Are They Gentle?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Just got my second batch of fish into my new tank. I have 3 Clown Loaches and now 3 Panda Corys. First off should i have more corrys? I only got what i could afford today but can easily get more.Also they seem to get along fine but the assistant said my Clowns are fin nippers. They seem quite teritoral over a certain crevas but dont get really phsyical with the corys. Is it then safe to assume they will not attack other fish with big fins/tails? Or are my corys just not a tasty enough prospect for them?
Hey thanks, they are in a tank 2.5 * 1.5* 1.5 feet. Is that ok? Clowns can grow to 12" aparently but i have read they never get bigger than 6 in tanks and take years to grow. Plus mine are round 1 1/2" each.

I have clowns and one is around 6 inches and i have only had them 2-3 years. I had mine in a 4 foot tank with corys and the corys were all killed, don't know if it was the clowns or an aggressive yoyo loach i had but i wouldn't mix them again.

Clowns in the wild can grow to 20 inches and 11 inches is quite common in aquariums. They tend to grow quickly to about 6 inches then slow down. They can live for 40 years. Zebra loaches (botia striata) or chain loaches (botia sidthimonki) would have been a better choice for your aquarium.

Emma :)

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