Dodgy Molly


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Ello all :good:

I got a female gold sailfin molly who has been quite 'big' for a couple of weeks. At first I thought she was a greedy git, and heard that females are more plump than the males.

I only feed the fish once a day so it seemed rather how odd how big she is :huh:

Someone said she could be pregnant. The male molly is always trying to nudge her and play with her a lot of the time, and she's always been active.

But last night and today she hasn't really moved at all, just very lethargic. Normally she's the first to push the fish out of the way for the food and she totally ignored it.

Here is a few pictures of what she looks like:





Tank size 55 gallon
Amonia 0mg
Nitrite 0mg
Nitrate 20mg
PH 7.8
Hardwater 16

Any help appreciated :)
To what i can see she is deffo pregnant. Our silver molly gave birth last night, and she looked just the same, see if you can find her gravid spot....sometimes you cant always see them. It may be an idea to move her to a separate tank or put her in a net breeder.
To what i can see she is deffo pregnant. Our silver molly gave birth last night, and she looked just the same, see if you can find her gravid spot....sometimes you cant always see them. It may be an idea to move her to a separate tank or put her in a net breeder.

Thanks mate, got me worried at first. Looked like she was going to explode or something :lol:
Are you sure she's female? In the 3rd picture down, she looks like she has a large dorsal, and a gonopodium... -_-

She also looks like she's clamping. Your water stats seem good though. How many males and females do you have? Are you keeping them in salt?
Are you sure she's female? In the 3rd picture down, she looks like she has a large dorsal, and a gonopodium... -_-

She also looks like she's clamping. Your water stats seem good though. How many males and females do you have?

I think so, at least that's what the shop said :lol: . I'm pretty new to the fish scene here :/

The fish in the third picture is the one on the right I forgot to mention that bit too!
The fish today was going around vertically nose down :/

I went to the fish shop and said it could be something bladder infection and someone said possibly some bloat.

didn't get better for a day and the man said they could kill it :sad: . I read the ways to do it but didn't have the guts :unsure:
Is there any way you could seperate them and give them slightly brackish conditions? That's probably why they are getting sick and not looking so hot. Check out the pinned topic for more info.
there is some aqaurium salt in there. i've taken back two tetra's so far because they aren't too keen on it.

saving up for another tank at the moment so i can make them all happy

all this fish stuff gives me hairloss :X
Aquarium salt is OK, but marine salt to make it slightly brackish is what I was talking about. But I guess you can't add that until you get another tank... :X

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