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  1. M

    Seven Deaths - 3 Days

    Yeah that all sounds pretty familiar. The fish i removed are likely to be infected too then. :/ How should i quarentine this tank if everybody gets removed? Can i just leave it running with no fish in to "starve" the velvet? Edit: - Spelling
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    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    Sounds bad but i think i am going to have a tank ready for him pretty soon. Any ideas on what to do with this tank should everyone die? :-(
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    Seven Deaths - 3 Days

    Hey all, just got back from work to find two red rainbowfish dead now too. Read here for my other deaths. I really dont know what to do now. Two of my other rainbows are looking dusty and have stringy looking fins. I have removed the healty looking fish into a different tank. What should i do...
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    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    I have a currnet fresh water tank, could i just slowly add in the salt to turn it brackish or is there something more complicated required from me?
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    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    uh oh, that sounds like the start of m.t.s. there... :hey: Ha ha yeah got three tanks now, even one kept in my brothers room, now time for domination of my girlfriends house.. :thumbs:
  6. M

    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    Thanks, definately gives me something to think about. Do i want to give my main tank, in my bed room up to just this one fish? :/ I would feel better about myself for saving it from its current life though. This is what i hate about fish keeping, so many choices so many decisions.
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    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    Thanks, ok so i got off the phone to the lfs and they say they had no idea how old he is or anything and he has been in fresh water his whole life. Should i add him to my fresh water tank or you think i should make it brackish for him before i put him in there and acclimatise him to it slowly.
  8. M


    I have to ask this myself two days ago. Easiest way i found is up load your photos to (its free!) Then just copy the IMG link into your post and, up it comes. EDIT - Beaten to it!
  9. M

    Rehoming A Green Puffer.

    Hey all, in my lfs they have what i now know to be a green puffer, he is currently being kept in a fresh water tank that is WAY to small for him. He was the first fish i ever wanted to own but decided this would be impossable because of my current tank set ups. However i now feel like i could...
  10. M

    Bad Night For The Fishes.

    Hey guys, woke up this morning to find "Ozzy" My red finned shark dead now too. And one Red Ranibowfish looks like he is struggling. Nitrite back down to zero now after yesterdays spike. Any suggestions? He had no signs of anything wrong with him, was just ... dead!
  11. M

    Who Am I?

    Will try to get better pics now in the quarintine tank. Thanks for the help so far.
  12. M

    Bad Night For The Fishes.

    Oh, feeling a bit bad now that i killed them. :no:
  13. M

    Bad Night For The Fishes.

    Interpet antiwhitespot + is what i used, it did not say anything on the lable or in the booklet about clown loaches. It even has them on the box!!! :/ Just a bit upsetting to lose a whole species in one evil sweep.
  14. M

    Sydidontes Angelicus

    wow that sounds really expensive i just got one about 3 1/2" for £5.95. Not sure about sexing tho...
  15. M

    Bad Night For The Fishes.

    Hey all, I have 6 rainbow fish (bosmanis and reds) an three of them look like they have white dust on them. Covering nearly all there bodies, which flakes off when they swim against the filter flow. It is not causing pain of any thing obvious like that. However i figured this to be white spot...
  16. M

    Id For This Puffer.

    I know this is a terrable picture but its nowhere near as bad as the conditions as my lfs has this fish in. They said they dont know what it is and have labled it "Large puffer" it has been in a 12" tank for nearly 4 months now! Would love to give it a home but need info first.
  17. M

    Who Am I?

    Any one able to tell me how to get the pics to show up in my post? Sorry new to this!
  18. M

    Lfs Unknowns.

    Just posting these all here together to link to the page cos a cant post them where i want to. I had to remove the link to the picture files due to some "unsuitable" content, i would suggest uploading the fish pictures directly to the site rather than linking to a whole file. CFC
  19. M

    Who Am I?

    Just seen this in my lfs what do you guys think it is? Both pics are of the same fish only one shows colour better than the other. And could this be a snowball plec...
  20. M

    Cave Man!

    Ok, its got 126 litres of water in (thats actual water, not dimensions) which is 3 1/2 foot long. So the loaches should be ok for a few years however if they do outgrow the tank then they can easily be rehomed. sorry if this sounds arsy but can anyone answer the origional question? Thanks
  21. M

    Cave Man!

    yeah i heard they do, after my lfs suggested them! For now they are only 2" at most and i have a friend with a MONSTER tank that he said i can donate them too if i ever need. But with the current size of them, and my rainbows only at 2 1/5" themselfes i would say i have quite a bit of space to...
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    Cave Man!

    At the mo there is only 3 red rainbows (soon to be more) and 3 clown loaches.
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    Cave Man!

    Looking for suggestions on this one, one of those open ended what fish should i get type things. :look: I have a nice big cave under a rock structure in my tank and would love to get something fish or otherwise that would call this home. Just a grumpy old man type that will chase...
  24. M

    Any Ideas - For A N00b Cichlid Keeper?

    Well what i have done is taken the filter from my smaller tank and put it in the new tank. Along with the fish (5 plattys and 1 betta) from the small tank to kick start the new filter. When the new filter is ready i will but the 6 fish back into thier origaonal tank when i get new fish for the...
  25. M

    Any Ideas - For A N00b Cichlid Keeper?

    Hey guys, just got my second tank up and running. Its about 140L it is 39"+16" and 14" deep (water level). With a Fluval 205 filter. I would love a cichlid tank, sand as substrate and plenty of stacked rocks too. What will be my best choices for stocking fish? Quick note, my tank has been cloned...
  26. M

    Had A Bit Of An Argument In Pets@home

    I went into pets@home in Telford looking for a few female bettas (now i know they dont sell them) however saw one betta with very small fins and asked an assistant for a closer look. When the guy came over he got his net and i saw it was a really badly hurt male. They were only keeping two males...
  27. M

    Recomended Setup.

    I have just got myself a new 140L tank. It comes with no filter, or air or anything. Basicaly just a glass box with a stand! However my n00bieness comes into full force here cos my old tank (40L) came with the complete setup needed for it. So if anyone culd tell me what filter etc. is going to...
  28. M

    And For My Next Fish...

    I currently have a 15uk gal tank, with 1 male betta, 5 platties and 2 panda corries. I did have more corries but i think they were a bad batch or something because they have all been quite sick and now am left with only two. Anyways i would like to have just one or two other types of fish in...
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    Tap Water Nitrate

    Telford, Shropshire. It does seem very high, but i dought i have tested wrong.
  30. M

    Tap Water Nitrate

    I just did another water test today and decided to check the tap water that i was putting in to make sure ph and the likes was ok. However i noticed that the tap water has a Nitrate reading of nearly 100mg/L. This is surely not good for my inhabitants. What should i do to rectify this? Any advice.
  31. M

    Are They Gentle?

    Hey thanks, they are in a tank 2.5 * 1.5* 1.5 feet. Is that ok? Clowns can grow to 12" aparently but i have read they never get bigger than 6 in tanks and take years to grow. Plus mine are round 1 1/2" each.
  32. M

    Are They Gentle?

    Just got my second batch of fish into my new tank. I have 3 Clown Loaches and now 3 Panda Corys. First off should i have more corrys? I only got what i could afford today but can easily get more.Also they seem to get along fine but the assistant said my Clowns are fin nippers. They seem quite...
  33. M

    A Two Week Cycle?

    Hey, new guy here just bought my first tank two weeks ago. Going with a fishless cycle and have got a few natural plants in from my LFS. Did my third test today, (the tanks 13 day running) and there was no Nitrite to be seen, tho it was well above 4mg/L only 5 days ago. The Nitrate reading is...