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  1. S

    Will It Work

    i know but i have been on loads of sites and they all say different. Thats why i want opinions. The tank wont be set up for at least 4 - 5 months. Just trying to find out what i want.
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    Will It Work

    1 Red Tailed Black Shark 1 Common Plec (Sucker Mouth) 2 Kribensis 4 Polkadot loaches 10 Harlequin Rasbors In a juwel rio 240 (63G) I asked earlier but hardly got a response. Would this be an appropriate stocking sugestion
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    Stocking 60g

    Well i'd really like kribs and an RTBS. I'd like a few diffrent types of schooling or schoaling fish and 1 or 2 large fish (4 - 5 inches) Could any type of loach fit in or does the previous post about bottom dwellers apply to all loaches? Jon
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    Stocking 60g

    I have done a little research and come up with the following 4ft 60G Tank 2 Kissing Gouramis 1 Zebra Plec 2 Rams 10 Cardinal Tetras 2 Kribensis 5 Rosy Barbs 6 Scissor Tails 1 RTBS What do you think, will this look good. Need opinions on RTBS and Rams in same thank Thanks Jon
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    Brown Alge In 5g Tank

    any help on the info i've added???
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    Stocking 60g

    RTBS Clown Loach and a Plec Will they be ok together and how many of each in a 60G tank?? Thanks Jon
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    Hi Tech / Low Tech

    i try it with my basic setup and c how it goes. would prefer not to get too technical. How planted do you think i could get it with just upgraded lighting?
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    Hi Tech / Low Tech

    its not that i cant afford it, want to know if i could have a succesfully planted tank without going over board with technology. I earn enough to get evrything i need within 2 months but i want it to be my project for the year. If i had it setup within 3 or 4 months i know MTS would soon be...
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    Brown Alge In 5g Tank

    i had the tank running without a filter for about 3 weeks then i cloned my community tank and am currently running a fluval 1 modified so the water shoots to the top of the tank reducing current. Algae has been increasing over the past 10 days. Have noticed a few spots in my community tank...
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    Hi Tech / Low Tech

    more plants then that but i dont want a really high maintenance tank. I want enough plants plants to make it full but not too many that i cant have a fully stocked tank. Want to have a comunity tank, would tiger barbs and clown loaches go together, *sorry to jump off the subject*
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    Brown Alge In 5g Tank

    as the title says i have a brown algae in my betta tank, its only on the front of evrything though. Is this the type i have to let it run its course an it go of its own accord?? jon
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    Hi Tech / Low Tech

    not many people i know have a tank. Getting the basics is fine. Im def getting a Juwel rio 240, fluval/eheim external, 2 visitherm 200w heaters and t5. Its just the extras as i mentioned, they are pretty expensive, suppose i could get the tank running on basics and add evrything else at a later...
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    Hi Tech / Low Tech

    As i have mentioned in a previous post i will be saving up a little a week to get my new tank set-up but i have come to a crossroad. Do i go for the low tech which will cost around £400 for all the hardware and have a few easy plants or go high tech and get involved with co2 system, ph controler...
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    Oscar In A 240

    will be getting an external fluval/eheim for it anyway. Never mind, was a nice thought while it lasted
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    Oscar In A 240

    could an oscar fit into a juwel rio 240? i know ill prob get mixed opinions, just going to go with the consensus
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    The Right Gear

    yeah, il have to do a search on it tomorrow. Off to bed now. Thanks for your help and comments evryone
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    The Right Gear

    i dont have one i will be getting one. I was refering to a post i read before. Cant quite remember the problem but im sure thats what it was. I have a fluval 800 at the mo but want to set up a juwel rio 240. Just need opinions on my choice of equipment before i commit myself
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    The Right Gear

    ive heard the plastic bar under the light breaks but on the newer juwel tanks i thought thet were easily replacable. Could i silicone a piece of plastic underneath it to stregnthen it to make sure it doesn't break
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    The Right Gear

    what would you recomend for the same size and similar price instead of the juwel
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    The Right Gear

    are they really worth getting, how much and any recomended?
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    The Right Gear

    how much am i looking at for the substrate and what would you advise. I wanted a gravel about 2-3mm in diameter good point on the filter, forgot about the juwel one. No not on a budget. Just trying to avoid MTS by taking a long time building and stocking. Any other suggestions
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    The Right Gear

    I am saving up a little a week for my new tank. I will be buying each piece of equipment when i have saved the money, its going to take me about 6 months to get the tank up and running. Its going to be this years project. I would like any opinions on the equipment iam using and can anyone think...
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    How Long Will It Last

    thanks evryone
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    How Long Will It Last

    should be able to cut it to an hour if i get a hand wanted to get most of the water out. want to change gravel to sand and id proabibly get water evrywhere if the tank is full
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    How Long Will It Last

    i have a internal and an external. would it be okay to keep the internal running in a bucket and leave the external off then maybe the internal will give the external a boost when put back in the tank ???
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    How Long Will It Last

    how long would beneficial bacteria last in my filter if i turned it off. I want to redecorate my tank (substrate and decorations) and will be keeping my fish in buckets while i am doing it, should take no more than an hour and a half. will most of my beneficial bacteria in my filter be okay in...
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    Filter Recomendations

    im using a fluval 105 (external). suited to 100l (25usg) i dont find it puts out too much current and is easy to maintain. Would recomend it. Basket for carbon floss and biomedia + room for foams hope this helps jon
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    New Oscar Pond Diary!

    did you check how many gallons it was when you filled it up???
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    thats what i thought. i will rign about as soon as i finish work tomorrow. hope he doesn't stress the other fish out too much in the meantime!! thanks 4 the quick reply
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    hi i have 2 male swordtails and 2 female swordtails. The larger of the males is chasing the other swords about and looks as though he's trying to bite the others. Th smaller one's tail has only been developing over the past week and a half. is this a territorial thing and should i get rid of one...
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    Will They Fit

    really like the look of the black skirt tetras
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    Will They Fit

    ok cheers. i'll have a look
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    Will They Fit

    do you have any sugestions
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    Will They Fit

    what about Corydoras 4 daino 4 3 spot gourami 2f 1m black skirt tetra 8 cardinal tetra 8 rasbora 6
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    Will They Fit

    These in a juwel rio 180 Cardinal Tetras 8 Black Skirt Tetras 8 Rosy Barbs 5m 3 Spot Gouramis 2f 1m Corydoras 4 Scissortail 4 2 Questions 1 will they go together 2 is it overstocked cheers
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    What Would You Get

    have u got any pics
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    A Little Help

    Post your opinions as i cant decide on a tank Juwel Rio 240 £350 tank,stand(beech veneer), hood(beech veneer), filter/hearer Fluval Duo Deep 1200 £270 tank, stand(beech veneer), hood(plastic) hilter, heater plastic plants and a few extra bits and bobs. Im looking for opinions on value for...
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    What Would You Get

    really fancy the mbuna tank, juswent an bought a book from my lfs on them. had a look at the tanks too and i cant decide between a fluval duo deep 1200 or a juwel rio 240. someone help me make my mind up. is it worth the extra pennies for the internal filter/heater in the juwel or should i get...
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    What Would You Get

    hi, i have decided with your help to get a 55g tank, it is a fluval duo deep 1200. i can't decide what to stock it with though, i either want a mbuna cichlid tank or a community tank with rams, barbs, tetras, gouramis and coreys/catfish. i cant decide an was hoping you could help make my mind...
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    What To Put In My 5 Gal. Tank?

    You would only get 1 male betta in there. its too small for anything else. or possible an ADF. shure someone will correct me if im wrong