

Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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:dunno: I bought an albino clawed frog about 2 months ago. It has NO webbing on its front feet, and the websites say this means it's NOT a dwarf. It HASN'T grown at all in the 2 months I've had it. Maybe it just requires more time, but I was wondering if anyone has additional info on this.
From what I've read, your frog CAN NOT be a dwarf IF he is albino or if he is webless. I would say you have a clawed frog who is a youngster. Give him time, he will grow.

Dwarfs do not come in "albino" and they always have webs front and back.
If you were hoping it was an ADF, then sorry to say, they are almost never seen in albino form, let alone sold like that. What you have is an albino african clawed frog. They are not fast growers, so give it at least another six months for noticable growth. Also, if you see it everyday, its difficult to judge how much they have grown.

He might just be a little guy or he still needs some more time to grow. How big is he right now? They should grow to around 5 inches. What are you feeding him? How often? What size is his tank?
I'm about to put him in a 29 gallon tank. It's about 2 feet to the top...will this be ok?
That should be fine. You might want to add some tall decorations that he could rest on to aid him in reaching the top :thumbs:

What's he eating? Mine grow best on nightcrawlers. They get two small worms about three days a week and they grow really well andfar surpass the normal lifespan.
I've been feeding him fish flakes, and bloodworms. He can't seem to catch the froggy bites I bought for him because they're so small. I tried dropping them right on his head, lol, but he just swings around with his little arms and misses them all. He figured that if he swims to the top and eats all of the bloodworms from around the filter, more will keep piling up there because they float. So one day he got so fat I had to scoop the rest out so he didn't over eat himself to death.

But to sum it all up, he's doing very well in the 29 gallon. There are hilarious times like when he jumped on the pleco and hitched a ride around the tank, and finally to the top. Smart little guys aren't they?
:lol: Hitching a ride...that's great! My ADFs end up doing that with the female Bettas and Gouramis they live with. Does the pleco mind terribly? My Bettas and Gouramis just got used to their passengers after the first couple times.
It's strange because the pleco is very skiddish and hides from the slightest movement, but when froggy hangs out with him he doesn't mind at all. The pleco will hide inside a skull on the left of the tank all day and froggy will sit in there with him every once and a while. Then he grabs on and swims around with him. It's great.

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