can i feed it live...
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    Fibreglass Pond Body

    Hey, wanted to dig/build a pond but i dont have that kinda money Anyone know where i can get a premade fibreglass one in the UK? I live in Birmingham btw - i reely wana pond :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :drool: - Enthusiast - :thumbs:
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    Hopefully Buildin A Fishy Pond! Need Help!

    thanks, liner for £30? wow lol :D Thanks for the link :) :thumbs:
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    Goldfish Bowl > 15 Gallon Tank

    Hey, hope he likes the new home :) :thumbs: :blink: I have a nice normal goldfish in my 30g and he seems happy. Very amusing trying to watch him float from one end to the other as the filters creata a current mewha :D Dont know what tankmate(s) i can put in and he looks so lonely! :( :/...
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    Pictures Of My Pond

    wow, that loks great! :hyper: Wish i could have one like that. How long did it take you? Are you a builder or somethin. . . V. impressed! Really want one!! How many bricks did it take lol :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
  12. M

    Hopefully Buildin A Fishy Pond! Need Help!

    After reading the oscar diary thing in the coldwater n pond section i am inspired to build me own lol!!! look at it, tis awesome!!! So anyway i want to build my own pond for fish and i know nothing about it!!! Will research into books n that but i know it is nothing like the experience of all u...
  13. M

    What Will I Put In My Little 50 Litre Tank?

    hey, thought you might want to know that 60 gallons is 13.19 imperial uk gallons, hope it help lol
  14. M

    15 Gal is the only online shop i know in the UK!!! hope that has been some help dude, not sure if they have the fish u want but it is quite a good sight :) btw they charge 10 quid for delivery so make sure its value for money lol. I have a 30 gal but my goldfish keeps suckin up gravel n...
  15. M

    Building A Pond Hopefully!

    After reading the oscar diary thing in the coldwater n pond section i am inspired to build me own lol!!! look at it, tis awesome!!! So anyway i want to build my own pond for fish and i know nothing about it!!! Will research into books n that but i know it is nothing like the experience of all u...
  16. M

    New Oscar Pond Diary!

    maybe it could be a frog pond? i would put a net over it. . . .
  17. M

    New Oscar Pond Diary!

    omggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!! that pond is sooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Just read through the eight pages. . . . . following the thread, the pics are great!!!! I would b soooo chufd n proud if i were you, could we have a pic of u standin...
  18. M

    Why And What?

    Why - Hey, dads small 3 gal tropical tank is killing small fish yet the ammonia and nitrite levels are fine and he has plants to help absorbs itrates, etc. He has an undergravel filter and in 2 weeks has lost 3 cherry barbs and 2 neon tetras!!!!! He doesnt feed them too much and does water...
  19. M

    Fish Are Dyyyyyyying! Nish

    he's using tap water + the dechlorinator thingi to remove the bad stuff - will ask him to take the fish back n get a betta. . . what info do you have on the dwarf frogs? where can i get some from and what environment do they need? :huh: Never considered frogs - will research thanks. . . ...
  20. M

    Fish Are Dyyyyyyying! Nish

    i think betta would be nice. . he has an undergravel filter and water changes every 2 weeks if not less so its cycling fine me thinks. I agree with the overcrowding - logic rules all lol I'll try n persuade him to get a bigger one, might tell him to try coldwater to see how long he can keep...
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    Fish Are Dyyyyyyying! Nish

    Hellooooo everybody, dad has a slight problem with the fishkeeping hobby idea :/ . They keep dying - not all of them but a few every now and then. It is very anoyying as i do love fish and don't really like them looking furry on a spoon being chucked away. :-( He has a 3 gallon tank - if you...
  22. M

    Peppered Cories/weather Loaches - What Do U Prefer?

    :hyper: wow, lotsa quotes lol - how sad am i :crazy: u du look nice in the pic!! lol - how old r ya? :drool: :) :blink: Interestin to see fish sit on my hand - can't wait for the experience. i'll tryn send a pic asap ;) Muchas gracias :thumbs:
  23. M

    Peppered Cories/weather Loaches - What Do U Prefer?

    :) i du agree, if the loaches don't work i'll get corryz jus 4 u :drool: lol ;)
  24. M

    Peppered Cories/weather Loaches - What Do U Prefer?

    :) Since u answered to all my posts so far it would seem i've got to go with your idea lol :) The all knowing cheese - specialist rocks!!! sorry :lol: . U'v got to admit she looks nice in the pic on her profile :blush: ^_^ ;) :drool: lol :blink: Loadsa people seem to think the weather...
  25. M

    Peppered Cories/weather Loaches - What Do U Prefer?

    i thought they both where ok in a coldwater? The goldfish is the more larger variety - normal light orangy colouration and not very thin - unsure of what type it is sorry
  26. M

    Peppered Cories/weather Loaches - What Do U Prefer?

    :) Hey, thrilled to bits cuz mum said goldfish can have tankmate!!! :D yay :D I've been doing a bit of researching and found that the two better ones are weather loaches and peppered cories - they both seem awesome fish for my coldwater 30 gallon :drool: any1 suggest which ones i should...
  27. M

    Weather Loach. . .?

    Hey :D i've got a lonely goldfish in a 30 gallon coldwater tank with 2 filters and a plant to keep him company. . :/ Thought he might enjoy a tankmate and have researched possible suggestions. . . . :) Weather loaches look easy to care for and was wondering if anyone could give me any care...
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    Know Where I Can Get Any. . .

    Know any other coldwater fish that would fit in my 30 gallon with a goldfish?. . .
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    Know Where I Can Get Any. . .

    woah, weather loaches look funky!! their mouths look awesome lol and from a bit of research i just did i may indeed consider it. . will post another topic asking for care instructions. . . Thanks for the website! think they need a new designer though.. .
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    Know Where I Can Get Any. . .

    Hey, bet ur wonderin what i need lol :D ... Tank is a bit lonely with one goldfish that came with from m8 n i don't have a LFS!! :-( Anyone know where i can get coldwater fish/fry on the net that deliver? :/ (I live in birmingham, UK) :) Bob is startin to look so lonely.. . (Tank is...
  31. M

    Sea Critters With Goldfish?

    Hey, got a 30 gallon tank with a a large-ish goldfish in on its lonesome. Know from your wonderful opinions that it is very 'poopy' and so other fish would be inadvisable unless you can suggest some? So the thought came upon me to keep snails in there. :sly: Although i haven't done MUCH...
  32. M

    Goldfish + ?

    Fish doesnt look the long variety but the fins arent that great :huh: ? Not long lenth in comparison to height but not very fat either. . . :/ Anyone suggest lighting or does it not really matter much. . . tank is pretty dark from the lid that has no heating attatched. . . Possibly a new...
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    Goldfish + ?

    yeah i'm from UK. Birmingham. . . Will get a tank thermometer, don't think it's a fancy one although it reminds me of a small oscar lol. it has like a pink streak down the back and isn't a dark shade of orange Looks strange the way it sucks gravel, swivels it in the mouth and spits it back out...
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    Goldfish + ?

    hey, i've got 2 fluval filters running (Fluval 1 and 2 funnily enough) Thanks for the advice so far!!!! wouldn't mind creatures, sound interesting lol. Might get white cloud minnows as i know they are easy and hardy to care for. . . will visit LFS 2mora n c the variety, may list to ask which...
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    Goldfish + ?

    Hey, just recieved 1st tank!!!! Anyone remember how that feeling felt? Watching your first goldfish swim into rocks and feeling the life? might sound sad but hey. . . . :/ This tank holds 25-30 gal and has a goldfish in at mo. At first when i heard i was getting a tank with goldfish i...
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    What Do You Suggest I Put In The Tank?

    Hey, getting a 2x2x1 ft tank that holds about 25 gal i think :huh: It is from a mate and has a goldfish in it along with pump, filter, etc. . . What do you think i should put in? The choice i make is almost completely based on answers i get from you guys! lol :D So useful suggestion would be...
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    What Can Tank Hold?

    Hey, thanks for taking interest lol. . . I'm getting a tank thats 2x2x1 ft tank thats got a goldfish. . (has pump, filter, etc. . .) can anyone tell me how much water it can hold? (Gallons/litres) and if i can, how many other fish could i put in? Thanks, 1st fish tank so thrilled to bits!! lol
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    Somethin Wrong With Barb?

    Hey, something is wrong with one of my cherry barbs me thinks. . It has something like a white band going down vertically near the back and its top dorsal fin is always flat. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is - slightly urgent. . The only other thing is that my 2 other barbs arent...
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    Wanta Tank! :(

    Anyone know if there are any cheap but decen looking tanks out htere? like on ebay or sumat. Please give advice on where to get one from. Live in Birmingham btw What do you think of these?
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    Want New Aquarium!

    thanks alot for reviewing those links! i do agree with all the statements and noticed the 5p listing day - will be looking loads. if anyone finds something on ebay that i might like please post a note - i would love a tank asap. . . . :-( :sad: