Rehoming A Green Puffer.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey all, in my lfs they have what i now know to be a green puffer, he is currently being kept in a fresh water tank that is WAY to small for him. He was the first fish i ever wanted to own but decided this would be impossable because of my current tank set ups. However i now feel like i could give this little fella a home. Where can i get some good info on it? And what size tank will i need for it? Thanks
care for these guys is very much the same as the green spotted puffer - they get v slightly larger, and i have read that they are slightly milder mannered than gsp's too but as mine is still a juvenile cant tell you this for definite. Probably worth a look at the gsp sheet on this site for more info
Thanks, ok so i got off the phone to the lfs and they say they had no idea how old he is or anything and he has been in fresh water his whole life. Should i add him to my fresh water tank or you think i should make it brackish for him before i put him in there and acclimatise him to it slowly.
personally id have thought if its currently in freshwater and you have a freshwater tank established/cycled then i'd move him to the same to start with, so its not too big a change in water chemistry in one go. then maybe up the salt gradually over a month or two. Someone who knows better might tell you otherwise though?
Thanks, definately gives me something to think about. Do i want to give my main tank, in my bed room up to just this one fish? :/ I would feel better about myself for saving it from its current life though. This is what i hate about fish keeping, so many choices so many decisions.

uh oh, that sounds like the start of m.t.s. there... :hey:

Ha ha yeah got three tanks now, even one kept in my brothers room, now time for domination of my girlfriends house.. :thumbs:
Thanks, definately gives me something to think about. Do i want to give my main tank, in my bed room up to just this one fish? :/ I would feel better about myself for saving it from its current life though. This is what i hate about fish keeping, so many choices so many decisions.

According to the aqualog, Ceylons can easily reach and exceed 20 cm (8 inches) and need a large tank (200-400 liters). I think a 55g tank would be plenty for a single green puffer.

Since brackish water aquariums have a different set of bacteria from freshwater tanks, there's little point in fishless cycling it with freshwater just to kill off all the bacteria when you add salt. if i recall, the general recommendation is to set up a very mildly brackish environment and very slowly acclimate the fish from freshwater. wait for things to settle and then slowly begin raising the salinity to the appropriate level.
I have a currnet fresh water tank, could i just slowly add in the salt to turn it brackish or is there something more complicated required from me?
Just add the salt in your water changes. Do whatever salinity you want in the gallon or two you change, then do that every other week or so until your salinity level of the tank is where you want it. This slowly rasises it and shouldnt stress your new friend too badly. Dont put the salt directly into the tank because it is caustic for fish and could hurt your fish.
Sounds bad but i think i am going to have a tank ready for him pretty soon. Any ideas on what to do with this tank should everyone die? :-(

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