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  1. F

    PH DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

    Turns out my skirted tetra was eating my angel.....
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    30 second fish memory

    Well, I know my fish have great memory! My pleco beat me three games to two in a chess tournament. He's a crafty one he is. Just a little hard for him to reach the chess pieces...and move them, you know, fins and all.
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    Pregnant Tetra

    Ok, I have a black skirted tetra with a fat belly. It wasn't always like that, it just seemed to have happened today. I'm told the female is larger then the male, but the fat belly tetra is smaller then the other(only two in tank). How do I know if she's definintely pregnant, and can anyone tell...
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    It's strange because the pleco is very skiddish and hides from the slightest movement, but when froggy hangs out with him he doesn't mind at all. The pleco will hide inside a skull on the left of the tank all day and froggy will sit in there with him every once and a while. Then he grabs on and...
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    Cobalt Lobster died

    My friend recently bought a blue lobster which was about half a foot long. He was a big guy and very healthy. One day he somehow climbed the tube to the bubble rock and climbed out of the tank. He was found a half hour later on the floor barely moving. It was about a 3 and a half foot drop off...
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    I've been feeding him fish flakes, and bloodworms. He can't seem to catch the froggy bites I bought for him because they're so small. I tried dropping them right on his head, lol, but he just swings around with his little arms and misses them all. He figured that if he swims to the top and eats...
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    Gold shark

    It's more silver...almost clear, and has a red tail fin. Very sleek. Fins tight to its body.
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    PETsMART...stay away!!

    :angry: OK, I went to petsmart yesterday because I wanted to buy a strange fish called a golden shark, unfortunately I settled on a cory catfish. The lady put him in a bag, tied him up and we were on our way. About halfway to our house the catfish tipped over and never came right side up again...
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    Spotted Cory Catfish

    Thanks, but he died this morning. I guess petsmart isn't a good place to buy fish. I took one back yesterday and shouls have noticed something wrong when she poured the sick one back in the tank withthe healthy.
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    Gold shark

    yeah, I checked it out, wasn't it though, thanks
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    Gold shark

    No, that looks like a tricolor shark. This one looked like a minnow with a red tail. Thanks though.
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    Spotted Cory Catfish

    I recently bought a cory, and it has red spots around it's eyes and under it's belly, is this normal?
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    Gold shark

    OK, I'm sorry, but I saw it again, and it DID have a red back fin. Only the red back fin was red. It has big black eyes and resembles a MINNOW. I didn't buy it, but it was labeled Golden Shark again. P.S. Don't shop at PetsMART they're fish are sickly and the people...weird. Do they have...
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    Gold shark

    OK, sorry, I didn't know too much about it. It is long and slender. It's fins are tight ti its body. One was gold, and the other silver, it wasn't albino. Two big eyes on the front, and it hung out fairly still towards the top of the water. It wasn't a bottom feeder either. I'm going down to...
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    Gold shark

    I saw a fish that was hilarious. It had a long slender body, and two big eyes. It was labeled "gold shark" although only one of them was gold. The rest were silver. Looked almost like a tadpole. Does anyone have info on this fish? Will it be good in a community tank? :thumbs:
  16. F

    What's that smell!!?

    Not a bad idea, thanks. I bought some "frog bites" but they are SO tiny that he doesn't even see them. I think I saw him accidentally eat one once, but thats it. Maybe I'll hold a handful in front of him. And to everyone who doesn't like the idea of a frog in the same tank as fish, I'm going to...
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    What's that smell!!?

    Im betting it is overfeeding. I feed alot because I try to get the food to the bottom for the frog. Usually the other fish eat it all and I have to keep adding more. I'll vacuum the bottom and see if that works, thanks guys. Also, the silver shark can adapt to fresh, or salt water.
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    What's that smell!!?

    Um, well every fish tank I've ever seen in my life has had a smell to it. It's not rotten eggs, it's a normal fishy smell like my 10 gallon had, only stronger. I just thought it was because it's a bigger tank. I checked for mold...there is none. I have rocks on the bottom, not sand, and what is...
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    What's that smell!!?

    I'm VERY new to this whole fish thing, but I have a 30 gal.(US) tank that I set up about a week ago, and there is a horrible smell coming from it. Of course it's a fish tank, and it's going to smell, but this is worse then my friends 30 gal., and my 10 gal., any suggestions on how to tame this...
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    I'm about to put him in a 29 gallon tank. It's about 2 feet to the top...will this be ok?
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    frog needs air

    it's 2 feet from the bottom to the top. You just relieved me a little, I thought I was going to have to get rid of him. Every website says 12 inches though. Is 2 feet excessive? He won't sufficate will he?
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    frog needs air

    I Just purchased a 29 gallon tank, will my frog be ok in this? Can he get to the top and bottom ok?
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    Frog drinking beer?

    My frog is probably around 2 inches. He appears to not have grown in the last 2 months, although it's tough to say. I see other Albino clawed frogs with large bottoms, but this occured in a matter of hours. I feed him fish flakes, the same I feed my tetras. he always eats, even if he knocks...
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    Frog drinking beer?

    I picked up my african clawed albino about 2 months ago and it has remained the same size. I've actually posted about this before on this website, it hasn't grown. Just today, there was no growth in length, just a strange POT BELLY has appeared. It doesn't protrude, it just looks like his, or...
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    :sad: i have 2 angel fish and i have some other fish too but anyways i also have a bubble stone and for some reason they keep floating into the bubbles and they ride the bubbles up to the top and they tumble too and i want to know if this behavior is normal.
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    Fighting problems

    I have a glass tetra, which was giving me problems ,and chasing my angel fish around in circles until the angel had to hide behind plants for a moment of peace. I asked what to do, and was told that tetras like to be in groups. So I went out and bought 2 more, now two of the tetras chase the...
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    fighting fish

    Well, I bought 2 more tetras, that makes three. I know you guys said 6 minimum, but hopefully this will work out ok for now. I also put a down payment on a 30 gallon tank. Will that be ok for the angel fish?
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    :dunno: I bought an albino clawed frog about 2 months ago. It has NO webbing on its front feet, and the websites say this means it's NOT a dwarf. It HASN'T grown at all in the 2 months I've had it. Maybe it just requires more time, but I was wondering if anyone has additional info on this.
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    fighting fish

    My tank is only a 10 gallon. I was hoping to move the angels and the frog later when they got big. The glass tetra IS by itself, so maybe thats the problem. Maybe I should get him a friend? But what if the friend becomes violent too? Should I just get a bigger tank now? :/
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    fighting fish

    [FONT=Times]I have an african clawed frog, a glass tetra, a ghost shrimp, and 2 angel fish in my tank. I recently noticed that the glass tetra is swimming after and butting the white angel fish to the point where the angel fish has to hide behind a plant. I was wondering if this behavior could...