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  1. G


    thanks very much tim! i'll check that link out now. i'm a bit clumsy but i'm willing to give it a try out. I'll get the nutrafin one if i mess up :lol:
  2. G


    thanks both, the nitrite is about the same, but the nitrate is gone up to about 40, i get a feeling that's all part of the nitrogen process (i think) I done a water change today and it's less cloudy now (the gravel is starting to settle!) :good:
  3. G


    sorry!!! I meant 25% water change to get the nitrites down. :X So let me post this again! amonia 0 nitrites .25 (forgot the decimal in there last time- sorry) nitrates 10 ph 7.7 Am rather thick when it comes to all this stuff! :crazy:
  4. G


    Water is still brown and still cant see into the tank but it is getting better. Surprisingly when i put water in the test tubes to test, the water is clear so that must be a good sign :good: I did the tests: amonia 0 nitrites 25 nitrates 10 ph 7.7 Guess I will have to do a 25% water change...
  5. G


    i've got about 3 foreground plants and 3 background plants! forget the names of them now. I have some color intensifier t6, but it says 15 watts, but apparently it gives off more light than my old 100 watt one or something :/ Would adding some extra of bio support be ok because the some of...
  6. G


    Thanks :good: Fingers crossed!
  7. G


    I bought some flourite gravel! I washed it about 20 times and then put it into t he water. It made my water look really really muddy :( The man at the fish store said leave the filters and air off over night. I have left them on though cause I dont want my fish to die. Today I woke up and...
  8. G


    This is the lamp I got. I'm not sure how to make my own CO2 kit :/
  9. G

    Gravel Change

    Did you stop your filters when you was doing yours? I've got mine running and looks like chocolate milk still :lol:
  10. G


    yep it's fully cycled! it has 22 fish in there at the moment. The nitrates were at 100 about 3 weeks back but it's slowly gone down each week and now it's zero. I do 25% water change every week, could this be why?
  11. G


    ello all :good: Me nitrates are at 0 according to me test kits. I thought this was good until I read one of the pinned threads. How would I get this up to 10mgs or so? I've done a gravel change so it will be cloudy for a few days. So the non light will help stop the slime algae and hairy one...
  12. G


    it was 700 dollars for one of them auto kits with cannister :X . bit tight here for that :/
  13. G

    Fish Personalities

    I wanted to start a thread where people write about any of their fish doing strange/done strange stuff/behaviour. I got two Clown loaches that love to push and shove each other out the way just to lay against my red plant, they have some good battles! I have a Blue Wag Tail Platy that loves to...
  14. G

    Gravel Change

    I turned the filters back on now :) @ qwikimpss, i washed mine about for about the same and it was like that too :lol: it's reassuring to know it happened to someone else to, and it'll clear up :) it makes me wonder how the fish are able to see in it!
  15. G

    Gravel Change

    I bought some flourite gravel! it looks really muddy the water :lol: The man at the fish store said leave the filters and air off over night. is this correct? never heard of it done before. i'm worried incase my fish will die :sad:
  16. G

    Gravel Change

    thanks for your help, i just washed it now and added it :)
  17. G


    hello all - i read the posts about lighting and a little bit confused. I did own lights which were 100 watts, but when i went down the fish store they recommended a "color intensifier" lightning rod T6 superlux high lumen flourescent lamb (15 watts) . they said it would help grow plants...
  18. G

    First Tropical Fish

    Gourami's do really well if there is loads of plants and rocks. I heard they can get agressive if not. I wouldn't recommend getting two males of the same kind though. I got 2 Dwarf gouramis, 1 golden gourami and a paradise gourami last week. The Dwarf gouramis just swim leisurely around...
  19. G

    Gravel Change

    Hello all! I want to change me gravel as it's a boring white. I've got quite a lot of fish in there though and no tank to isolate them while I do it. Is there anything I should know when changing it over? Do I just work around them? Do I wash the new gravel first? Confused! Thanks for any help...
  20. G

    Hairy Plants

    i got some stuff i will try it out and let you know what happens by next week
  21. G

    Hairy Plants

    Didnt notice before, but am using my bf's login :/ sorry to confuse! I went to the LFS today, told them of my algea problem and they recommended that i buy some shrimp. So they asked me what kinda fish i had and all that, I told them. Bought the shrimp. Got home, did the whole prep thing...
  22. G

    What Is The Oldest Fish You Have Kept Or Am Keeping At Present?

    I have a 6 year old clown loach
  23. G

    Missing Clown Loaches !

    my loaches did the same thing. one day two of them disappeared. On the third day i turned the tank upside down looking for them. day four they reappeared as if they were never gone. The funny thing is mine are about 4 inches and really FAT!!! So where they went is a total mystery. they are...
  24. G

    Hairy Plants

    Ok. So it's a 55 gallon tank PH 7.7 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 10 (or there abouts, kit is kinda hard to tell) GH 16 Temp 80 (treating for ich) I dont know the rest because I dont have a testing kit for that yet. Light is a Colour intensifier 15 watt lightening rod T6 superlux high...
  25. G

    Gravel Switch

    Hi there, Right now I have this white gravel with blue flecks in it. There is quite a lot of it. I think too much even. I inherited the fish tank so I didnt want to mess with it until the cycle was finished and things had settled down. I have put plants in and changed the aweful background...
  26. G

    Sponge Filter

    cheers mate :good:
  27. G

    Sponge Filter

    Hello all, I purchased a sponge for my aquaclear filter. I have got a sponge already in the filter but want to use two. Do I put the new sponge on top or the bottom? I forgot what the man told me at the fish store :rolleyes:
  28. G

    Filter Question

    yangfishy, it's best to wash out the wool with aquarium water not tap water, so you don't lose all the good bacteria Wool ones get dirty very quickly so need a clean every month or so. After about six months it will fall apart and you should get a new one
  29. G

    Albino Cory Cats

    Hi all, I just have a question. I recently bought three Albino Cory Cats and notice today that one likes to swim to the top and play dead. He just flops and looks like he is totally dead. Everytime he floats too far away he swims back to his original flopping location. Is this normal? Or...
  30. G

    Cloudy Eye

    Does anyone know the best thing to use for cloudy eye? I'm one day away from treating ick (been doing it 4 days) with quick cure I have some melafix I'm not sure if that will work for it still not got enough dosh for a hospital tank :sad:
  31. G

    Gouramis Question

    This morning I woke up, and Gordy was lying on the bottom of the tank. Guess it was unusual behaviour because now he is dead. :( Well, his death is a mystery as the other three are fine and I am well and truly gutted.
  32. G


    We introduced him the same was we did the other two gouramis. Let the bag sit in the water, slowly put tank water into the bag, then let him out. Process of about 25-30 min. I am sad to say however, that this morning we woke up and Gordy is dead. The other three are fine, so why this one...
  33. G


    Hi All, I bought two powder blue gouramis' yesterday. For the past hour, my male gourami has been acting quite bizzare. He is floating at the top of the tank, either vertically or horizontally on it's side. He doesn't seem to be gasping or struggling. He is just floating there. I was just...
  34. G

    Black Community Fish Please

    nah he was well dead. I brought it to the attention of one of the fellows who worked there and he poked it and they were dead :(
  35. G

    Gouramis Question

    Hi All, I bought two powder blue gouramis' yesterday. For the past hour, my male gourami has been acting quite bizzare. He is floating at the top of the tank, either vertically or horizontally on it's side. He doesn't seem to be gasping or struggling. He is just floating there. I was just...
  36. G

    Black Community Fish Please

    I must agree with you SirisuStarr. As a newbie to the fish scene, my lfs has declined to sell me fish since my tank was still cycling and then because the fish I wanted were incompatible with the ones I had (inherited fish tank with fish). However, the only problem that I have with them is...
  37. G

    Dodgy Molly

    there is some aqaurium salt in there. i've taken back two tetra's so far because they aren't too keen on it. saving up for another tank at the moment so i can make them all happy all this fish stuff gives me hairloss :X
  38. G

    Me New Tank

    Thanks to everyone for their comments and saying what could be improved and stuff! Me girlfriend did mention the background needed a change - so that's a must! more wood will go in deffo the sand part which someone mentioned, I'll have to read up on how to change it or how to go about it. i'm...
  39. G

    Dodgy Molly

    The fish today was going around vertically nose down :/ I went to the fish shop and said it could be something bladder infection and someone said possibly some bloat. didn't get better for a day and the man said they could kill it :sad: . I read the ways to do it but didn't have the guts...
  40. G

    Molly Being Weird

    I think I'll be safe and leave the meds. Thanks mate She's just laying flat on the gravel at the moment on her belly, heavy breathing it looks like to me :/ If anything else develops i'll post again appreciate your help mate!